Winter 2023 DLC Speculation

If there's a wisent I'm gonna really really enjoy it, I think we still lack European animals and it has a great history with being the first extinct in the wild animals repopulated to least concern thanks to zoos. I would largely prefer it to a takin, personally.
Final guess (if it's asia animal pack):
-Takin (it has to be it, it was pretty high on the wishlist compared to wisent, and wisent isn't really that golden tbh)
-Sloth Bear (I'd prefer Andean bear a lot more, but i guess it's good to have it officially, since it's fur could be a nightmare for modders)
-Golden Snub Nosed Monkey
-Japanese Giant Salamander
-Reticulated Python (exhibit) (or some kind of bird, cope)

Final guess (if it's cold climate/highlands pack in general)
-Sloth Bear
-Gelada/Hamadryas Baboon (come on, we need at least one of them officially)
-Musk Ox
-Cameroon Mountain Chameleon(exhibit)
If there's a wisent I'm gonna really really enjoy it, I think we still lack European animals and it has a great history with being the first extinct in the wild animals repopulated to least concern thanks to zoos. I would largely prefer it to a takin, personally.
You may have sold wisent to me. I still think it is takin though...
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