What is FDEV doing and what happened to Brabens dreams?

I remeber some of the DEVS and many Elite Dangerous Content Creators saying that the "Alpha" was just a tiny slice of Odyssey in it´s entirety. There arent many new things though. Yes a few more settlements a couple of guns and some suit skins but other than that there are not many new things compared to the "Alpha". This isn´t worth the money anyone paid. There are countless problems like the UI being a complete mess and lighting just broken. The Texture update is nice though.

I don´t know what they are thinking but they should at least release a roadmap. I am not asking for specific Dates or anything but at least tell us what is in the Works and what isn´t!

I love Elite and I have been a part of this Universe since the original Beta. I don´t want to see Elite die but if Odyssey fails, FDEV will likely abandon Elite and right now Odyssey is failing. I am sure that the developers are hard at work but the lacking insight is just bothering.

I am not trying to hate on FDEV here. They have done some good work in the past and Elite has been a literal part of my life but I am seriously trying to understand what is happening here.

no you "Can´t haz my stuff"
They will take a similar approach to Horizons i'm pretty sure, an initial launch of content that gives you something more than you currently have and extend that content over a period of time so add new features and content on a need to know basis.
What is fdev doing: prematurely released the expansion, and hot fixing it. Yet it does add a massive amount of new stuff that takes ED to the next level.

I love Elite and I have been a part of this Universe since the original Beta. I don´t want to see Elite die but if Odyssey fails, FDEV will likely abandon Elite and right now Odyssey is failing. I am sure that the developers are hard at work but the lacking insight is just bothering.
Most technical issues will get fixed before the console release. ED had record high player count on Steam as well. It's not the end at all imo.
I've been beating on Frontier with wet noodles the last couple of days (and rightfully so), but I also understand (from first hand experience) that it is very common to think something is going to be "easy" in software that ends up being WAY harder than you first anticipated. Throw in fiscal deadlines, and, well, you get Odyssey.

One of the things that makes Elite Dangerous a challenging game to develop is that everything is in motion. The station you are walking around on is rotating while you're walking on it, and moving through space as well. You can physically see this on stations with close, fast orbits to their planets. Same thing goes for said planets. EVERYTHING is in motion in multiple dimensions, which makes ED very different than most other games. Now I'm sure there's some trickery going on to help mitigate this, but not as much as you might think. Somedays I'm surprised that Horizons performs as GOOD as it does.

And then there is the scale of everything, from the small coffee pot in your ship all the way up to HUGE planets. Again, I'm amazed this works at all. Add all the extra detail needed on the smaller end of the scale now that we are able to walk around, and wow, that's a lot. Now ED has both the macro and the micro!

As for things like this horrid new user interface, I just cannot think of any excuses to justify that. It is just really, really, REALLY bad. I have nothing... 🤷‍♂️

Deleted member 115407

I remeber some of the DEVS and many Elite Dangerous Content Creators saying that the "Alpha" was just a tiny slice of Odyssey in it´s entirety. There arent many new things though. Yes a few more settlements a couple of guns and some suit skins but other than that there are not many new things compared to the "Alpha". This isn´t worth the money anyone paid. There are countless problems like the UI being a complete mess and lighting just broken. The Texture update is nice though.

I don´t know what they are thinking but they should at least release a roadmap. I am not asking for specific Dates or anything but at least tell us what is in the Works and what isn´t!

I love Elite and I have been a part of this Universe since the original Beta. I don´t want to see Elite die but if Odyssey fails, FDEV will likely abandon Elite and right now Odyssey is failing. I am sure that the developers are hard at work but the lacking insight is just bothering.

I am not trying to hate on FDEV here. They have done some good work in the past and Elite has been a literal part of my life but I am seriously trying to understand what is happening here.

no you "Can´t haz my stuff"
I wholeheartedly disagree. In a game whose overarching gameplay loop is "go your own way", the addition of space legs opens up wide vistas of gameplay opportunity.

No longer is one confined to their cockpit. For the first time, ever, I have cobbled together for myself a true "multirole" ship that is capable of doing most things well. I can transport cargo, kill pirates, recover drug caches, kill innocent people, steal data, reactivate settlements, fight wars on land or in space.... and much more.

There are bugs. The outfitting UI is trash, some of the missions don't work properly, etc. But Odyssey introduces an entirely new and wide range of gameplay options.

I think they have released an excellent base upon which they can build.
I wholeheartedly disagree. In a game whose overarching gameplay loop is "go your own way", the addition of space legs opens up wide vistas of gameplay opportunity.

No longer is one confined to their cockpit. For the first time, ever, I have cobbled together for myself a true "multirole" ship that is capable of doing most things well. I can transport cargo, kill pirates, recover drug caches, kill innocent people, steal data, reactivate settlements, fight wars on land or in space.... and much more.

There are bugs. The outfitting UI is trash, some of the missions don't work properly, etc. But Odyssey introduces an entirely new and wide range of gameplay options.
Unless you want to be a hardened criminal, then its 'no-way' really. The second you step off the granny path in ED the game just quits being rational.

I think they have released an excellent base upon which they can build.
How many times have I heard this? ED is all gravy and no meat.
They will take a similar approach to Horizons i'm pretty sure, an initial launch of content that gives you something more than you currently have and extend that content over a period of time so add new features and content on a need to know basis.
Horizons was sold as a season pass with each part supposedly coming out every 3 months. This was sold as a complete product. You got what you’re getting.

Deleted member 115407

Unless you want to be a hardened criminal, then its 'no-way' really. The second you step off the granny path in ED the game just quits being rational.

How many times have I heard this? ED is all gravy and no meat.
I'll never understand this mentality.

I don't believe that I've ever run afoul of C&P without clearly breaking some law. There are plenty of paths for non-criminals to play and progress through the game. Half the time, I play a non-criminal. When I want to play a criminal, I play a criminal.

never have I been in the position where I was "surprised" by my criminal or non-criminal status.
Careful, remember one guy got banned for having stuff given to him by another player. Or was it for giving stuff ?
either way, naughty naughty !

But my business is called Lord Braben's Wonderful Stuphs for Hazzing Emporium, of Salty Goodness and Ragequit Delights.

Unfortunately I should have thought it out better and made an acronym for it, but I have competition to worry about now.

Can I interest you in a size 2 refinery? Only 1 previous very angry owner, and I think there are some crystals in the bottom of the hoppers, possibly salt based crystals. Remuneration can be arranged outside of this forum though, just to be on the safe side ;)
I move very quickly in the forum ether matey!!

Cheers for sticking up for my business though, I'll find you something nice from the stash of hazzed stuphs ;)
I have a theory that just like a black hole sucks light & matter in and a hypothetical white hole spews light & matter out, that like wise this forum and by proxy yourself hazzez all stuff in and therefore somewhere hypothetically a 'white' forum exists where stuff is gizzed and users just gizz there stuff out all the time.
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