YOUR name in Elite! Tourist Beacon competition

System: Hypao Aoscs GA-A c22


Dear Frontier Development,

I would like to introduce you to my earth-like world. This system was discovered by my X-Box account on April 20th, 2021 at 06:37 a.m. UTC. I was looking for a new home for mankind and was looking for a world with the same pressure and atmospheric composition as on earth, if possible with a landable moon. The day before I had almost given up looking in this region and told myself that I would fly back into the bubble the next day. The 1st jump brought me into this system.

It's special because it's nearly similar to earth and has a landable moon which is slightly bigger than our moon. The location for a second retreat in the event of a Thargoid invasion is ideal.

I have had to rush frome the bubble up there, because their didn't exist a screenshot. After 2 days I reached the system. Sacrifice the weekend.

Hypao Aoscs GA-A c22

I named the system Lactea, latin for milky way.

Star-Class: G


Surface area: 313.782.387,338 km²
Circumference: 31.397,077 km
Diameter: 9994 km
Acceleration due to gravity: 8,336 m/s²
Mean air pressure: 1043,65 hPA

Orbital period: 426,7 D
Rotation period: 1,8 D
Semi-major axis: 1,06 AU (158.573.904 km)
Eccentricity: 0,0000
Axial tilt: 28,52°

237,05 days per year
59,25 days per season

The polar-zone on this planet is located till latidude 60° and the average surface temperature is 285K, a very good value.
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Greetings Commanders,

Explorers venture into the depths of space and discover beautiful systems that most will never see. We would like to offer you the opportunity to share your best discoveries and be immortalised in Elite Dangerous.

Our plan is to place approximately 50 additional Tourist Beacons throughout the Milky Way. Therefore, we’re running this competition in-line with this week’s exploration-based Community Goal.

To enter, reply to this post with an in-system (not System Map) screenshot of the most interesting unpopulated systems containing an Earth-like world you can find! When the Community Goal ends on 30 September, we’ll choose our favourites and add Tourist Beacons to those locations. Each beacon will feature the entrant’s Commander name in its text!

To qualify, submissions must:
  • Feature a screenshot of an unpopulated system in Elite Dangerous which contains an Earth-like world
  • Include your in-game Commander name
  • Include the name of the screenshotted system
Note: Only one submission will be accepted per player. If you submit multiple screenshots, the last one will be considered your only valid entry. Entries after 14:00 BST on 30 September will not be counted. We reserve the right not to include any Commander names in Tourist Beacon text that we deem inappropriate.

While the system must contain an Earth-like world, it doesn’t have to be the focus of the image. Try to show off as many features as you can which make the system interesting and a strong potential tourist destination!

All winning entries will receive 5,000 ARX in addition to the Tourist Beacon, so get exploring!

Good luck

CMDR Limente
System: Syroifue PR-W d1-24
Distance from Sol: 30606Ly
Details: EDSM Link
CMDR Symm MindWeaver
System: Aucoks ZS-L C10-0

3 star system where two of the stars share an orbit around the first star. These two earthlike planets share an orbit constantly dancing around eachother while traversing the first star. Makes for the ultimate party vacation destination as certain parts of the year are 24 hours of daylight from various stars. Get the views of earths moon from a beach side cabana.

Double Earthlike Rainbow
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Cmdr Nick Nova
System: oochosy yd-b d1 - Sanguineous rim

Welcome to oochosy yd-b d1, a previously undiscovered system situated around 5 000ly away from the bubble, below the galactic plane. It's close enough to be conveniently visited, yet far away enough to feel exotic.

From here you'll have a spectacular view looking back towards the galaxy. Enjoy the sight of the galaxy from below, barnards loop, witchhead nebula, seagull nebula, the rosette nebula and somewhere there in the sea of stars - Sol. Turn to look the other way and you will be treated with the darkness of almost complete nothingness. A quite eerie experience for someone who isn't familiar with it.

The system contains several metal rich planets, a water world and an earthlike world. The ELW is orbited by a beautiful landable atmospheric desert moon, from wich you can witness an earthrise. All of this orbits a beautiful white A class star.

Come visit oochosy, where it's oo so cosy.. ba dum tish


Elite Dangerous Super-Resolution 2021.09.26 -

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Greetings Commanders,

Explorers venture into the depths of space and discover beautiful systems that most will never see. We would like to offer you the opportunity to share your best discoveries and be immortalised in Elite Dangerous.

Our plan is to place approximately 50 additional Tourist Beacons throughout the Milky Way. Therefore, we’re running this competition in-line with this week’s exploration-based Community Goal.

To enter, reply to this post with an in-system (not System Map) screenshot of the most interesting unpopulated systems containing an Earth-like world you can find! When the Community Goal ends on 30 September, we’ll choose our favourites and add Tourist Beacons to those locations. Each beacon will feature the entrant’s Commander name in its text!

To qualify, submissions must:
  • Feature a screenshot of an unpopulated system in Elite Dangerous which contains an Earth-like world
  • Include your in-game Commander name
  • Include the name of the screenshotted system
Note: Only one submission will be accepted per player. If you submit multiple screenshots, the last one will be considered your only valid entry. Entries after 14:00 BST on 30 September will not be counted. We reserve the right not to include any Commander names in Tourist Beacon text that we deem inappropriate.

While the system must contain an Earth-like world, it doesn’t have to be the focus of the image. Try to show off as many features as you can which make the system interesting and a strong potential tourist destination!

All winning entries will receive 5,000 ARX in addition to the Tourist Beacon, so get exploring!

Good luck

My contribution - the "lava falls" of Wregoi VE-Z d16 B2!

Wregoi VE-Z d16 B2.jpg


(So it's not really lava flowing down these "falls". And they are not even "falls". Sue me. ;) Since when are travel brochures truthful?)
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o7 everyone :) hope your all having a great time exploring the black, came accross this one with a nice view of what apears to be towards Sag A, a black hole in the distance or is that a few nebulas i can see, this place has no population and is located at Praea Euq GR-D d12-40 AB 1 its a must see for the best views of the milky way.

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Greetings Commanders,

Explorers venture into the depths of space and discover beautiful systems that most will never see. We would like to offer you the opportunity to share your best discoveries and be immortalised in Elite Dangerous.

Our plan is to place approximately 50 additional Tourist Beacons throughout the Milky Way. Therefore, we’re running this competition in-line with this week’s exploration-based Community Goal.

To enter, reply to this post with an in-system (not System Map) screenshot of the most interesting unpopulated systems containing an Earth-like world you can find! When the Community Goal ends on 30 September, we’ll choose our favourites and add Tourist Beacons to those locations. Each beacon will feature the entrant’s Commander name in its text!

To qualify, submissions must:
  • Feature a screenshot of an unpopulated system in Elite Dangerous which contains an Earth-like world
  • Include your in-game Commander name
  • Include the name of the screenshotted system
Note: Only one submission will be accepted per player. If you submit multiple screenshots, the last one will be considered your only valid entry. Entries after 14:00 BST on 30 September will not be counted. We reserve the right not to include any Commander names in Tourist Beacon text that we deem inappropriate.

While the system must contain an Earth-like world, it doesn’t have to be the focus of the image. Try to show off as many features as you can which make the system interesting and a strong potential tourist destination!

All winning entries will receive 5,000 ARX in addition to the Tourist Beacon, so get exploring!

Good luck

CMDR Razgriz--76--

Here's my submission! During the recent community goal, this was one of four of my first to discover ELWs. The system name is PREAE THAA SJ-R C-14. Its about 7000 Light years from the Bubble and the system features a ELW which is orbiting another planet. The system's star is a Binary class K which gives surreal views from the ELW. The system also features a water world!


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A rare instance of an earth-like orbiting a neutron star. This lovely marble is in a binary orbit with a high metal content world. Two other high-metal content worlds grace the system. It's only a dozen Neutron jumps from Colonia in a direct line toward Sagittarius A, therefore many commanders can stop by for a look while travelling that popular route.

System: Kyloarph RT-R D4-3469
Photo by: Cmdr Zorkmid

Elite Dangerous_20210926224713.jpg
CMDR Electron1984 - Here's my newly discovered ELW. Hope you like it! Oochody AZ-N C8-0 5. - edit Can't post screenshot - 'Oops you ran into an error'?
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Found yesterday this nice spot: Systua Aoc WO-P c19-0

Body 4 is an ELW

The System is 2691LY above the plane and around 4600 LY away from Sagittarius A and around 2800 LY away from the Tourist Installation "Black in Green".

Commanders name: nyenyon



P.S.: sorry, the forum did not accept that image... so i had to use imgur

Systua Aoc WO-P c19-0 Systua Aoc WO-P c19-0 4 (20210926-183416).png
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System: Drumboa AA-A h73
Commander: Matt G

Here's a shot of the system map, and it's ELW.

So the first thing you should know about this system is that all the bodies orbit a pair of black holes - and one of them is quite large, the gravitational lensing it causes is visible from the ELW and all the landable bodies.

The ELW (body AB 8 h) is actually a moon orbiting a parent class K that in turn orbits the black hole pair. As a result, it is a dark world and the average surface temperature is below freezing. (And note that you can see the black hole lensing clearly)

There are a number of landable moons with interesting geographical features, and one of them has an atmosphere

But the absolute standout feature of this system is that is has a ringed neutron star (also orbiting the black hole pair) - of which only a tiny handful have ever been discovered.

Accordingly, the image I submit as a reason to visit this system is this:
System: TRAPPIST-1

Notes: In the year 2017 system TRAPPIST-1 was discovered to host up to seven habitable planets. This was the largest number of Goldilocks Zone -bodies in a system found so far. This new "Seven Wonders" -discovery sparked interest in exoplanets and space exploration.


Commander name: Raicorii


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Greetings Commanders,

Explorers venture into the depths of space and discover beautiful systems that most will never see. We would like to offer you the opportunity to share your best discoveries and be immortalised in Elite Dangerous.

Our plan is to place approximately 50 additional Tourist Beacons throughout the Milky Way. Therefore, we’re running this competition in-line with this week’s exploration-based Community Goal.

To enter, reply to this post with an in-system (not System Map) screenshot of the most interesting unpopulated systems containing an Earth-like world you can find! When the Community Goal ends on 30 September, we’ll choose our favourites and add Tourist Beacons to those locations. Each beacon will feature the entrant’s Commander name in its text!

To qualify, submissions must:
  • Feature a screenshot of an unpopulated system in Elite Dangerous which contains an Earth-like world
  • Include your in-game Commander name
  • Include the name of the screenshotted system
Note: Only one submission will be accepted per player. If you submit multiple screenshots, the last one will be considered your only valid entry. Entries after 14:00 BST on 30 September will not be counted. We reserve the right not to include any Commander names in Tourist Beacon text that we deem inappropriate.

While the system must contain an Earth-like world, it doesn’t have to be the focus of the image. Try to show off as many features as you can which make the system interesting and a strong potential tourist destination!

All winning entries will receive 5,000 ARX in addition to the Tourist Beacon, so get exploring!

Good luck

CMDR artemwaynes
System name: Eor Auscs FG-Y d7228


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A couple of friends are out exploring close to the core and i gave them some nice systems, if they want to go visit and take photos and submit the systems for their own (if they don't find something better ofc). I hope that is not against some rule.
System Name: Juenae KN-S d4-3843
CMDR Name: CMDR Kezika
Proposed POI Name: Ringed Siblings

Discovered by CMDR Kezika, this system features a ringed Earth-like world (body 2) orbiting it's star along with a ringed gas giant (body 1) that is close enough to be in view from the Earth-like world. However it isn't orbiting the gas giant, both orbit the system's star, but their orbits are a mere 54 Ls apart on average. Additionally with both having an orbital period of 302.6 Earth Days and also the same orbital eccentricity and inclinations, they will stay in view of each other throughout their orbits.

On top of all that, at only 803 Ly from Sagittarius A* at the center of the galaxy, the night sky is stunningly filled with stars to view!
Juenae KN-S d4-3843 2 A.jpg
Elite Screenshot Wregoe TJ-I C9-2 .jpg

The first and second planets of Wregoe TJ-I C9-2 - orbiting as a tidally locked pair, one is earthlike, and the other is hot, wet and terraformable. They're less than 700 LY from the bubble, so a very convenient tourist trip.

CMDR Turnip
System: Wregoe TJ-I C9-2
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