Newcomer / Intro What are you up to?

That’s still quite a pace, gratz again! Just out of interest, do you use any of the helper apps for exploration?

Must admit I use the tried and trusted “follow own nose method” - I have EDDiscovery running (if I remember to launch it!) in the background for reporting data, but basically tend to head out, look for “more interesting” stuff (the well-known OABF stars, but also GKM, particularly combination systems) …and when I find WW’s or biosigns, keep looking for more similar star types/combo’s in the same area, before moving on…

It’s probably not as efficient as using a helper app (and not nearly as efficient as using the Octree survey method), but i like to spend time in my ship, not a spreadsheet ;)

Yeah sometimes when I have the time and inclination I play quite a bit. Sometimes when I don't have the time but solely the inclination, too. If instead of calendar dates those markers were hours-spent totals or something, it would be a more meaningful model for "how long" it took, is what I mean to say. And I blame being addicted to Elite to the point I can hardly suffer to look at another game.

The only third party app I use is the EDHM UI. But I sometimes process my journals ad hoc at the command line like that. And in Python I have a fledgling but flexible little event (each journal line being an event) handler just experimenting with. Which isn't what you were asking but, Too late!

Fun! I haven't had much time of late and keep processing that 7/12 log file I guess it's been three days. Free time waxes and wanes. Yin and yang or something. But when it's Yang it's really really yang sometimes. Heh heh
I'm thinking,

1. Eating meat is required to get pudding​
2. Black is a pudding​
∴ A student with uneaten meat cannot get a black pudding (1, 2)​

Try some scenarios. Run some different stories. Is the argument valid? And is it sound?

Can CMDR Timber McWolf think of a way for the student to leave the meat but get a black pudding?
  1. Black pudding contains meat.
  2. Black pudding is considered to be a pudding.
  3. Eating meat is required to get pudding.
I think we created a paradoxon.

I think my argument would be: "Why do I have to eat meat when the black pudding contains meat? That's redundant."
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Technically, it's blood, fat and cereal (although variants exist). Is fat meat, though? I would say no but I reckon it's a point-of-view thing :D

Mind you, if you are going to have black pudding, I recommend a thin slice on dop of some bubble and squeak, topped with wild mushrooms and blushing pigeon . Yum!
I think there are various recipes, most of which I know contain more meat than fat. (I would prefer those, to be honest, as I once got really sick from having some meal centerd around some really fat black pudding - it took me some years to be able to get near any sort of black pudding without feeling the urge to vomit.)

One question, though. What in the pan is "blushing pigeon"?
I think there are various recipes, most of which I know contain more meat than fat. (I would prefer those, to be honest, as I once got really sick from having some meal centerd around some really fat black pudding - it took me some years to be able to get near any sort of black pudding without feeling the urge to vomit.)

One question, though. What in the pan is "blushing pigeon"?

It's a pigeon breast that's been cooked just enough to leave it pink inside. Further cooking results in a rubber block.
Yeah sometimes when I have the time and inclination I play quite a bit. Sometimes when I don't have the time but solely the inclination, too. If instead of calendar dates those markers were hours-spent totals or something, it would be a more meaningful model for "how long" it took, is what I mean to say. And I blame being addicted to Elite to the point I can hardly suffer to look at another game.

Ahh, i can well relate - one has time, thinks “ah ok, let’s play a computer game” …and then somehow, after an hour or two, I always seem to end up back in Elite, which is more like an alternate existence / virtual galaxy than just a game :)

The only third party app I use is the EDHM UI. But I sometimes process my journals ad hoc at the command line like that. And in Python I have a fledgling but flexible little event (each journal line being an event) handler just experimenting with. Which isn't what you were asking but, Too late!

Fun! I haven't had much time of late and keep processing that 7/12 log file I guess it's been three days. Free time waxes and wanes. Yin and yang or something. But when it's Yang it's really really yang sometimes. Heh heh

Very impressive data science! It’s been years since i coded anything, but it’s interesting to get a peek inside the matrix still… :]
Hi :)
That must've taken a while to fill up with that amount!

I usually keep a Tritium 'reserve' of about 9000t on the Carrier, so when I come back to the bubble I 'only' have to top it up after considering where I might be exploring next, if you get my drift. In other words I try to keep that reserve wherever possible.
Obviously with 14000t of Tritium on board I'm going to use more Tritium per jump because of the weight factor, but I'm not short of credits (40 billion plus now), so the cost is more than covered with exploration data and mined minerals / metals that I obtain whilst out of the bubble doing Exploration.
I have also found a good mining spot just outside the bubble (about 700ly) so I call in there on my way back to the bubble sometimes, so I can load up with a few more minerals and metals. I don't mind mining, I enjoy most of it, but I don't generally mine Tritium.
So this time back in the bubble I did roughly 10 trips from Carrier to Space Station to buy Tritium. I also use the Inara commodities search functions to source the cheapest Tritium btw.
I'm in the BLU THUA region at the moment, still heading out in the direction of the Straits, no great rush to get there as I'm already finding unexplored regions. Some systems already discovered by other Cmdr.'s, but sometimes only the main star, the other planets / bodies in those systems still undiscovered. I suppose those Cmdr's were just passing through! :D

Jack :)
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