What other games are we all playing?

IMO X4 has the best economy of all these games. Not only do prices make sense, but there is a true model of supply and demand. So for example, if I want to order a new ship from the shipyard, production of that ship might be delayed because the shipyard has no microchips. (Sound familiar?) Now I can wait until NPCs eventually move supplies around to get the shipyard back into production, or I can take matters into my own hand and go to a microchip factory in a trade ship and move the parts myself. Wait, the microchip factory is running short on supplies. Why? Oh, they are out of semiconductors! The closest semiconductor factory is multiple systems away, so I can either do a long-haul transport, or I can see this as an opportunity for profit and build my own semiconductor factory in this system, not only hastening the production of future ships for my fleet, but also earning some good coin in the process!

Or I can just go to another shipyard that's not suffering a chip shortage (unless there's a galaxy-wide shortage, in which case it's back to plan A).

It just feels so much more "real" and logically consistent. ED's economy makes no sense number-wise (a single gun in Odyssey costs more than a crate of guns in Horizons, for example), and in NMS the economy (if you can call it that) feels totally optional to me. And the economy in X4 plays a huge factor in a war setting, where you can harm an enemy by hitting their supply lines and depriving them of production capability. Not that X4's economy is perfect, but it really does put ED and NMS to shame if economy is important to you.
We should have a working economy in ED.
We should have a working economy in ED.
Aunt requested Frontier give us the ability to run our own private servers for Elite. If I had access to the server APIs and the ability redirect ED's transaction requests to my own server, I could write a BGS that would do a much better job at simulating a proper economy. It probably wouldn't scale, but for my own purposes it wouldn't need to. In fact, I would basically rebuild the entire Bubble to my own liking.

For example, instead of a HUGE Bubble like we currently have, I would have three very small Bubbles of 10-12 systems each, centered around the homeworlds of the superpowers. Oh, add a 4th Bubble of independent systems centered around Lave. I'd come up with a handful of factions for each superpower that feel believable, rather than the goofball factions we currently have. If I kept Powerplay, I'd keep it within their prospective Bubbles - no more Imperial leaders running Federation systems! Similarly, I would go to great lengths to avoid the constant civil wars, except perhaps in the poor outer systems. I want a universe that mirrors Firefly a bit more, with rich systems feeling very different (and law abiding) than the poor outer rim settlements.

As for those wars, I'd save those for superpowers. I might have random events trigger invasions of one power into another's space, for example, as well as have them fight over prime systems that fall outside of the three Bubbles. One thing that would be cool is to have a slow expansion of these three Bubbles into these prime systems, allowing the overall count of populated systems to grow slowly over time. And to bring balance, it would be equally cool if systems can be totally lost, be it to "Reevers" or Thargoids.

As for Engineers, I'm not sure if I would keep them or not. I might instead replace them with pre-engineered modules that sell for TOP dollar (credits). Speaking of, I would totally rebalance the game around credits, making prices much more sensible and "hard mode", be it cargo, modules, ships, fuel, repairs, etc. And while I would keep the rebuy option, it would be much closer to FULL cost of the ship, basically left in place for convenience rather than cost savings.

As for the economy, I could simulate a NPC-driven economy on the server side using virtual traders. It wouldn't be like X4 where each BGS NPC had its own in-game NPC, but it would actually track supply and demand and balance the markets and system states accordingly. A player could still affect this, say by blowing up real NPC traders, which the server could then use to impact the virtual traders on the BGS side. This could also impact stock of ships and modules.

Oh yes, I could have a blast writing my own custom server. Again, this would be basically for me and maybe a few friends as a private server, because it would be hard, if not impossible, to scale a homemade server running on a single machine to handle thousands of player transactions. But if I could make an X4 clone out of ED (at least somewhat), I'd be totally happy playing ED "offline" forever! :D
It's been tempting me as a siren lures ships onto rocks Jezzah :confused:

It's a good game, lots of content and lore, the combat is deep and compelling with an equally deep and compelling gathering and crafting system.

They've honestly made a decent game here.

If anyone wants gets this and wants an invite to a friendly helpful UK/EU company message me.
Aunt requested Frontier give us the ability to run our own private servers for Elite. If I had access to the server APIs and the ability redirect ED's transaction requests to my own server, I could write a BGS that would do a much better job at simulating a proper economy. It probably wouldn't scale, but for my own purposes it wouldn't need to. In fact, I would basically rebuild the entire Bubble to my own liking.

For example, instead of a HUGE Bubble like we currently have, I would have three very small Bubbles of 10-12 systems each, centered around the homeworlds of the superpowers. Oh, add a 4th Bubble of independent systems centered around Lave. I'd come up with a handful of factions for each superpower that feel believable, rather than the goofball factions we currently have. If I kept Powerplay, I'd keep it within their prospective Bubbles - no more Imperial leaders running Federation systems! Similarly, I would go to great lengths to avoid the constant civil wars, except perhaps in the poor outer systems. I want a universe that mirrors Firefly a bit more, with rich systems feeling very different (and law abiding) than the poor outer rim settlements.

As for those wars, I'd save those for superpowers. I might have random events trigger invasions of one power into another's space, for example, as well as have them fight over prime systems that fall outside of the three Bubbles. One thing that would be cool is to have a slow expansion of these three Bubbles into these prime systems, allowing the overall count of populated systems to grow slowly over time. And to bring balance, it would be equally cool if systems can be totally lost, be it to "Reevers" or Thargoids.

As for Engineers, I'm not sure if I would keep them or not. I might instead replace them with pre-engineered modules that sell for TOP dollar (credits). Speaking of, I would totally rebalance the game around credits, making prices much more sensible and "hard mode", be it cargo, modules, ships, fuel, repairs, etc. And while I would keep the rebuy option, it would be much closer to FULL cost of the ship, basically left in place for convenience rather than cost savings.

As for the economy, I could simulate a NPC-driven economy on the server side using virtual traders. It wouldn't be like X4 where each BGS NPC had its own in-game NPC, but it would actually track supply and demand and balance the markets and system states accordingly. A player could still affect this, say by blowing up real NPC traders, which the server could then use to impact the virtual traders on the BGS side. This could also impact stock of ships and modules.

Oh yes, I could have a blast writing my own custom server. Again, this would be basically for me and maybe a few friends as a private server, because it would be hard, if not impossible, to scale a homemade server running on a single machine to handle thousands of player transactions. But if I could make an X4 clone out of ED (at least somewhat), I'd be totally happy playing ED "offline" forever! :D
But I would be one of the few friends right? Right? 🧐
Aunt requested Frontier give us the ability to run our own private servers for Elite. If I had access to the server APIs and the ability redirect ED's transaction requests to my own server, I could write a BGS that would do a much better job at simulating a proper economy. It probably wouldn't scale, but for my own purposes it wouldn't need to. In fact, I would basically rebuild the entire Bubble to my own liking.

For example, instead of a HUGE Bubble like we currently have, I would have three very small Bubbles of 10-12 systems each, centered around the homeworlds of the superpowers. Oh, add a 4th Bubble of independent systems centered around Lave. I'd come up with a handful of factions for each superpower that feel believable, rather than the goofball factions we currently have. If I kept Powerplay, I'd keep it within their prospective Bubbles - no more Imperial leaders running Federation systems! Similarly, I would go to great lengths to avoid the constant civil wars, except perhaps in the poor outer systems. I want a universe that mirrors Firefly a bit more, with rich systems feeling very different (and law abiding) than the poor outer rim settlements.

As for those wars, I'd save those for superpowers. I might have random events trigger invasions of one power into another's space, for example, as well as have them fight over prime systems that fall outside of the three Bubbles. One thing that would be cool is to have a slow expansion of these three Bubbles into these prime systems, allowing the overall count of populated systems to grow slowly over time. And to bring balance, it would be equally cool if systems can be totally lost, be it to "Reevers" or Thargoids.

As for Engineers, I'm not sure if I would keep them or not. I might instead replace them with pre-engineered modules that sell for TOP dollar (credits). Speaking of, I would totally rebalance the game around credits, making prices much more sensible and "hard mode", be it cargo, modules, ships, fuel, repairs, etc. And while I would keep the rebuy option, it would be much closer to FULL cost of the ship, basically left in place for convenience rather than cost savings.

As for the economy, I could simulate a NPC-driven economy on the server side using virtual traders. It wouldn't be like X4 where each BGS NPC had its own in-game NPC, but it would actually track supply and demand and balance the markets and system states accordingly. A player could still affect this, say by blowing up real NPC traders, which the server could then use to impact the virtual traders on the BGS side. This could also impact stock of ships and modules.

Oh yes, I could have a blast writing my own custom server. Again, this would be basically for me and maybe a few friends as a private server, because it would be hard, if not impossible, to scale a homemade server running on a single machine to handle thousands of player transactions. But if I could make an X4 clone out of ED (at least somewhat), I'd be totally happy playing ED "offline" forever! :D
You got a server?

CQ, CQ, CQ...
ETS2 and ATS atm trying the Convoy modes out!!! not many players currently only 8 per hosts. but hopefully they will increase that with Dedicated servers if any are ready for windows based console command versions (hopefully they will think of that)!.
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OA Money Quote: A game should try to be the best version of itself.
That said, there's nothing wrong borrowing good ideas from other games. I'd love to see Elite borrow things from X4, Subnautica, Space Engineers, and No Man's Sky, for example, but I'd be just as happy if Space Engineers borrowed from NMS, or NMS and X4 borrowed from Elite. I'm talking about small things, like X4's economy and NPC crew, Subnautica and SE's "space legs" (and someday Subnautica's simple but joyful base-building), etc.

Ironically Elite did become "something else" with Odyssey (a FPS in the vein of DUST 514) rather than borrow these other things I suggest above that would have made Elite a better version of itself.
@Old Duck.
If they let us use mods I'll pay you good money to do a version without engineers.

I waited 30 years for Elite and it was going to be my forever game but the engineers killed it stone dead for me.

Start planning!

Bought this on a whim, I didnt think it was maybe my sort of game. But it's actually brilliant. Made by Arkane the developers of Dishonored series and PREY.

Playing this has once again shown me this dev studio are the top of a very small list of studios willing to try new ideas and an even smaller list of those that actually work!

There are many reviews of the game out there by now but I can tell you playing this is a treat. Brilliant stuff. I'd urge anyone, but especially anyone that's a fan of the studios previous work to give it a try or at least check some reviews.
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