Newcomer / Intro What are you up to?

Last one for today.
Sorry this is Quain's sense of humour, not mine :rolleyes:
Did someone mention painting an Orca?
Pictures required 🙃
The Bronze Mermaid, a play thing I keep in Colonia rather than full time exploration vessel. She did take a famous explorer to Explorers Anchorage and back via Sagittarius A* to Colonia once, though.

That sure is a pretty orca alright. Yes here are a few photos of the Orca and from the trip, thanks for asking, twist my arm etc.,

Showcasing the schoolbus-like finish,

Showcasing the challenge parking of our classic offroad sightseeing tours - and a before paint job picture in classic "Saud Kruger Exciting White"

It's those Saud Kruger curves I tell you what. And here was a fine view of the Cat's Paw -I think that was NGC 6357- nebula, I believe this is on the way from Helgrind Gateway to the Hawking's Gap. Right out the port porthole! Or left rather! What a view
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Livestream with zero details again. At least it appears that the game will continue. But they've given us nothing to look forward to. Weird.
Well they have given the console owners an outline of the forthcoming transfer option and everyone the information that there will be 3 more updates this year and something new net year.

The fact that the game continues is something to look forward to in itself.
I would let you know, very nice after the races possible even. Just thought I would let you know, Fly hard No issues windows. Should I reinstall the game.
Thank the gods of flying I have suggestion about landing more on the front wheels. I think I was trying to land flat, at the same time avoiding complain too much but it seems Not.
Just thought I would let you know after the races, sys. please? complain but it seems unnecessary.....


[muted] 🤐🧠🤕💊🩺💉♿
Oh I agree. I just find it odd that they didn't give anything more specific to look forward to. There will be something. They just aren't saying what. It's an odd way to run a game. I'll be here, either way :)
The 12 month road map, I found underwhelming. I am going by what Down to Earth Astronomy published in youtube. New mission variant in May - probably an on foot mission variant that I'm never likely to play. My expectations were raised and dashed when they talked about a new mission variant for an earlier update, and it turned out to be defend a McGuffin in a base from on foot invaders. I played that game loop to death 20 years ago in the Half Life Counter Strike game extension.
After that, its story narrative stuff. That means its set dressing story with no meaningful game play contribution (CGs are just existing game play loops dressed up), or fight more Thargoids. You seem to need to be good at FA off piloting with fixed mount weapons to fight Thargoid Interceptors and their swarms. I'm no good at it, so I do other things I find fun. So I'm not really excited about more Thargoid content - unless they want to open up a permit locked area and have a mystery to solve while exploring that relates to Thargoids. Trouble is, there will always be someone that stays awake for 24 hours to be the first to solve the puzzle and make a youtube video about it.
I hope the optimisation they talk off resolves things like excessive pixelization of planet surfaces while exploring and horrible frame rates approaching stations. Oh, and I see rocks being rendered in front of me on planets. They need to be rendered before I see them.
Still, I do enjoy enough aspects of the game to keep playing and enjoy it.
It's been a bit slow on the exploration and exobiological front for the past view days. Planets with bio signs seem relatively few and far between and, those I do come across, have rather elusive plants. However, I did capture this odd looking specimen on camera - I'm sure it's not rare and has been photographed before but it was a first for me:

The 12 month road map, I found underwhelming. I am going by what Down to Earth Astronomy published in youtube. New mission variant in May - probably an on foot mission variant that I'm never likely to play. My expectations were raised and dashed when they talked about a new mission variant for an earlier update, and it turned out to be defend a McGuffin in a base from on foot invaders. I played that game loop to death 20 years ago in the Half Life Counter Strike game extension.
After that, its story narrative stuff. That means its set dressing story with no meaningful game play contribution (CGs are just existing game play loops dressed up), or fight more Thargoids. You seem to need to be good at FA off piloting with fixed mount weapons to fight Thargoid Interceptors and their swarms. I'm no good at it, so I do other things I find fun. So I'm not really excited about more Thargoid content - unless they want to open up a permit locked area and have a mystery to solve while exploring that relates to Thargoids. Trouble is, there will always be someone that stays awake for 24 hours to be the first to solve the puzzle and make a youtube video about it.
I hope the optimisation they talk off resolves things like excessive pixelization of planet surfaces while exploring and horrible frame rates approaching stations. Oh, and I see rocks being rendered in front of me on planets. They need to be rendered before I see them.
Still, I do enjoy enough aspects of the game to keep playing and enjoy it.
I've watched Burr Pit take on the road map announcement which includes a short piece of the original video. So detail on what the new narrative coming will be are light so as to not spoil the surprise. It sounds like it can mean new game features. I take it back. I'm intrigued.
I've watched Burr Pit take on the road map announcement which includes a short piece of the original video. So detail on what the new narrative coming will be are light so as to not spoil the surprise. It sounds like it can mean new game features. I take it back. I'm intrigued.
Kinda depends on what they do. If it's something like the appearance of the Thargoids was (sudden, unexpected, and awesome to see -- and it changed the galaxy a bit), then it could be cool. If it is just some text about some out of game events and a few CGs (like the Salvation stuff...zzz), then it won't be very exciting. It's nice to stay positive, though :) Here's hoping they really do have some nifty stuff planned.
Kinda depends on what they do. If it's something like the appearance of the Thargoids was (sudden, unexpected, and awesome to see -- and it changed the galaxy a bit), then it could be cool. If it is just some text about some out of game events and a few CGs (like the Salvation stuff...zzz), then it won't be very exciting. It's nice to stay positive, though :) Here's hoping they really do have some nifty stuff planned.
As of today I hope stability and optimisations means we can actually see all Nebulas we fly 1000s on in game light years to see. Some of them appear, but 'Flamimg Torch Nebula' is one that I can only see in Horizons. It's somewhat fundamental to the exploration side of the game.
But yes, stay positive....
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