Newcomer / Intro What are you up to?

Yeah, it's weird. You can use somebody's carrier, but you can't actually meet them in person.
It would be great to have a TRUE cross-platform, not just shared galaxy. Maybe one day they're going to do that with at least the XBox. IIRC they were thinking about it at the start, but the main obstacle is XBox's weird update schedule (basically Fdev would have to submit the update ahead of time and all other platforms would have to wait) which is no longer the case, I think, and Sony simply said NO and they are quite opposed to cross-platform for some reason. But (again, IIRC) when comes to the engine and matchmaking servers, I don't think there were any real problems. It's a shame, really.
Yes other games are starting proper cross platform, apparently, and collectively one would have thought it in the common interest, particularly as developers want to push online content. With Xbox being Microsoft you’d think they could join the PC party with just a few keystrokes! Suspect it will come sooner rather than later. Elite likely lends itself particularly well.
Yes, anyone from any platform can land on a carrier. So we won't be able to actually see each other, but you can still ride along. I believe we can chat via system chat, too, if we're both online.

How it would work:
1) I'd have to install a Shipyard. I can store only my own ships unless I have a Shipyard, which then allows others to transfer their ships to my carrier, just like a station.
2) I'd have to jump the carrier to someplace near where your ships are, to make the transfer costs as low as possible (I transferred all my ships to the carrier from Jameson while I was 1 jump away in the carrier. It didn't cost much. I didn't even bother to add it up, it was insignificant.
3) Once your ships are onboard, then it's just a matter of me returning to the bubble and parking close to wherever you want to put your ships again.
4) Transfer your ships to their new home, and voila. No huge transfer costs :)

Installing a Shipyard costs 250,000,000 credits (one time fee). It adds 6,500,000 to the weekly upkeep, and 3000T to the weight (so slightly increased fuel usage). That would be my total outlay, so no big deal. I'd uninstall it once we were done with the trip.

If you want to help defray the costs you can just help me refuel with Tritium back in the bubble. It takes quite a few trips to haul enough Tritium for the ride back! I can set up a buy order for Tritium that's the same price the station is selling at, so you can just buy it at the station and sell at my carrier for no cost.

Schedule-wise, I'm very flexible. I'm only about 500LY from Colonia right now, so I can pop over whenever and park the carrier so you can transfer. I was planning on doing a bit more exploration before returning to the bubble, but I don't mind changing my plans. They aren't set in stone or anything. I'm just following my whims, and helping a friend is one of my better whims :) So once your stuff is onboard, I'll just fly back to the bubble and then decide what I want to do next.

So yeah, we can definitely get you back to the bubble without much trouble. Just let me know when you'd like to do the ship transfer, and we'll go from there.
Actually, I have an alternate suggestion. The area I'm in is pristine. I'm surrounded by undiscovered systems, and it's very peaceful.

Sooo, how about this idea? I come get you in Colonia. Then, before heading back to the bubble, we come back out here and spend a week or two leisurely exploring, getting some exploration credits and first discoveries and first mappings. It'd be fun and there's nobody else out here. No carriers except mine, and it's only in one system. The rest are empty! :p

Also, I've already discovered a planet with hotspots for void opals, low temp diamonds, and tritium, all in the same ring. If you like, we could goof around mining until we have a few thousand LTDs on board, head back to the bubble after that, sell the stuff and end up richer than we started. Mining out here is quiet, too, with no NPCs or pirates, and no system chat going on.

It just depends on what you want to do. I'm flexible.

Also, I'd like you to give me some RDR2 tips, because I want to like that game but so far it's not grabbed me :)

sorry - getting both of these at once, and now on my ‘phone while the ever-lovely Mrs Templar grabs some quick socially-distanced shopping to get the junior Templars through another night of gross consumption.

the headline is that I am grateful and flexible in equal measure (my ships are at three stations - Jaques, mining and an engineer so getting them together at one station is the work of moments and can be to your choice. Or I’ll pick one near a sun to make your journey shortest possible.

but a thought occurs - and forgive me if this is just my carrier ignorance - are we missing something obvious? Can physically land more than one ship on a carrier? Won’t I dock the first, be aboard and then not be able to leave to get a second ship without flying to collect it in the ship I just docked with?
if that is the case then I’d still be very grateful for the ride, but I’d have to be in a Corvette. (Which I guess I could fit for mining!!)

maybe I’m just failing to understand carriers. Is it actually a regular shipyard and I can summon ships to it???

sorry. This was going to be a short message, for once. I’ll get my coat.
I am enormously grateful. Ridiculously so.

Just landed on Salome's Reach, the furthest you can go from Sol. Did part of the journey with Dssa Distant Worlds, and will now continue to roam the northern part of the galaxy for a while. Nice views!! ;)
maybe I’m just failing to understand carriers. Is it actually a regular shipyard and I can summon ships to it???
Yes. You would dock and then transfer your other ships to it. It works just like a station. It is, in fact, a mobile station. Once transferred, your ships travel with the carrier.

Sounds like fun, really. Just tell me where you'd like to meet up and I'll make my way on over.
Yes. You would dock and then transfer your other ships to it. It works just like a station. It is, in fact, a mobile station. Once transferred, your ships travel with the carrier.

Sounds like fun, really. Just tell me where you'd like to meet up and I'll make my way on over.
Amazing. It does sound rather like a station which functions as a carrier as much as the other way around.

Well fine, thank you so much. I am at Jaques Station, Colonia. Most of my ragtag fleet is there, so I have just whistled up the others to join me there. But absolutely no or pressure,entirely on your schedule.

Ftr, there are currently 34 fleet carriers at Colonia, including one directly in front of the slot, which seems barking to me. You might be tight on parking, but perhaps you could find a berth alongside the charmingly named 'USS Lint Licker'. I ask you!

(With apologies for the appalling photo - oddly sunny this evening!)



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I’d like to add two real-time observations as my latest update:

1). @Codger is a helluva guy, a man of his word and an all round stand up chap;

2). My entire Colonia fleet (which turns out to be an embarrassingly unwieldy 16 ships) is now docked on his highly hospitable Carrier. We’re enjoying canapés and enjoying pondering how the other half live.

Cant your group now get a Fleet Carrier, with all functions, and park it at the Station planet, and dock on that? You can hand in bounties etc on a FC if you have the module.
So a CMDR needs to send me a request in-game?
no, if you leave it on friends it will be safer, or you might get a lot of 5c groups joining you m8.and randos can still join if they type your group name in social just need to approve them or let them friend request you.
that way your group name will appear on there sessions tab when you start a group session each time.
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Yes other games are starting proper cross platform, apparently, and collectively one would have thought it in the common interest, particularly as developers want to push online content. With Xbox being Microsoft you’d think they could join the PC party with just a few keystrokes! Suspect it will come sooner rather than later. Elite likely lends itself particularly well.
But think of the children!
I finally made it to the colonia region, managing to find a carrier free system, so i've still not encountered one.yet, and it feels a bit like fox and geese, atmo.
But it's only a matter of time before the colonial landscape become irrevocably marred.Although to be fair, a lot of the visible carriers seemed to be running on a commercial basis.
IDK, if you switch your carrier mode to private, does that effectively mask you from the map? No, i guess not.It would cause all sorts of confusions if it did. :D
Anyway, i offloaded my data, including the oh so precious possible raxxlaa system, which turned a profit of 62,500 for a 14 body system, (in itself a bit fishy, imo) I did,however ,trade in this big bad boy which sort of compensates for the slight disapointment.
big bad.jpg

Just look at those earth masses.:eek:It also helped to push me over the one biwion cwedits, so i put Elle Cyd in for a well earned service and refit,
splashed out on a paint job for the Scout, and now ima get the hell outta dodge.
Just me and the FancyFree.
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