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Hmm. I'm in the top 25 percent on Alcor and I'm pondering hopping on an FC to Colonia with a loaded T9 to participate there. Would I end up with two 6A drives? How long does the trip even take? I've never been.

Same here. Did 15k tons at Alcor and my FC is now 25% of the way to Colonia with load of TCUs. Pity you didnt say earlier or u could have hitched a ride.

Anyne can recommend a good FC autopilot script that works? This FC jumping is tedious.
That sucks... The station I brought the bay don't have srv... :confused:

Advanced maintenance - restock.




scarab oddity.jpg
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An odd incident in hyperspace... I was watching youtube on another screen and nearly missed it. Everything was green, and seemed like all movement was slower... then arrived at Alcor as usual. Ship seems healthy. Not sure what that was about.


Edit: it's so much more profitable at Alcor than at Colonia! I've made 80 million in a few hours...
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Took the Scorpion out exploring today, and it was good in that role. It can climb straight up a mountain, and has better traction than the Scarab. It handles bumpy terrain better, too. It's a bit slower, and the fuel tank is smaller. It also lacks a wavescanner, but that's not really needed unless you're hunting mats. I found some Selenium anyway, just by seeing a Metallic Meteor on the radar. I like how it drives, but it can't jump worth a darn. Even full thrusters on a .06g planet barely got it off the ground.


Found a random Rocky ring and got the itch to do some Core mining. Took the Krait out for a bit of explosive fun. Cores look different now, so I'm having to re-learn how to identify them. I found a couple, though.


This is where I tested the Scorpion's climbing ability. The steepest slope I could find was about 65 degrees. The Scorpion went straight up, no problem. :)

Edit: it's so much more profitable at Alcor than at Colonia! I've made 80 million in a few hours...
Yes, my Alt made quite a good bit of money in her little Python. Hauled just over 5000 tons, which is a fair number of trips. It was fun except for having to see system chat. :p
I wonder if I used my Private Group instead if that would eliminate the system chat, like you say yours does? I'll have to try that.

As far as I know, private groups are isolated from main chat while solo is "don't see ships but do see chat".

But try Mobius for a good compromise. Mostly there is no chat, occasionally there's a hello, and it's all on a mutual promise of zero PvP 😸
See, this is from a dev from back when system chat became "cross modes." And the wiki says it is cross modes, too. But neither of them specifically says Private Groups, also. But isn't that a mode? So, shouldn't system chat go there also?

Hi there,

System-wide chat has only ever existed as mode-agnostic and was added in Beyond - Chapter 4 at the end of 2018; alongside the other non-direct chat modes which extended outside of your current instance (e.g. squadron chat) and the ability to split chat types into tabs.

Previously you had local chat with players in your instance (e.g. that you could see around the starport that you were visiting), wing chat and private messages; which were all displayed in a single panel.

As far as I know, private groups are isolated from main chat while solo is "don't see ships but do see chat".

But try Mobius for a good compromise. Mostly there is no chat, occasionally there's a hello, and it's all on a mutual promise of zero PvP 😸
I do belong to Mobius. I just rarely use it because why? I don't want to see others, nor take the performance hit.

Anyway yeah. I still wonder if system chat is filtered there. You say it is, so I'll believe you. Wish I'd known that before the CG! lol
Just 2kly from the outermost edge of civilization! But I'm in a 27ly python with a 3A scoop so I won't be getting off this carrier just yet 😹 Seems I had a lot of bookmarks 2 years ago... I wonder what they are all for.

Also, why are so many of you on fire? Is this normal in the bubble?

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My contention is that the Thargoids are going to overrun the bubble and humanity will escape via the Colonia Bridge, then consoles will get EDO and we'll be fighting Thargoids on foot to reclaim the bubble...
I'm in solo, there shouldn't be any chat at all, but it all comes through. Hmm. I wonder if I used my Private Group instead if that would eliminate the system chat, like you say yours does? I'll have to try that.
You get system chat in Mobius, but it depends how popular the system is in open. Those Winking Cat Hunt systems over christmas were full of it. Gankers mostly.
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