Release v1.2.0 elgato stream deck button plugin for elite dangerous

I assume that you are not using a tool like autohotkey or voiceattack to block keypresses?
Otherwise, I've run out of ideas what the problem could be I'm afraid ...
Just want to say, thanks for this plugin.

I finally got around to getting it working by reading the actual instructions properly, (missing key bindings for the HOTAS buttons).

One suggestion/request:
The hyperspace button is very useful with the number of jumps left information at the top of the button.
Would it be possible to also add a red bar or some other indication at the bottom of the button to indicate that this is your last chance to refuel star?
I know this information is calculated when you first set the route or open the galaxy map, and it pops up a small message when you enter the system, but I'm not sure the game shares the information with outside clients.
the game does not share information about jump range/fuel usage.
To have the plugin calculate jump range (i.e. by looking at your ship's mass and installed modules)
and work out after how many jumps in your planned route, you will be out of fuel, and which stars in your planned route are actually scoopable (KGBFOAM) is a lot of work.
I'll have to think about it some more...
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Here's a variation on the default design for those who don't like to deviate too much from the base design but would like a different 'flavour' so to speak. The first main difference is that there is a chevron pattern in the background for mode switches, with the appropriate colour coding. Secondly, the text has been capitalized and the font has been changed. There are also some other subtle differences, plus a bonus FSD toggle button.

To install you can either close down the Stream Deck software and overwrite all the current images then fire it up again, or you can create a separate folder for the buttons and manually import the ones you want to Stream Deck in the usual way.



    751.5 KB · Views: 473
Can you give a rough ideas on how would i proceed to add more toggle functions?

I'd like to be able to open the right, left comms and status panels from the Stream Deck.

You can use the 'Hotkey' button type, that is built into the streamdeck.

Or you can use the new version that I just released, that adds a new 'static' button type, that does the same as the 'hotkey' button, but gets the binding from the game instead. (so, just a single image with no game state integration

note that without a primary or secondary keyboard binding,in Elite, it won't work.
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version 2.0.8

adds static button type


works the same as the hotkey button type, only gets the keyboard binding from the game.

Like all the other buttons, this only works if a primary or secondary keyboard binding exists.

No new example button images are included with the source code.

ONLY add an image to a STATIC button in this way, do NOT set this image for any of the other button types :


Animated gif files are only supported for the STATIC buttons.
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Amazing work on the plugin, it works a charm and I also got the SuperMacro plugin to create command streams (setting a specific power configuration with a single keypress, for example). The only thing that it seems not to work for me if the speed presets: I have a key associated with the command in the key list of the game but the command in the stream deck plugin seems to have no effect...everything else seems to work like a charm

EDIT: I found the reason, you can't have a SHIFT+key associated to the command. it's working now
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I never did get the SCB button to work. I have it mapped the 'Z' key on the keyboard, nothing on the primary mapping, the Z key works fine in-game, the SCB button turns red at times, the Stream Deck button prints a "z" when it is pressed (in Notepad). However pressing the Stream Deck key does not deploy a Shield Cell. Other Elite buttons work great
can you send me your binds file ?

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<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
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<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
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<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
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<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
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<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
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<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
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my binding looks like this :

<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Secondary Device="Keyboard" Key="Key_Q">
<Modifier Device="Keyboard" Key="Key_LeftAlt" />
<Modifier Device="Keyboard" Key="Key_RightShift" />

does that work for you ? (so. a key with alt and shift modifiers instead of only the key) ?
I tested your exact Z key setting for <UseShieldCell> and it works ok for me...
So, unfortunately, I can't reproduce your problem.

perhaps it's a timing issue between the keydown event and the keyup event?

please try if it works for you with additional alt/shift modifiers (see previous post above)
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