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Your link takes us to Logitech's Twitter page...
Whoops. Sorry about that. I copy pasted a tweet and didn't edit properly. I wondered why Logitech was hyperlinked and just thought Frontier might have a deal with them or something. Fixed it.
Are you MacGyver? 3M Command strips I'm told are a handy way of sticking the thing down. But that's clearly not as much fun. What's the plan?
I wish I were MacGyvver. He's way better than The A-Team. I just checked some vids on Youtube. I originally wanted to fix the slight wobble on the stick (second vid) but then my ship suddenly rolled left in a spaceport and I almost killed myself so I went down a little Youtube rabbit hole. I find combat a little tricky sometimes because there's a little deadzone which has me jumping around with fixed weapons while I'm trying to target. The magnet thing (first vid) seems to fix that for most people.

Or maybe I'm just rubbish at flying.

Vid 1 (short)

Vid 2 (kinda longerish)
I'm still not sure why you're warned about engineering remotely. The only downside seems to be that you don't build a rep with the engineer but I don't see anything in-game which suggests you have a rep with them anyway. Is this another thing Frontier assumed us internet people would figure out for each other?
Sorry not entirely sure that I understand the question. An engineer can engineer modules up to a certain Grade for you, but to unlock their maximum potential grade you need to have had that engineer engineer some modules for you in person. The maximum is G5. So I always start by doing some engineering locally, to get to G5. If you turn up, pin a blueprint and fly away then you will only be able to engineer a module to G1, which vastly reduces the impact of the engineering. You can see your current rep with the engineers in the engineers screen on your right hand panel. You can only advance it in person.

Once you are at G5, then the engineering works as effectively when done remotely as it does in person (although you cannot apply experimental effects when engineering remotely, that must be done in person, for instance thermal vents on beam lasers).

Sorry if I am misunderstanding your question, and I don't get the bit about warnings.

My best goosing of the day ...
That's probably the reason why that carrier's owner is prepared to pay 200k/t. And algwat didn't say where he found it, or how long it took him to collect it.
It was just a few button clicks to find it at any refinery for approx 40kcr, the FC was about five jumps away, just made the last drop of 463t for the money.
So, a fair trade, buy low sell high from any refinery system. You could make between 4Mcr to 10Mcr local to the refinery system with a full capacity cutter..
The Inara back channel info, is where FC info comes from. Any FC listing in the last hour, within 5-6 jumps, pay over 60kcr/t will work. If the order is for more than
2000t there is a good chance you can get 1-3 loops. Re-stock from the nearest refinery on the Galmap, make a quick return.

Others are working this, I am only in solo mode. I see the order being dumped on very quickly. These orders are not present in the ED market generally.
The secondary market info of inara is a problem. A FC trade commission needs to be constructed to make these orders visible in the game. and contracts[missions] signed.

Recently I've spent a bit of time at Jameson Memorial buying and outfitting a ship for my new project. I'm now in the engineering phase so I've been hopping around certain engineer bases too, pinning blueprints and adding experimental effects. I'm currently docked at Timbalderis with the new ship and my Haz-RES material gathering Anaconda.

Timbalderis is my go-to base when I'm engineering. It's near Shinrata Dezhra, it has a Haz-Res, and a material trader. I hate chasing HGEs, I'd much rather spend time blowing up pirates and then use the mats trader to trade up for the higher mats. It may not be the fastest or most efficient way but I personally find it the most fun, which for me means it doesn't feel grindy. The added bonus is between the combat and the Mats trading I'm guaranteed to hit the weekly ARX limit in a couple of play sessions.

Here's a pic of the new ship in its fresh Canonn Research paint, the 'Conda actually looks really good in Canonn orange I think.
I was particularly pleased with this shot, it's an unedited base PS4 screenshot but the fidelity looks better than normal for some reason. There's a nice specualr glint on the bridge area and even a bit of subtle ambient occlusion going on around the ship-kit wing on the side.
Shadows in ED on the PS4 are usually a bit rubbish!


The name "Carpe Crustulum" means "Sieze the cookie" or "Take the biscuit". I like using Latin names for my science ships, and biscuits/cookies are a revered foodstuff in the Canonn Research Group.
Fun fact: I think many outsiders assume the Canonn logo depicts 3 electrons orbiting an atom but they're not electrons, they're biscuits. Look closely enough and you can see each one has been nibbled. You can't see it clearly on the ship screenshot but it's more visible in my sigpic.
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Ah yes, the good old days of dumping limpets to shorten the trip home (or where ever). Having the FC out here has changed my behavior. I don't carry fuel scoops, or FSD boosters, on many of my ships now because I'm not traveling very far in them. Even as my 'bubble' expands I'm still only 1 or maybe 2 jumps from the FC all the time.

But it's certainly something I have done. Poor little limpets, left to drift alone in space until their batteries run down or thargoid babies come to eat them.
I'd have gone for stumped ...and then i was. :D

The commander is currently enjoying a weeks mining holiday in sunnier climes elsewhere. Rebuilt, refitted and ready, Elle Cyd awaits.
Once he returns, refreshed and re-juvenated, they will no doubt talk far into the night about future plans and ventures, before disappearing once more into the black.

Dont know about ambient occlusion, i think its abrasion from all those 'soft' landings and spacedust. Definitley not rust.
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Ah yes, the good old days of dumping limpets to shorten the trip home (or where ever). Having the FC out here has changed my behavior. I don't carry fuel scoops, or FSD boosters, on many of my ships now because I'm not traveling very far in them. Even as my 'bubble' expands I'm still only 1 or maybe 2 jumps from the FC all the time.

But it's certainly something I have done. Poor little limpets, left to drift alone in space until their batteries run down or thargoid babies come to eat them.

Like Huey, Louie and Dewey from Silent Rinning... well, Louie anyway.

On another note, has anyone noticed the SRV scanner misreporting? A number of times, the scanner is sending me to a potential outcrop or material but,when I get there, the cupboard is bare, like this:

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