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You gotta love them Apex pilots. They're the best.

Even though they get caught off guard by the extended exclusion zones of some unscoopable stars every once in a while.
I've had a few that have an unhealthy attraction to noob hammers.. :)

Then there are those that might get confused when changing landing destination and spend a long time zigzagging up and down trying to make it to the new settlement destination.

I often wonder what they think when they come to pick me up. First the settlement goes offline, then I come bunny jumping, and when I board guards starts shooting at the ship. The only comment a dry, strap yourself in and enjoy the ride.. Cool headed guys and gals. :)

OK BUT YOU CAN'T HAVE DARRYL!!! He waited in orbit overnight and I can only fault good old Darryl for not picking up a continental breakfast. And yet, a good colonian Apex driver is Darryl. How much of this 12k fee actually goes to the driver anyway? I broke him off a snack pack of karsuki locusts and we washed it down with his emergency Indi bourbon and toodle-oo!
Spin up FC drive. Jump. Wait for cooldown. Spin up FC drive... the road home is a long one. Ish.

🎼 "Country roads, take me home..."🎵

I would play that in C# on my guitar but I have no idea what C# sounds like, where on any instrument it is or, indeed, what a "flat" note actually is. In fact, I don't even have a guitar.
I sing that song now and then as part of my Friday livestream thingy I do.

It was my Grandma's favorite song, and I used to sing it to her from time to time, if I had my guitar with me.

She's long gone now, but I still love that song myself.
On my way I had to pay a visit to Omicron velorum B, a 3.2852 solar mass little black hole nearby messing around with the photons coming a long way from the Horsehead & Co nebulae.

According to this Schwarzschild radius calculator, that's a little less than 20kms diameter event horizon with some nasty gravitational field, but also according to this, the average AspX not willing to go closer than a bit more three times said radius is supposed to be in the innermost circulable orbit before having to lose 6% of her mass converted to energy and then falling completely onto it.
I wonder if this "3 times the radius" is consistant with most black holes in ED, though...

Well, I am not a physician, but I trust my ship's computer if he thinks that's a bad idea to convert our mass into energy blablablah and that the morron piece of meat who thinks he's in charge should rather try not to touch every buttons until we 've reached our Guardian site hopefuly in one single assembly.
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I've had a few that have an unhealthy attraction to noob hammers.. :)

Then there are those that might get confused when changing landing destination and spend a long time zigzagging up and down trying to make it to the new settlement destination.

I often wonder what they think when they come to pick me up. First the settlement goes offline, then I come bunny jumping, and when I board guards starts shooting at the ship. The only comment a dry, strap yourself in and enjoy the ride.. Cool headed guys and gals. :)
When I was in Colonia I used an Apex to visit an Outpost which strangely was embedded in a ring, it got quite exciting as the pilot dropped out a good way from it and then proceeded to try and fly as direct a line as possible ignoring far to many rocks along the way.

Spin up FC drive. Jump. Wait for cooldown. Spin up FC drive... the road home is a long one. Ish.

🎼 "Country roads, take me home..."🎵

I would play that in C# on my guitar but I have no idea what C# sounds like, where on any instrument it is or, indeed, what a "flat" note actually is. In fact, I don't even have a guitar.
Use an air guitar, they keep better tune.
I'm getting closer, I'm wondering if that means I've destroyed 16,608 ships?
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Some ships could have multiple bounties on them especially if you use a Kill Warrant Scanner which would mean you have destroyed fewer ships, however if you have been destroying ships without bounties like those in a Conflict Zone or clean ships then your total will be higher.
Some ships could have multiple bounties on them especially if you use a Kill Warrant Scanner which would mean you have destroyed fewer ships, however if you have been destroying ships without bounties like those in a Conflict Zone or clean ships then your total will be higher.
That seems like a very high number to me, I was thinking maybe half that, I don't really know.
OK BUT YOU CAN'T HAVE DARRYL!!! He waited in orbit overnight and I can only fault good old Darryl for not picking up a continental breakfast. And yet, a good colonian Apex driver is Darryl. How much of this 12k fee actually goes to the driver anyway? I broke him off a snack pack of karsuki locusts and we washed it down with his emergency Indi bourbon and toodle-oo!
I don't need Darryl. I got Dallas.
Well, I am not a physician, but I trust my ship's computer if he thinks that's a bad idea to convert our mass into energy blablablah and that the morron piece of meat who thinks he's in charge should rather try not to touch every buttons until we 've reached our Guardian site hopefuly in one single assembly.
Firstly, whaddya mean "trust him" - Verity is a Smart Girl.

Secondly, 3r is the boundary for stable orbits. If you stick it in parking orbit at 3.000001 radii it'll still be there when you get back. 2.99999, no guarantees. It will orbit but the orbit will precess and eventually the small wiggle enters a runaway condition and you'll have a big wiggle and if that wiggles below 2r, you got problems.
I'm getting closer, I'm wondering if that means I've destroyed 16,608 ships?
Well I am at 21,137 in Inara’s hunting badge and at 16% on my way to Elite 1.

It seems about right to me but it is bounties not ships and I have used the KWS a lot so the ships figure is probably lower.
It seems to me the cumulated bounties for both flying combat and on foot combat, because mine says 520 and I am absolutely sure I am less than 100 PvE ship fights.

On the other hand, I did quite a lot on foot missions while completely avoiding ship combats, and I noticed that my Combat rank upgraded the same with every on foot bandit killing, whereas Mercenary only focuses on on foot CZ (no scavs, anarchy raids, etc...)

Say every time you vaporize in seconds with your SRV half a dozen scavs around the wreck you need to collect something, it's the same amount of "victories" like you fought 6 wanted ships in combat (the kills count no matter the credits per kill in this very stat apparently)

And that was a pretty bad surprise when I realised the flying foes upgraded accordingly while I completely neglegted both ship combat training and equipment upgrading for a while doing said on-foot content.

Edit: I may be wrong, but being newer to the game than most of you, I think its way easier for me to keep the count, and also, being low ranks means they grow relatively easily, so I could literallysee my right panel ranks filling after the wipe out of anarchy settlements in the loot of memory sticks and glue sticks.
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When I was in Colonia I used an Apex to visit an Outpost which strangely was embedded in a ring, it got quite exciting as the pilot dropped out a good way from it and then proceeded to try and fly as direct a line as possible ignoring far to many rocks along the way.

Use an air guitar, they keep better tune.
Great for String on a G Air, not so good for Handel's Water Music.

Haven't seen an outpost in a ring but I did find one orbiting a shepherd moon which seemed... brave.
It seems to me the cumulated bounties for both flying combat and on foot combat, because mine says 520 and I am absolutely sure I am less than 100 PvE ship fights.

On the other hand, I did quite a lot on foot missions while completely avoiding ship combats, and I noticed that my Combat rank upgraded the same with every on foot bandit killing, whereas Mercenary only focuses on on foot CZ (no scavs, anarchy raids, etc...)

And that was a pretty bad surprise when I realised the flying foes upgraded accordingly while I completely neglegted both ship combat training and equipment upgrading for a while doing said on-foot content.

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Well according to the combat stats I have killed 33 Scavengers so on foot bounties won’t be affecting my figures much.
Well according to the combat stats I have killed 33 Scavengers so on foot bounties won’t be affecting my figures much.
Yeah, I imagine easily players like your ranks have obliterated thousands of ships for years before Odyssey even came out (whereas I almost started Odyssey directly and got distracted by that)
But I have that impression that slaughtering anarchy settlement employees does not count as scavs while still having bounties or something. I also didn't killed that much scavs according to my stats whereas I did quite a lot anarchy looting on my own no mission-related.:unsure:
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Yeah, I imagine easily players like your ranks have obliterated thousands of ships for years before Odyssey even came out (whereas I almost started Odyssey directly and got distracted by that)
But I have that impression that slaughtering anarchy settlement employees does not count as scavs while still having bounties or something. I also didn't killed that much scavs according to my stats whereas I did quite a lot anarchy looting on my own no mission-related.:unsure:
Yes I have indeed destroyed very many ships to such good effect that combat was the first Elite I achieved. However I have done very little on foot combat almost all of that being against scavengers I was actually surprised I had that many kills.
Firstly, whaddya mean "trust him" - Verity is a Smart Girl.

Secondly, 3r is the boundary for stable orbits. If you stick it in parking orbit at 3.000001 radii it'll still be there when you get back. 2.99999, no guarantees. It will orbit but the orbit will precess and eventually the small wiggle enters a runaway condition and you'll have a big wiggle and if that wiggles below 2r, you got problems.
Mine's Amélie, and I'm pretty sure he it's a chip pretending being a woman.

Yeah, for the few I've visited, it always seems consistant with that rule. I'm wondering on my own because I've read a ton of old conversations on the web over the years about BH in ED being good or being bad, but as far as I can tell (not being an astrophysicist, just read some books and a few conference, mostly by Thorn and Luminet) they seem like perfectly fine Schwarzschild black holes, and the fact some people complaining about not seeing a huge black void I believe is because of documentaries and movies trying to emphasise and exagerating, but a 20km diameter sphere about 30km away from your ship while in the compressed picture of a computer screen seems quite the stellar black holes we have in ED: a rather small dark point with a mess of gravitational lensing around it.

So both the rendering and the safety distance the ship won't cross seems good to me according to my limited knowledge and tools, that and sometimes a simulation needs round-ups and shortcuts most likely for gameplay purpose and ease of computing, and by seeing the mathematical mess orbiting on rotating BH is, I'm glad we don't have that in ED:
Amélie would have fired me for incompetence.
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So both the rendering and the safety distance the ship won't cross seems good to me according to my limited knowledge and tools, that and sometimes a simulation needs round-ups and shortcuts most likely for gameplay purpose and ease of computing, and by seeing the mathematical mess orbiting on rotating BH is, I'm glad we don't have that in ED:
Amélie would have fired me for incompetence.
That's strange because I got caught in a gravity well of something I couldn't see (in-between two galactic arms), no stars to create a lensing effect. It dumped me out of supercruise and when I started it back up, I got the blue escape vector in front of me. There was nothing on the HUD for 10 seconds, then something popped up but I left in a hurry, just wanted to leave, now! :confused:
OK BUT YOU CAN'T HAVE DARRYL!!! He waited in orbit overnight and I can only fault good old Darryl for not picking up a continental breakfast. And yet, a good colonian Apex driver is Darryl. How much of this 12k fee actually goes to the driver anyway? I broke him off a snack pack of karsuki locusts and we washed it down with his emergency Indi bourbon and toodle-oo!
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He'll have to work a bit more (poor guy) than those 100mil (or even more) an hour commanders.. :)
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