When and what is the tick?

Jane Turner

Volunteer Moderator
The influence of minor factions is updated approximately once every 24 hours as a result of actions taken in that period. So its the equivalent of the Thursday morning Power Play update... it just happens more often.

it is currently approximately 14:26 ish Server time - check here for the last few days https://elitebgs.app/tick

The tick appears to filter through the galaxy, with some systems ticking later than others (up to 15 minutes). You may need to log out of the game (to desktop) to clear your cache if you are in, or have recently visited, the system you are checking. State changes related sometimes show a little ahead of the influence changes, but this might be for the same reason.

There has been much debate about when last actions should be completed before a tick. We (CIU) work on 30 mins before if you want to be sure that the action counts for that day, other groups go right to the wire whilst some operate a one hour window.

There is a tendency for it to slip during updates, downtimes etc, so it creeps forwards. Occasionaly it is completely reset. It is now thankfully a rare event when the BGS does not tick.

If anyone spots a time change or has improvements to suggest for this - let me know.

Old "tracking the tick" thread
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We operate with a 45min to 1h gap here regarding when to turn things in that count before / after the Tick.

Total BGS freezes haven't been noticed for a while here but Systems still do from time to time.
that's odd. When I logged on this morning, my faction had a new pending state, and it's overall system percentage was up 1.3 as compared to last night.
Last night the Starport services Status Summuary said my chosen faction was preparing for war, but the pending state, and all other states, said NONE. It also said that it's influence was 14 percent in that station but this didn't reflect on the influence meter within the missions board. That's change this morning as well.
I sort of knew what it was but having it explained in nice laymans terms was a welcome sight. I enjoy playing the BGS when im in the bubble (or playing the game for that matter) so having easy to read sticky threads like this one is very good. Good work and all that. [smile]
that's odd. When I logged on this morning, my faction had a new pending state, and it's overall system percentage was up 1.3 as compared to last night.
Last night the Starport services Status Summuary said my chosen faction was preparing for war, but the pending state, and all other states, said NONE. It also said that it's influence was 14 percent in that station but this didn't reflect on the influence meter within the missions board. That's change this morning as well.

These are potentially caching issues, or else something has gone boink. Keep an eye on things and submit a bug report if you are continuing to see inconsistencies between the Services summary, system map and influence screen on the right hand panel. or changes.

In relation to pending war, if the war is in a different system it will only show as pending in the right hand panel on that system. While all states have factionwide influence modifiers, conflict states are located with a single system.

Jane Turner

Volunteer Moderator
Its not uncommon for the faction summary, the right hand HUD and the system map to show different values and update at different times. In your case Ka_Ror I'd put money on a caching issue hiding the change in influence and state when it occured - but it resolved when you logged back in. I just logged out of my account ready to go back in in about 20 mins.

Just occasionally we've seen two changes in influence and state close to the tick - usually in systems we have put a ton of work into - influences go down then up or vice versa. The 1st time it happened it was hours between checks - the 1st change was disappointing so I was astonished to see the outcome we'd been trying for when I looked again a few hours later - it was trying to trigger a retreat.
How long does pending last? I was hoping to be at war when the tick occurred.
Also, me and the opposing faction were tied at 14 percent but after the tick, my faction shot up to 36 percent. Did this make me bypass war altogether? Which would be not so bad because then I can just go straight to the controlling faction of a substation. Even though I was hoping to cause a retreat with the faction i was tied with, who is an outsider.

Edit: I also have two pending states btw. Boom and War

Jane Turner

Volunteer Moderator
When and what is the tick:

How long does pending last? I was hoping to be at war when the tick occurred.
Also, me and the opposing faction were tied at 14 percent but after the tick, my faction shot up to 36 percent. Did this make me bypass war altogether? Which would be not so bad because then I can just go straight to the controlling faction of a substation. Even though I was hoping to cause a retreat with the faction i was tied with, who is an outsider.

Edit: I also have two pending states btw. Boom and War

All states have a countdown - so once they go pending, they will occur on the earliest tick after that countdown so long as another more important state doesn't intervene.

A state timing and priorities table is all the BGS threads listed in the sricky thread and copied here below. For war - it will go active 3 days after it goes pending.... and your 36% gain means you probably won't even have to fight to win



*note that 14 days may be the new longest duration for a war - certainly a few that would previously gone 28 have ended at 14
Day 1: Conflict goes pending.
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4: Conflict starts.
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7: Asset transfer happens.
Day 8: Conflict ends.

I found that on one of the links you shared. I also see that i missed an opportunity with the targeted station's controlling faction. It has 2 percent influenced. From what I've have learned so far, via reading, is that I should have done missions for them as well to raise their influence beyond the minimum threshold and to equal my own influence which would have triggered a civil war, theoretically. Going to aid them with getting out of the OUTBREAK state, via delivery missions, station lacks a commodity market, and get ready for them, I guess, by the middle of next week.

Thanks a lot for sharing your knowledge. It's greatly appreciated

Jane Turner

Volunteer Moderator
There are different schools of thought on owning all the stations in the system. If you expect to attract negative attention, as we do RP'ing communists, its actually a good idea NOT to own all the stations in a system - that way you will always have access to a mission and passenger board if someone comes and puts you into lockdown or closes down your station with Thargoid Probes (still UAs in my head!)
My faction is Feudal. I believe when they are in power, Black Markets are disabled. Which would make me invulnerable to UA bombing, right?

The targeted Station is planet based, no black market and has the only large landing pad in the system. Oh crap... just thought about. It doesn't have a commodity market! So my cutter is useless for trading there. lol. I didn't fully think that out.
*note that 14 days may be the new longest duration for a war - certainly a few that would previously gone 28 have ended at 14
Checking, I've got a 21-day example in October/November 3303 in Tir, a 17-day example in December 3303 in Tenjin, and a 19-day example in December 3303 in Amatsuboshi.

All ending as 1%-1% draws, or thereabouts, having been at or close to that for most of their duration, so what determines the maximum length isn't clear to me. Possibly it just has a random chance of ending each day once it reaches 14 days?
Checking, I've got a 21-day example in October/November 3303 in Tir, a 17-day example in December 3303 in Tenjin, and a 19-day example in December 3303 in Amatsuboshi.

All ending as 1%-1% draws, or thereabouts, having been at or close to that for most of their duration, so what determines the maximum length isn't clear to me. Possibly it just has a random chance of ending each day once it reaches 14 days?

Sounds as though, there were players competing against you.
In the interest of testing the cut off window - dropped 2 courier missions at 11:49 and 2 at 11:59. They all counted.

+1 rep. Thanks for the info Jane. This runs counter to my experience, but maybe FD has beefed up their server efficiency. I'll try testing here and there when I can get to a quiet system
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