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I considered getting the Prismatic Shield, but everything I read about it said it wasn't worth it - that even though they're tough, you basically have to dock to recharge them because even with engineering it can take upwards of 5 to 10 minutes for them to recharge to 100%.
I don’t power play so this is just from forum chat and stats.

I see them as potentially useful for an explorer or trader that wants better protection than using the smallest shield slot would provide. The recharge time shouldn’t be a factor in single fight encounters so I assume handy for assassins.

Then of course there are tanked cutters.

But as with everything it comes down to what works for you and your playstile, the cost mass and recharge times wouldn’t make me that fond of them but even if they were a lot better the power play aspect would still put me off.
Ship recall...

From SRV, then hopping out to flatten scan that last pancake bacterium - attempted to land almost 4km away & then gave up...


Again, on foot - from almost the same position - less than 160m... ;p

I don’t power play so this is just from forum chat and stats.

I see them as potentially useful for an explorer or trader that wants better protection than using the smallest shield slot would provide. The recharge time shouldn’t be a factor in single fight encounters so I assume handy for assassins.

Then of course there are tanked cutters.

But as with everything it comes down to what works for you and your playstile, the cost mass and recharge times wouldn’t make me that fond of them but even if they were a lot better the power play aspect would still put me off.
They are very niche and aimed pretty much solely on being able to survive a single encounter, so usually used by people doing PvP. If you're in a situation where you're fighting multiple targets (NPCs) so a CZ for example, then they just slowly get whittled down over time and can't recharge in between dogfights. I bought loads of them, and they just sit in storage. I think only one is being used, on my smuggling Python which is just used for mission running where I'll occasionally get interdicted.
I considered getting the Prismatic Shield, but everything I read about it said it wasn't worth it - that even though they're tough, you basically have to dock to recharge them because even with engineering it can take upwards of 5 to 10 minutes for them to recharge to 100%.
I think the use cases for Prismatic shields are limited. There is the obvious more MJ from a smaller generator for cargo or passenger ships, but a regular engineered shields does well enough.
The one situation they are indispensable for me is on my Corvette. I use it for High CZs supporting my player faction. When special ops opponents turn up they often all attack me at once. Under sustained fire a biweave or any shield will not recharge. Highest possible MJs and good resistances coupled with 2 x engineered class 7 shield cell banks is the way for the shields to almost always last out the whole conflict zone. There is no substitute. This set up also means threat 8 wing pirate assassination missions can be done solo eliminating all enemies.
I also farm bounties at compromised nav beacons for the influence it adds to the faction where I cash them in. A biweave could work here, but I find the shields and shield cell banks last longer than the huge MC ammo anyway.
So recharging these Prismatics is done via cell banks or when docked. It's OK that the recharge rate is so slow. It's OK the repair from broken is so slow, because they only break in High CZs if I mess up my strategy - its happened twice ever.
These situations might not be relevant to your play style, so Prismatics may well be worthless to you. The Corvette is the only ship they are a must have for the way I use it.
And I was doing those today in mine and on one occasion just about bought the farm. I'm going to have to look into them after all, I think. Thanks large for the advice.
This is my approach
I have fire groups set up so I can trigger a heatsink and both cell banks at the same time. This restores 25% of total shield strength.
Therein lies my personal issue with the current Thargoid war. I’m appreciative of the narrative, I’m appreciative of the way it’s boosted the community and reignited interest, but…

I mean, at this point I’ve done at least a hundred rescue runs, and they’re all the same.
  • Take off from rescue ship in Tarach Tor, and head for target system.
  • Get hyperdicted on final jump into target system.
  • Make it into target system, get interdicted once or twice by scouts.
  • Land, fill up, head back to Tarach Tor.
  • Receive several “mission updates” because pirates are coming.
  • Arrive in Tarach Tor, observe same few comments from NPC pirates, and avoid the couple of interdictions.
  • Land at rescue ship, unload passengers and escape pods.
  • Return to step one.
I see people on Inara who have logged 100 times the amount of rescue missions I’ve done, and I can only think “How?!?!”

CZs are starting to have the same effect. At least there’s a wee bit more variance, and it’s great fun with a wing/friends.

But they really need to start spicing it up. Until then, I think I might return to exobio for a bit.
I don't think I would have the stamina to do more than five of those rescue missions in a row before having to go somewhere else doing something completely different...
I think the only way I would be able to "survive" in these warzones would be
1. doing a rescue mission,
2. switch ships and harass some scouts,
3. switch again to investigate the maelstrom,
4. go somewhere without Thargs to collect some materials,
5. run a few delivery missions
before returning to point 1.
And probably mix in some other activities I didn't think of now...
Repeat that for let's say 5 times and I would have to go exploring for a few days to recover.

But that is just me. Someone else runs 50 rescue missions a day whithout any signs of fatigue. We're all different, which is good.

That being said, I nevertheless agree that some of the game mechanics could use an overhaul.
I had an interesting session, I found some of those jawbreaker thingy's right after bugbait posted his screen shot (got a codex too).

Recalled the ship and she hit a bullseye, you can still see the contrail.

Am I good or what? I have the auto lander trained real well.

Fumarole cycle's, yet another codex.
I've got the hang of manual docking again after I accidentally launched the T9 minus a docking computer once more, when I meant to launch the Asp X. :sneaky:

Easy-peasy this time for some reason now I remember how to do it, but I guess it's a lot easier on a fleet carrier than manually docking in a mail-slot station, especially a busy one when the pad you're given is tucked in a corner near the entrance, or even worse a Coriolis station where you have to find the mail slot entrance first, before even attempting to land on any pad. I'm not sure how I used to manage it back in 2015 when I didn't use a DC, but somehow I did... :whistle:
I've got the hang of manual docking again after I accidentally launched the T9 minus a docking computer once more, when I meant to launch the Asp X. :sneaky:

Easy-peasy this time for some reason now I remember how to do it, but I guess it's a lot easier on a fleet carrier than manually docking in a mail-slot station, especially a busy one when the pad you're given is tucked in a corner near the entrance, or even worse a Coriolis station where you have to find the mail slot entrance first, before even attempting to land on any pad. I'm not sure how I used to manage it back in 2015 when I didn't use a DC, but somehow I did... :whistle:
Sounds like you're missing out on some of the probem solving ED presents... ;)
Today's exploration curiosity. Ringed neutron star in a system with 5 black holes and several other stars. Barnards Loop can be seen in the background.
A mere 145 jump detour to visit...
Crikey, I didn't even know there WAS such a thing as a ringed neutron star. I bet it's still only worth peanuts with Cartographics though, when it should be at least up there with a Stratum Tectonica's worth at Vista.

I wonder if it's possible to mine those rings if they contain anything worth having?
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