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Back at Wolf 359 and I've made some more Fed faction friends so I can get better missions. I also wanted to be closer to Wolf 397 while I'm engineering multi-cannons. Just one more mechanical scrap needed for the Cobra and then I can fix the single cannon on the iEagle. Chris Simon's advice on using limpet collectors during bounty hunts was also helpful. Not for getting mechanical scrap but at least I'm picking up materials I might need later. It makes things a little more interesting anyway.

Aaaaaaand I got myself a new paint job. I love it but I'll have to send Frontier a strongly worded letter due to the Union Flag being incorrectly drawn on the underside of my ship. I will not tolerate such blasphemy against the Crown.

But hey, everyone makes mistakes. It's not like they're a British company or anything.

Oh wait..

I actually had to return to Powell High before taking these screenshots because my Logitech X52 wanted to roll left as I got back to the game and tried to take off. I thought I accidentally turned off flight assist again and ended up pinballed above the dock door. I thought I was a goner for a second. The stick seems alright now, a day later, after checking the stick's properties in device manager but I might try some mods. Coincidentally, I was looking at fixing the deadzone just prior to that and ordered some magnets to void the warranty with. It's completely fine for most gameplay but combat really requires more accuracy and I find myself jumping around a bit while trying to hit a target with fixed weapons. The stick is also a bit loose because the spring is garbage but I reckon I can fix that to some degree.

Elite Dangerous Screenshot 2020.07.20 - 02.13.42.jpg

Elite Dangerous Screenshot 2020.07.20 - 02.15.13.jpg
This is gonna sound moronically stupid (because it is) but I always thought the triangular objects on your scanner were human players. I double checked earlier in the week and I've seen maybe three human players on my scanner since. Elite definitely needs to be cross-platform in this regard. It may not help that much but open play seems a bit redundant if you only ever encounter NPC's.
I remember the first time I did one of those missions! It was also the last time :)
I've not taken any wetwork missions because I'm not a killer like Tyres. Salvage was the one thing I dropped very quickly. I can't be bothered flying out there just to be attacked by a gang of pirates while I'm cargo scooping. It's bad enough being sent on a wild goose chase to other systems on bounty missions.

Although salvage might be easier with limpets. I think I'll try that as an experiment.
As for me... I did my "go to the top of the galactic disk and look around" thing, making a trip from somewhere near Sirius to Zhuar. Honked a bit, side-tracked to check any systems along the way that had human habitation, and making copious notes. Then spread out across the top surface of the disk where I could reach, gaining my 300 ly distance for Ms Martuuk, then headed home. I found the top of the disk a bit dull, though, and my Asp-X had not been kitted out for longer jumps yet, and fuel stars are a bit thin in the neighborhood so I was cautious... I did though fall into a white dwarf system [pretty sure] and experienced my first FSD boost, totally accidentally and, with a bit of terror considering how much surveying info I had on me.

Back to the bubble, did the cross-bubble run for the newly intro'd Martuuk and then ran what I could by her to upgrade the ship.

I'm on PS4 [which I have linked to nothing] so my screenies will come a bit later.

My HOTAS is not good on me yet. A few crucial functions are missing for me [touchpad related] and I'm a bit disappointed, but, my depuytren's contracture on my left hand is getting a bit bad [def. due to PS4 controller repetitive motion] and it would REALLY be great if the damn HOTAS would just magically do what I want.
I've never had the materials to revisit Khun (where I first got ganked) but Martuuk doesn't seem to have anything I particularly want that I can't get from Felicity at Deciat. Give me FSD and thruster upgrades and I'm not sure I really need much else from Khun.

I had a small taste of the contracture problem when I accidentally sliced through a little finger tendon with a katana but it almost feels like it automatically fixed itself eventually. Hopefully you can resolve that problem with a little time.
This is gonna sound moronically stupid (because it is) but I always thought the triangular objects on your scanner were human players. I double checked earlier in the week and I've seen maybe three human players on my scanner since. Elite definitely needs to be cross-platform in this regard. It may not help that much but open play seems a bit redundant if you only ever encounter NPC's.
Solid icons are NPCs. Hollow icons are other players. Square means hardpoints retracted, triangle means hardpoints deployed.
Returned from my little jaunt visiting one of the nebulae, being careful to head for a carrier free system.Another three systems have been 'lost' to the carrier scourge, but i did find one that had been crossed off the list had been vacated, so hopefully the situation will ease as FC's begin to move out.
Colonia is still heavily infested, as is Ratrai.
Deciding on a change of pace, I kitted out the K2 for mining and set off for the nearest ring to try out some deep core mining, which until now has been a bit of a blind spot in my skills armoury. I wasn't aiming to get anything particular, just wanted to get my head around the mechanics of core mining. Despite coming across numerous glowing yellow 'roids, thanks to the PWS, most of those in the Alexandrite hotspot i first visited yielded very few 'roids with fissures, most of the glow being from surface deposits of low grade minerals,which i ignored, having failed to equip an abrasion blaster or sub-surface displacement missile.
(this oversight has now been rectified).
I was lucky enough to find two or three Alexandrite rocks with fissures,however, and after a bit of faffing, managed to disintegrate them sufficient to gain a few tons of the good stuff, and a couple of tons of Monazite into the bargain, and despite the selling station only paying half price for the tonnage, i still came away with a couple of million profit, so it wasn't a complete waste of time.
I did shoot off about 90 prospectors, which yielded four cores, so i'll probably spend the next few days refining my methods, this time with the addition of the other mining aids,which will hopefully increase the return.
And i'm now an official splodey miner, so it's all good. :giggle:
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I've not taken any wetwork missions because I'm not a killer like Tyres. Salvage was the one thing I dropped very quickly. I can't be bothered flying out there just to be attacked by a gang of pirates while I'm cargo scooping. It's bad enough being sent on a wild goose chase to other systems on bounty missions.

Although salvage might be easier with limpets. I think I'll try that as an experiment.

See, I've been labelled a killer! A murderer! Taking the lives of the innocent for no other reason than because I can. A hunter purely for greed with no concern for the victim's family.



Seriously though, I won't be doing it again. Unless the target is a bad guy.
Aaaaaaand I got myself a new paint job. I love it but I'll have to send Frontier a strongly worded letter due to the Union Flag being incorrectly drawn on the underside of my ship. I will not tolerate such blasphemy against the Crown.

But hey, everyone makes mistakes. It's not like they're a British company or anything.

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I spent my first ARX on this very setup. It began my "Austin Powers in Space' thematic inner RP at the beginning of the game :D
I've never had the materials to revisit Khun (where I first got ganked) but Martuuk doesn't seem to have anything I particularly want that I can't get from Felicity at Deciat. Give me FSD and thruster upgrades and I'm not sure I really need much else from Khun.

I had a small taste of the contracture problem when I accidentally sliced through a little finger tendon with a katana but it almost feels like it automatically fixed itself eventually. Hopefully you can resolve that problem with a little time.

I made the Farseer trip rather too early and i guess the tenseness of traveling so far in a tiny low-jump ill-equipped ship caused me to prefer Marduuk over Farseer; I don't think you're missing anything at all going to her over Martuuk. Seems you had the reverse, a ganking trauma while I had a "omg I can only jump like 7 ly and where is my fuel gauge??" trauma.

We will rise!

For the other, take some formal iaido and you'll always remember where the edge of your blade is facing ;)
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True but, I am no where near ready to be able to provide the mats for rank 4 or 5. I am at the point where parts from destroyed haulage vessels are needed, and I am not a space combat person as of yet....
You should be able to find them in combat debris USS (they're called differently, I know), but yes, I always get the chemical distillery and chemical manipulators from higher level pirates, either mission targets or misguided souls who attacked me. The datamined wakes are the bigger problem, since you need a wake scanner for them (unless you can find them as mission reward) and that's something I don't usually carry.
I've never had the materials to revisit Khun (where I first got ganked) but Martuuk doesn't seem to have anything I particularly want that I can't get from Felicity at Deciat. Give me FSD and thruster upgrades and I'm not sure I really need much else from Khun.

I had a small taste of the contracture problem when I accidentally sliced through a little finger tendon with a katana but it almost feels like it automatically fixed itself eventually. Hopefully you can resolve that problem with a little time.
You might find down the track that you want them all unlocked as then you can have a variety of blueprints pinned, enabling you to set up a range of ships remotely. I have both clean and dirty drives and both efficient and overcharged weapons pinned across the set of engineers, for instance.
Damn. These magnets are so powerful they had to be kept in prison. Now all I need is a blank CD case, a travel hair dryer, and a sharp razor knife so I can fashion a small disc to mod another part of the joystick Logitech charged me 150 quid for.

IMG_0362 2.jpg
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Damn. These magnets are so powerful they had to be kept in prison. Now all I need is a blank CD case, a travel hair dryer, and a sharp razor knife so I can fashion a small disc to mod another part of the joystick Logitech charged me 150 quid for.

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Are you MacGyver? 3M Command strips I'm told are a handy way of sticking the thing down. But that's clearly not as much fun. What's the plan?
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