Horizons Where's the clock

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Perhaps the reason why you didn't see it untill now is because prior to 1.5/2.0 the only timed part of missions was how long untill it expired and not hold package for x number of minutes/hours or find target between x and y time frame of the mission. Also your two solutions ignore the fact that you can easily get interdicted or attacked while doing so especially with the latter. Can you imagine what would happen if someone wearing glasses had to franticly put their headset back on in a hurry one of the two devices is going to break and its likely the one they need to see with. Honestly with the cup holder comment I think your just going here to be argumentative and or trolling people asking for a quality of life update.

LOL... Just press ONE button - its already in the game and the 'quality of life update' comment please... and you call me the troll, that was hysterical.

If you cannot handle someone having an opposing view point to yourself I suggest you leave the internet, you may get offended.

Ok the cup holder comment was me poking a wounded animal with a pointy stick... but ONE button is all you need to press to see the time.
Don't the missions in the transactions tab show the time remaining? iirc not just your bounties amassed etc - oops bit slow
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some missions will say meet "covert john" at 1:45 - 2:00 in sol (or something stupid like that)
then you just hang around untill 1:45 then go to sc around sol. and he will appear and low wake so you can follow him.
SOLUTION FOR EVERYONE: Use the Map screen, you won't even have to take you head off to do it. Blimey, it's just ONE button, is that so hard to do?

You just just say "yeah if they can implement it, then great" rather than adopting the curious approach you've chosen to in this discussion. I mean, it's just a clock. Nobody's suggesting automating bobbleheads into a multi-coloured wobbly timepiece.

Acquiescence, is that so hard to do?
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Stop making excuses for the dev's, of course the there should be a clock, when they implemented this type of mission they created a requirement for it.
Absolutely. All of the suggestions to have a wall clock, use your phone etc. are missing the point. Those are all valid options but they shouldn't be necessary. I have a second monitor with the Windows taskbar clock visible so I have my own workaround, but the lack of an in-ship clock other than on the galaxy map is a long-term complaint that surely must be one of the easiest things to implement?

I can't believe it's such a difficult task to add an RTC display somewhere in the cockpit UI. And even if for some bizarre reason it's the most difficult programming task in the world, couldn't it be temporarily added as an optional overlay like the FPS or bandwidth monitors?

It really does seem as though FD can't recognise the opportunity for an easy customer relations win when they see one. Either that or their project management system is so inflexible ("you absolutely will not code that easy clock routine until all the difficult higher-priority stuff is done") that it prevents them from adding quick fixes for much-requested omissions such as this one.
You just just say "yeah if they can implement it, then great" rather than adopting the curious approach you've chosen to this discussion. I mean, it's just a clock. Nobody's suggesting automating bobbleheads into a multi-coloured wobbly timepiece.

Acquiescence , is that so hard to do?

Using the one button already in game, is that to hard to do?

Plus, hate to be the one to point this out but we are individuals all with our own opinions. I don't see the need to have the development schedule disrupted for this when the clock is already visable in the game. Maybe it's because part of my job is to keep software projects on course and on time. Nobody likes to read a project creep report anyway, I can just see my bosses face when I try to explain something like this to him. If it had been in the original brief then fine but it wasn't it would seem. Sure some of you think well it would only take an hour to do but who do you get to do it? What would that person now not be doing? What will the rest of the team he is part of do while they wait for him to return to the task he had been set... what of all the other people waiting on him/the team to complete work so they can carry on? You never just change the plan in such a way without facing the fallout from doing so.
I don't see the need to have the development schedule disrupted


The pits are going to need an upgrade for VR ... lets get this clock on the list so it doesn't get left out.
Using the one button already in game, is that to hard to do?

Plus, hate to be the one to point this out but we are individuals all with our own opinions. I don't see the need to have the development schedule disrupted for this when the clock is already visable in the game. Maybe it's because part of my job is to keep software projects on course and on time. Nobody likes to read a project creep report anyway, I can just see my bosses face when I try to explain something like this to him. If it had been in the original brief then fine but it wasn't it would seem. Sure some of you think well it would only take an hour to do but who do you get to do it? What would that person now not be doing? What will the rest of the team he is part of do while they wait for him to return to the task he had been set... what of all the other people waiting on him/the team to complete work so they can carry on? You never just change the plan in such a way without facing the fallout from doing so.

I don't need educating in IT project management - I have quite enough experience. And I don't see the need to concern yourself about FD's development operation. It's nothing to do with you. You're a player. You get what you're given when it's released. It's for Frontier to decide how they use their development resources - they don't need our opinion on how to structure the top #10.

If Frontier didn't want us to suggest something new they wouldn't have a suggestions forum.


Can we get local time conversion, or a clock? Is ED timeline after some mental disorder that wiped brains of every living creature and they forgot useful things as notepads, clocks and bookmarks?

To moderator: That was NOT A SWEAR word and if you're going to punish people for using non swear words and infract them i have to say this:

Why didn't you infract those you hypocrite?
https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php?t=220015 (even my older post)
and like 800 more cases: https://www.google.com/search?q=+si...&bih=810&ei=hc6LVrDvEeiGywP53qZg&start=0&sa=N

I rest my case and demand infraction to be reverted! Damn overly sensitive politically correct mods that are plague of society.
Someone should slap this new guy/gal.
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The pits are going to need an upgrade for VR ... lets get this clock on the list so it doesn't get left out.

If the cockpits are due for an over haul then there is scope for the clock to be added and I would be surprised if it is not already on the list... If you had been reading my posts you will note that I had already said more or less the exact same thing but you carry on thinking you found a false dichotomy as I have a feeling if it is to be done it has been thought over and planned correctly - for instance, it may have the ability to link to the current mission to show you not just the time but also the time remaining on the mission. Maybe they have allowed for people to set local time zones... Lots of other stuff they could do with it in the cockpits are to be re-done.

Oh look at that, the negative person came up with expanded ideas about the clock we had not considered... Anything can be added to the plan, you just need to know when it is the right time for it to be worked on and a good reason to do it in the first place.

Till then, it's still just one button away - not hard is it.

I don't need educating in IT project management - I have quite enough experience. And I don't see the need to concern yourself about FD's development operation. It's nothing to do with you. You're a player. You get what you're given when it's released. It's for Frontier to decide how they use their development resources - they don't need our opinion on how to structure the top #10.

If Frontier didn't want us to suggest something new they wouldn't have a suggestions forum.

Neither are you :D but that stops neither of us from mentioning it as so many of the players will have no idea about delivering a project on time and on budget.

It's hard to take the work hat off after 30 odd years...

Suggestions you say, maybe this entire thread is in the wrong place but then again most of the 'suggestions' are not in the right place. Might be a bit of a clue there as to why so many good ideas get seemingly ignored.
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I don't think this is going to make any of you happy but...


What is the problem with using them?
Why do today's gamer's need to have everything on the screen in front of them?

Look at the mission profile - it even tells you how much time you have left to complete it.

I'll make it easy for you, the game runs on UTC time - real easy to look up and work out the time difference between you and UTC - Job done and no developer was dragged off the next big update/bug fixes to add a clock.

I wonder how on earth some gamers manage to play games like BF4 or CoD with their total lack of clock.

I also have a notepad, so why do I keep asking for a commander's log inside the game? Why would I like to access market data from the system map instead of having to jump 20 ly, supercruise for 3 minutes, dock and then check the commodity market and manually note down any interesting prices?

I have a TV, so why do I keep wanting something interesting to do in-game while supercruising to that station 100000 ls away?

Maybe I would like to immerse myself in this game? Maybe I would like to not be dependent on out-of-game gadgets for fun and convenience?

Timed missions in games such as BF4 and CoD put the countdown right in your face afaik, so that argument is quite invalid.

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SOLUTION FOR EVERYONE: Use the Map screen, you won't even have to take you head off to do it. Blimey, it's just ONE button, is that so hard to do?

Loading the galaxy or system map takes a lot of time for many people. Time during which they cannot steer their ship and are helplessly flying straight onwards and can only pray that an interdiction doesn't start while they are checking. Quite a suboptimal solution.
Back before release, when missions were first being implemented, a fair few people got upset that their missions expired as they'd assumed the time remaining would only count down while they were in the game.

If they'd given missions an explicit expiry time ("deliver this package before midnight on the 32nd Octember" or whatever) and put a clock on the HUD as with previous games, that pain would have easily been avoided.

Now there are missions that rely on being somewhere at a specific time, it's even more hard to believe they haven't added a clock yet!
Clock on the HUD, how difficult can it be Devs.

The grand scale of this game is imposing and incredible but it's the small detail things that pull it down.
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