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Looks like something from "Two Tone Records" :D

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I am a SKA child of the 80's. I just about made it into Gen X the year Star Wars came out. Though my knowledge is very mainstream. Madness, The Specials etc.
I'm still using the DS4 controller (and sofa) from my console days, I think I've found a way to do just about everything I want with 2-button combinations and long holds. Had to make some compromises of course - I mapped one button to cycle through grenade types, rather than have different buttons for different types, for example.

I use a mini wireless keyboard for things like typing in the galaxy map though - I wearied of navigating around the letters on the virtual keyboard.
I tried an xBox controller with the SRV and it felt better than the HOTUS. I just felt like it lacked too many options. If I was really patient and gave it a good test I reckon I might be able to get that setup working.
I tried an xBox controller with the SRV and it felt better than the HOTUS. I just felt like it lacked too many options. If I was really patient and gave it a good test I reckon I might be able to get that setup working.
I've used an xBox controller exclusively, I had my right hand injured in the military and have a couple of partial amputations on my fingers and it's the only thing I found that works well. I can tweak it around in my lap to reach buttons. We always figure something out, eh? Just takes time and patients and a driving will to learn. (y)
I've used an xBox controller exclusively, I had my right hand injured in the military and have a couple of partial amputations on my fingers and it's the only thing I found that works well. I can tweak it around in my lap to reach buttons. We always figure something out, eh? Just takes time and patients and a driving will to learn. (y)
That's true. It's a little silly compared to dodging IED's, but I slashed a finger tendon and was worried I might not be able to draw properly again. Your brain and body can adapt quite well to new motor operational type circumstances though. Within limits, obviously.
You can engineer that??

Yes, if I remember it was a lone hot Jupiter surrounded by four stars, not that far from the Pencil area, the nearest Vista Genomics and Universal Cartographics spot I've found after my little trip to the Puppis sector B.

I was tracking a carrier via Inara, but their informations are a bit late, I should give a to that DSSA mapping you guys are talking about...

Well now I'm back to civilization, I'm planning to do what every gentleman would in such case: drink something strong at the station bar while listing anarchy settlements in the system. It's shopping time!
The best you can get is the pre-engineered detailed surface scanner v1. It's an unlock for mats for each unit you want, but it's far better than engineering one yourself. The pre-engineering increases the probe radius by 100%
I left Colonio county again after my premature but true announcement of a humble demise.

When I got back in the Dolphin finally a couple of days ago, the shields were still powered down, from my fatal repair job.

At the cost of a couple of light years jump range I hardened it up little bit too with shield boosters and some more power overall. I guess I went about 46 to 43. It's worth it, Saud Kruger luxury should feel more like a BMW than a Yugo. I declare, it does, at that, thanks to my friends Mel and Etienne.

Finally, I almost returned home at 750 light years having forgotten Italian COVAS again. Then I realized I could go into livery from the main menu. THEN I realized there IS not an Italian one. Pshaw! And might I try German, as in a BMW? Or Serbian, some slavic COVAS? HMM they haven't got that either but German will do

I'm speaking a Germanic language right now

Watch out!!

Sorry what means RNG?
It stands for "Random Number Generator", and refers to things that happen in a game which are controlled by it. Many events in the game (and all games) boil down to a roll of the dice, in effect.

And might I try German, as in a BMW? Or Serbian, some slavic COVAS? HMM they haven't got that either but German will do
I can speak and write English, and that's all! I admire the ability to speak and understand multiple languages!
I think these teams I get lumbered with leave very much to be desired. They can stand next to a checkpoint and never enter the blue circle to claim it. And, instead of firing at the enemy already standing one one, they prefer to run around like headless chickens.

Honestly, it feels like I'm doing all the hard work sometimes :D

Perhaps I need to get a bit Sgt. Hartman on them.


Or possibly Sgt. Zim ("Put your feet in that ring!")

I finally caught that train by watching what's next on the Mandalorian after ep1&2 I've watched some time ago before I discovered ED.

Well, ep3 is airing right now, and all I can see is a lone mercenary doing dirty jobs in exchange for mats, in order to upgrade his armour grade by grade. And not only he has to slowly gather the plates that comes in small batch, but he must go to one specific engineer in order to upgrade.
My question to the ED community is:
''Looks familiar?''
I finally caught that train by watching what's next on the Mandalorian after ep1&2 I've watched some time ago before I discovered ED.

Well, ep3 is airing right now, and all I can see is a lone mercenary doing dirty jobs in exchange for mats, in order to upgrade his armour grade by grade. And not only he has to slowly gather the plates that comes in small batch, but he must go to one specific engineer in order to upgrade.
My question to the ED community is:
''Looks familiar?''
View attachment 391517View attachment 391518
This is the way.........
This is somewhat awesome. In case you haven't seen it...

Thumbs up to @Carlo Antonio Esposito
This smells like one of the final bosses of ''homepit''. Do NEVER read pitbuilder forums or else you'll end up with one third of a F-16 or an A320 inside home before you notice, with many hundreds of flight manual pages according to the proper plane, and knowledges in milling, programming, welding... It's a dark path😱😂

Kidding aside, this is one awesome scifi pit!
This smells like one of the final bosses of ''homepit''. Do NEVER read pitbuilder forums or else you'll end up with one third of a F-16 or an A320 inside home before you notice, with many hundreds of flight manual pages according to the proper plane, and knowledges in milling, programming, welding... It's a dark path😱😂

Kidding aside, this is one awesome scifi pit!
I had the dream to build me a basic LCARS console for playing STO.
But with my tight budget, that plan got postponed indefintely.
This smells like one of the final bosses of ''homepit''. Do NEVER read pitbuilder forums or else you'll end up with one third of a F-16 or an A320 inside home before you notice, with many hundreds of flight manual pages according to the proper plane, and knowledges in milling, programming, welding... It's a dark path😱😂

Kidding aside, this is one awesome scifi pit!
One of the problems DIYing a decent home cockpit is sorting out the hydraulics.
I had the dream to build me a basic LCARS console for playing STO.
But with my tight budget, that plan got postponed indefintely.
One of the problems DIYing a decent home cockpit is sorting out the hydraulics.
I feel you, I still have a full scale frame for a homepit I've built like 10 years ago for Falcon BMS and a bunch of rotaries, secondary displays, various controllers and so on, I used SketchUp as a cheap b. CAD to make blueprints.
This was suddenly stopped by IRL reasons, but from time to time, I'm still thinking about this project.

My ''plane madness'' even lead me to change of job so I could work on actual planes for three years and learn a few details.

Nowadays, I have less time and money for it, so I'm running a simplified multipurpose version with the Warthog and rudders on a chair...
But speaking with people asking museums if they coud take measurements from planes and so on, this was great fun though.😏
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