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Nice looking planet!

Will you be back in bubble for the update in Feb?
I'm not bothering - given PP 2.0 and bartender didn't get the right attention at gold release grade, I think trying to engage properly with a beta grade release and no-one at FDev to talk to about it will just annoy the heck out of me. (inb4: yes that is a me thing.)

I think releasing a Community Goal with explo data when explo is broken for PP 2.0 is A Look, I nearly fell out of the command seat reading that. Won't stop me collecting it, but I'll simply hand it in later this year when some stuff makes some sense again.
Will you be back in bubble for the update in Feb?
It sort of depends on what they actually announce. The details about Trailblazer matter to me.

If it is just "spend time and credits to make a new system that's pretty much like all the existing systems, but you kinda sorta get to select some stuff about it" then I have no interest.

So far, from what they've said, that seems to be what it is.

I hope there's more to it!
Yeah I actually don't mind the part of the loop which is "well, the bacteria are going to be on a plain but it clearly ain't this plain" after 20 minutes, I will go and find another one.

I do think there are clues elsewhere too, like when I was looking for something that liked temperature 20K upwards - the plains which were AT 20K yielded nothing so I flew southeast somewhat and yep, warmer, great success.
My main problrm is that, although I'm able to remember all the flight controls and stuff, remembering where to look for a specific biosign eludes me. Which then leads to many hours spent searching for stuff that might be easy to find if you know where to look.
Having a non-existent playing schedule, resulting in playing for an hour that day, playing three hours five days later, just to return to the game for half an hour three weeks afterwards, doesn't really help in that matter, I guess.
You might be way too far out for being able to apply to the CG, anyway. If I understood that correctly, they are most interested in systems around the perimeter of the bubble.
From what I have read so far in the CG forum that is just flavour text, what counts is getting as many boxes ticked as possible in each system you hand in.

I am considering parking my carrier and doing a run back in something with good jump range to get another pre-engineered Detailed Surface Scanner, or maybe just heading back ready to start colonising.
Hi :)

Will you be back in bubble for the update in Feb?

I want to try it all out but I'm planning on a trip to a new sector. Hmm. Choices, choices...

I'm heading back in now actually. I was starting to get 'Explorers burn out', so this weekend I'll be selling off some cargo etc. and maybe taking part in the current CG. (for a change).
I've already got an engineered detailed surface scanner, not sure how...but I think it was obtained from doing some CG quite a while ago, (I think). Anyway it won't hurt to have another free one! :)

I discovered an Earth-like World!

I'm traditionally unlucky finding them. This is only the 4th one I've ever found.

Well done! :cool:
I'm a bit unsure on an ELW the same as an 'Outdoor world'?
I've 1st discovered several out door ones but I'm not sure whether I've discovered ELW's....I might have, but I'm thinking it was a very long time ago if I had, so I probably haven't got a record of it.

Jack :)
I actually don't mind the part of the loop which is "well, the bacteria are going to be on a plain but it clearly ain't this plain" after 20 minutes, I will go and find another one.
Yup, and last night I jumped into this system:

As you can see, I've started on 4d and it's taken about 3 hours to do half the bios. I may be here for some time :D
Yup, and last night I jumped into this system:
View attachment 416109
As you can see, I've started on 4d and it's taken about 3 hours to do half the bios. I may be here for some time :D
After a long time doing exo, I found I just didn't have the patience to get all the bios on any given planet unless it was quick and easy. I got lazy :D

Now, when I'm out exploring and I happen to find a possibility of tectonicas (or other high value flora) then I'll grab it. You can keep your tussocks :D

This could well change when venture forth to a new sector though - got to update that codex scrapbook.

EDIT: PS - this microstuttering is bad today. Or perhaps just more noticeable in GCZs.
Hi :)

Do you get the stuttering when you're outside the bubble (Exploring etc.) ?
I get the odd stutter, so was wondering if it was my rig or the servers as some people have noted, or suggested.

Jack :)
It happens everywhere, not just restricted to the bubble. I had it in the FSS when I was last in the black. It's just really noticeable in an intense GCZ.

There's a whole thread about it if anyone wants to chip in:

And an open ticket if anyone fancies upvoting it :)

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