Newcomer / Intro What are you up to?

That is invaluable! Thank you very much indeed :)

I would never have even considered looking in the paused menu. The most "obvious" place would have been through the "Groups" menu during the login process, but like you, I had only ever seen the ability to create my own group! Incidentally, it looks as though you can't choose a group name, it seems like the group is always the same name as the commander who creates it :)

I look forward to joining the Tyres O'Flaherty group later, and asking to borrow twenty quid(*) ;)

(I'm assuming everyone has seen "Spaced" at some point, to get that reference 😅 )
Dangerous things assumptions.

From the pause menu I can find Cmdr Tyres O'Flaherty, apart from them always being offline for 1 or more hours, but cannot find the group.
Dangerous things assumptions.

From the pause menu I can find Cmdr Tyres O'Flaherty, apart from them always being offline for 1 or more hours, but cannot find the group.

Hmmm - I thought they had fixed that. I remember there was an issue trying to join FLEETCOMM and the Mobius groups a while back in that you couldn't search for the group any more. Looks like it is back as I just checked and could not search for a group nor could I apply to join a group of someone on my friends list who I know has an active PG. So seems all you can do now is invite a friend to your group.

This is obviously a bug as you have the option to allow your PG to accept any request to join - no need to approve - so why have that option if you can't apply to join someone's PG.
I'll be flinging aRJay an invite tomorrow to see if that works - setting up a group apoears to be more difficult than it needs to be!

Sadly, no ED for me today. Whilst the weather is all fine and great for mad dogs and Englishmen, the room that houses the PC feels like sitting under triple glazing in Death Valley. My chilli pepper plant is thriving though.

An option would be to move the computer, of course, but the case is a Corsair Obsidian 900D and would give Geoff Capes pause.
An option would be to move the computer, of course, but the case is a Corsair Obsidian 900D and would give Geoff Capes pause.
I feel your pain.
I've got an NZXT 700 case, which in itself weights like if it's a solid block of steel, huge 1200W PSU, watercooling,... I need to move it quite regularly, because I am putting it away when I'm building ships and I'm not gaming for a couple of days and it's a workout and a half. :LOL:

And I completely forgot about the group. The day we were talking about it, I was playing and I was thinking about sending you a friend request, but I couldn't remember how to spell your name exactly so I told myself "later when I'm on the forum I'm gonna check" ...and then forgot forever. :D
I have been stalling on rigging-up my air conditioner Dalek (proper refrigerant one) since I don't want a dry throat in these covid times - hopefully the weather will break overnight and things can become more bearable.

Don't talk to me about cases! My main PC is in a Coolermaster HAF-X full tower - I should heft it about to clean out the filters and fans but it weighs a ton.
I have been stalling on rigging-up my air conditioner Dalek (proper refrigerant one) since I don't want a dry throat in these covid times - hopefully the weather will break overnight and things can become more bearable.

Don't talk to me about cases! My main PC is in a Coolermaster HAF-X full tower - I should heft it about to clean out the filters and fans but it weighs a ton.
Here's me, ignorantly thinking, "How heavy can a PC get?". I've been educated by Google. Answer is: VERY. I was worried my four year old was getting heavy, apparently that's nothing to a gaming PC. Still better that you don't start lifting those bad boys in and out of the bath.
Here's me, ignorantly thinking, "How heavy can a PC get?". I've been educated by Google. Answer is: VERY. I was worried my four year old was getting heavy, apparently that's nothing to a gaming PC. Still better that you don't start lifting those bad boys in and out of the bath.

The empty weight of the HAF-X is about the same as the 16kg bag of bread flour that I was reduced to buying 'cos of all the idiots panic-buying the supermarket supplies. ;)

With the humungous PSU and all the components plus water-cooling I have no idea what it weighs-in at these days. It was bought to last and since it can probably stand having a tank roll over it, it probably will.
I also was unable to find Tyre's group in the pause menu, or the main menu either. I sent a friend request.

I'm setting into my exploration area a bit more. It's a fun little activity loop, and I really like having my own little base of operations.

I jump around to nearby systems, scanning each one as I go. Everything is undiscovered around here. I check out any interesting planets, and watch for Biological stuff (haven't found any yet).

But, today I discovered a Water world and a couple of Terraformables.

I'm enjoying the 'instant gratification' effect of selling my exploration data at my own carrier. I lose 12.5% of the money, but I get to see my name on stuff right away. :)

If I see any rings I go check them out for mining opportunities. I've found lots of hotspots of all types, and even found one LTD2 that looks quite promising. Contents of the hotspots are variable. Some are definitely hotter hotspots than others. And Core Mining seems to be a better option than Laser Mining. I'm finding lots of cores, and fair amount of subsurface stuff, but not so many laserable asteroids.

I even found a Painite core today. I didn't know those existed.


I've been casually mining as I examine the area, and I'm storing the diamonds and opals and painite and tritium in the carrier for later sale.

And of course the views out here are outstanding.


We may have music with rocks in.

For those who sent a friend request, I've now sent out a "invite to group" from the socials menu. I hope this is the step I had been missing!

If this doesn't work, I'll get me coat.
Despite a much more traditional summers day here you don't need to get your coat my invite arrived and I am now the second member of your group after yourself.
Despite a much more traditional summers day here you don't need to get your coat my invite arrived and I am now the second member of your group after yourself.
Ok, that may be the key...
I went through a similar process yesterday: got a new CMDR from the steam sale, set up a PG - and people weren't able to connect to it, or even see it as an option under that CMDR name in the Social menu. That changed after one of them sent me a friend request, I invited him to the PG and he accepted. Since then, all other CMDRs could simply request group access and have it granted automatically....

Let me check...

Yes - the "request join group" is now there in the popup. You won't need to send out further invites :). Looks like a PG is only a PG after you shoehorned at least one other member into it.
Let me check...

Yes - the "request join group" is now there in the popup. You won't need to send out further invites :). Looks like a PG is only a PG after you shoehorned at least one other member into it.

Oh look there it is - now that was absolutely not there yesterday. I could search for a commander (I searched for my original account from my newest) and the only options were to "add as friend", block or report. Today - there it is - "request to join group". Glad it is working.
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