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I've had a bad day for crashing into planets. I'm multi tasking while exploring using supercruise assist intending to orbit the next planet I want to DSS until ready. Supercruise assist is crashing me into planet exclusions zones about 30% of the time 🤷😳
Set the throttle to 0% after you enable SCA. If there's something in the way it will stop and you can take over manually when you get back to the cockpit.
Apart from the realism I was thinking Duke Nukem, but my memories of him are from last century so maybe he has been updated.
It is the Duke. If you check the newsreel on the bottom of the footage, you'll find his name in there.

But I wouldn't be surprised to find guys looking like him in other games, as he is such a stereotype. I know at least one quite famous beat 'em up that has a char in it's ranks that could be the Duke's older brother.
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The important thing: I never did "grind". I just played, and I had fun.
Thinking about it, I might want to revise this statement. I never felt like I was grinding, because I had fun doing what I did. Another person might consider running... I don't know how many, maybe a few hundred? of missions as "grind". But I genuinely had fun and just enjoyed progressing and, by the end, "steamrolling" over settlements :).
Thinking about it, I might want to revise this statement. I never felt like I was grinding, because I had fun doing what I did. Another person might consider running... I don't know how many, maybe a few hundred? of missions as "grind". But I genuinely had fun and just enjoyed progressing and, by the end, "steamrolling" over settlements :).
As life tends to repeat itself, there is a certain amount of acceptance, as long as it is a similar mission, but not 100% the same.
I tend to get distracted sometimes, like, a mission takes me to a system that I haven't been before and its planets are marked "unexplored", I might, if the mission and real life time restraints allow me to, go on and FSS the system before I complete the mission. If I should stumble across some HGEs, it is very likely that I collect those, also.
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As life tends to repeat itself, there is a certain amount of acceptance, as long as it is a similar mission, but not 100% the same.
I tend to get diestracted sometimes, like, a mission takes me to a system that I haven't been before and its planets are marked "unexplored", I might, if the mission and real life time restraints allow me to, go on and FSS the system before I complete the mission. If I should stumble across some HGEs, it is very likely that I collect those, also.
I get what you mean. I try to spread my activities over multiple settlements instead of "farming" one settlement over and over. That way it isn't exactly the same every time. Although there are limited variants of the layouts and I have been to all of them by now, I still have to familiarize myself with the settlement when I arrive. I have to see how the personnel is distributed, spot out their patterns, in case of covert or non-violent missions plan my way to my target. And then there is still the element of surprise when something goes wrong and I have to go loud, or in case of poweron missions, waves of scavengers arrive or are already there when I arrive and I have to improvise. Or at the very least I have to decide how I want to proceed - stealth or go loud, go guns blazing or pick them off one by one from the roof tops. There is enough variety that it keeps me entertained for hours.

I dunno, it's fun. I enjoy doing it. At the end nearly always is the task of looting the place, which can get repetitive, but I actually don't mind that either. What I mind most is waiting for the power center to shut down :).
Still in HIP 115991 …hmm some spikey things :]



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Thinking about it, I might want to revise this statement. I never felt like I was grinding, because I had fun doing what I did. Another person might consider running... I don't know how many, maybe a few hundred? of missions as "grind". But I genuinely had fun and just enjoyed progressing and, by the end, "steamrolling" over settlements :).
It's a strange thing to me. I hate grind. Seriously. But I did find the grind for on-foot stuff weirdly rewarding. That's not to say the whole thing doesn't need an overhaul - it does - but it could also do with a (almost) a redo from scratch.

CMDRs all over have come up with great ideas so I really feel FDev ought to at least implement some.

But hey, who am I? Perhaps most of it would be impossible due to things like code. Which I have very little knowledge of.

However, I do know that, given money and resource, great things can be achieved. I've seen it done and done well when I was at work.
I only have three ships, Anaconda, Krait Mk II, and my Vulture I went to Colonia in (max jump range 12 Ly). So there, take that. :confused:
As of now, I have all small size ships (except the Cobra MK IV, for obvious reasons) and eight of the medium sized ones...

Going to Colonia in that ship makes my frequent traversing the bubble with no scoop and a small fuel tank look like an easy task, though...
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CMDRs all over have come up with great ideas so I really feel FDev ought to at least implement some.

Yep, let’s hope they’ve gotten their breath back - that’s what the past half a year or so seems to have been about, ie: the whole war, which essentially uses a lot of existing assets quite resourcefully to deliver something new in terms of narrative and that keeps quite a lot of combat-oriented players busy… hopefully by now there’s the energy, time and resources to build on this and deliver the next something really new now sometime soonish …wonder what’s going to happen now that more intrepid pilots should be able to get closer to the eye of the storm centre of the maelstrom? :]
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Only a few mn before I can purchase my 6A Prismatic Shield and start engineering it, looking at Thermal resistant L5 and Fast Charge...
I considered getting the Prismatic Shield, but everything I read about it said it wasn't worth it - that even though they're tough, you basically have to dock to recharge them because even with engineering it can take upwards of 5 to 10 minutes for them to recharge to 100%.
I considered getting the Prismatic Shield, but everything I read about it said it wasn't worth it - that even though they're tough, you basically have to dock to recharge them because even with engineering it can take upwards of 5 to 10 minutes for them to recharge to 100%.
Never had myself tbh, but a squadmate had them on his Cutter… they just never broke, even over an entire evening of PVE pirate massacres ;]
That hail to the king guy looks like "Sarge" from Quake III Arena, one of my favorite all time games.
I also remember playing a bit of that - in fact it was the first time i played a multiplayer game on a “LAN”, when a friend of mine hooked up two of those old candy-colour bubble iMacs with a crossover cable… i think we played with those “hockey puck” mice even :geek:
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