We ALL should protest against FDev while stop playing Elite dangerous!!!

I have enough of this nerf meta from FDev.. really, I'm just tired about this. AND I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks so.


The only answer to all "unplanned" things can't be to just put out the nerf hammer.
We need real solutions!

Listen, ALL ways where you can climb the grind-ladder faster, FDev nerf it.
-You can make faster money? nerf it.
-You can get faster reputation? nerf it.
-You can rank up fast at your power? nerf it. and so on. I guess you get it what I'm talking about.

The major issue with Elite is that your time you invest in this game is not worth it in comparison to the rewards you get.

And so I'm not surprised that the goldrush meta popped out. I can understand these people.

It makes me really happy, when I read posts/comments in forums where players made billions of credits in just few hours with the skimmer missions.
That's a big middle finger to FDev and their nerf meta.
I personally didn't take that chance. Unfortunately I was in Colonia.

TO ALL PEOPLE who might write/say:" Elite dangerous grind isn't that much, you can get anything fast and also have some fun".

Well..., let me say this to you all unemployed 24/7 players: ALOT of people have also a real life. When people came home from school, work or university, they want just relax and not get to their second job lol!!!! Because Elite grind feels like a second job. You CAN'T really relax.

We, the players, didn't do anything against this nerf meta, and so FDev think they can do anything but the forget that we, the players, made them what they are now. Means without us, the players, FDev is nothing!!

So hereby,
I invite all players to stop playing Elite,at least for a while. And take a pause.
FDev should realize that they exceeded a line we don't accept anymore!
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Na, it isn't that big of a deal. Developers often have to make small and large scale changes after a big release. I'm getting along just fine without the few mission types that are in the shop. Maybe there's a bunch that feel like me too.

Your stereotypes and insults just put me off to any suggestion you may make.

Fly safe Commander.
Can I have your stuff?

I have a wife, a 10 months old daughter, a job and I am currently building a house. I don't have much time playing ED but when I have the time I don't feel like progression is too slow. Since you are unable to voice your opinion without realising that it's just an opinion I suggest that you and the rest of the vocal minority move on to a game that fulfills your needs for instant gratification.
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You may not be the only one who thinks this, but there are a lot of people who do not agree with you either. This is another one of “those” threads.
I'm just trying to stay away from the store until I feel more satisfied with the game. Beyond is a net neutral in a lot of areas and only a minor improvement in others so I'm not currently in a spending mood. But if they start responding to our feedback in ways other than removing entire categories of missions because you can get too much money, I will probably change my mind.
It's funny that most of the nerfs have been called for by "we, the players". Rember the most important thing about any gaming forum. The forum represents a tiny minority of actual players, even if everyone on the forum stopped playing, it would barely register in the statistics. Stuff happens, deal with it or not
Yeah no I am not gonna stop playing because you need to make money at a slightly slower pace than 3.1 at launch but still leagues faster than you could prior to 2.3, 2.1, 2.0. etc..etc..

Credits, rank, and mats come faster than ever, easier than ever. I'm sorry that's not good enough for you but it's fine for me.
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