Yes these are god-modes the Devs use, there are hackers out there who’ve accessed them to exploit infinite jumps or fly Thargoids etc.

The ‘galaxy’ is not really a spacial entity, we don’t physically travel anywhere, Cmdrs dial up that data and it loads into an instance. So logically ‘distance’ or ‘fuel’ are simply game-logic limitations.

Looks like there is (or was) no god mode on the public servers.... I guess the vids I saw were dev or test builds.... unless the admin suite does that stuff, which I doubt based on the comment below, and having had a Conda reimbursed once (back when they were really expensive!) when recalling it from a planet and watching it pile straight in to the surface, I guess it's for that kinda stuff ;-)

"The public facing builds don't support any of our trickery as the developer console is compiled out, so no god mode ingame.

We could cheat progression by using the admin suite that support uses to help stuck players, but that would be... cheating... (Also it's audit logged on the live envronment, so not worth the risk)."

Also noted MB responded to a question about Unknown permits being used for testing content:

"So, do you mean that you don't need to block regions with an unknown permit to include content in it, as you can do that first on separate development servers ?"

"We can, but we also have a fair idea for where things are going to take place, and we've had those locked off from the start, as well as some speculative areas as well."
Also, I still have a theory that Raxxla actually moves. I've had people jump down my throat previously for even suggesting that, saying it wasn't possible, but now, after the Thargoid mothership things moved thru the galaxy, I'm even more convinced that Raxxla is on some predetermined "path" or "circuit" between set stars, only being at each star for a limited duration of specific time before moving to the next star, likely always at a far far distance from any objects in those systems so as not to disturb orbits (or its the size of the thargoid motherships or smaller and just doesn't effects orbits as it passes), and that to be able to find it, and be a repeatable process, requires finding and understanding that path, or simply stumbling upon it (which would be unlikely, assuming Raxxla won't show up on FSS/system map as Raxxla (FSS wasn't in-game at launch anyways))...
I also think if Raxxla is Guardian in nature, that this would be one of the ways they would choose to hide it, so that even if stumbled upon once by someone (an enemy), it would not be there when/if they returned....
but again, just a theory and no good idea of where to even start...

It's a good a theory as any other until it's found as we don't know what it is! ;-)
13:45, does Raxxla exist? There’s an interesting one. What a silly question, of course....You don’t know what it is though!

I think you could interpret the following two statements as suggesting it's moving....
"Anyone can FIND IT MORE THAN ONCE" - If it's a stationary object why would you need to find it each time?
"It's NOT A RANDOM THING." - With reference to not having to find it by chance... so there may be a method to find it more than once...


And it might be because Raxxla is orbiting a comet like this station..

Which MB confirms might be the case here (for the station orbiting the comet... not Raxxla!)

And as for Raxxla being Guardian in nature, perhaps only one of the Guardian sites is "Active" in someway at anyone time and that is Raxxla? (After all as we've been told....we don't know what it is!)
It could also be read as you don't have to do anything, its not random because its always there?

Absolutely the problem with the English language, it's open to lots of interpretations... but MB made two comments in a short period of time... and the other one was about anyone finding it more than once... which can be read that it's not always there, so perhaps it does move, or it's cloaked/hidden, or some other reason why he used the word "find" rather than something like "return to it more than once" which would imply a static position? - which might also be a bit of strange comment if it was always there..... e.g. lets flip it and use Earth as an example.... "Earth is always there and you can find it more than once" sounds a bit strange as you know where it is and don't need to find it again? and "Earth is always there and you can return to it more than once" sound better to me but still a bit strange/over stated? .... "Earth is always there" would seem sensible and suffice? :cool:

MB will have used his words carefully when speaking of Raxxla as he did when he answered DJTruthSlayer..... Every word with meaning and guarded as to not "reveal anything further at this time" :)

And perhaps if it was always there it wouldn't be "hard to find" in the first place? ;-)

Just a thought...
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Been thinking on the comments about the Raxxla codex being the only evidence in game...

Then using argument modelling to start to try and map out what might be leads/not leads....

anyway here's my starter for 10.... loads missing, but thought it might be useful and if you can knock down some of the thoughts or add to them let me know... - if you want to use something to mindmap stuff.... first time I've used it and seems cool....

Green is putting a position forward/red is an objection/negative thought...


  • Raxxla Codex Argument Diagram.png
    Raxxla Codex Argument Diagram.png
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Absolutely the problem with the English language, it's open to lots of interpretations... but MB made two comments in a short period of time... and the other one was about anyone finding it more than once... which can be read that it's not always there, so perhaps it does move, or it's cloaked/hidden, or some other reason why he used the word "find" rather than something like "return to it more than once" which would imply a static position? - which might also be a bit of strange comment if it was always there..... e.g. lets flip it and use Earth as an example.... "Earth is always there and you can find it more than once" sounds a bit strange as you know where it is and don't need to find it again? and "Earth is always there and you can return to it more than once" sound better to me but still a bit strange/over stated? .... "Earth is always there" would seem sensible and suffice? :cool:

And perhaps if it was always there it wouldn't be "hard to find" in the first place? ;-)

Just a thought...
Aye the 'find it' bit does seem to point towards finding it once but it may not be in the same place next time, hence find it again.

Been thinking on the comments about the Raxxla codex being the only evidence in game...

Then using argument modelling to start to try and map out what might be leads/not leads....

anyway here's my starter for 10.... loads missing, but thought it might be useful and if you can knock down some of the thoughts or add to them let me know... - if you want to use something to mindmap stuff.... first time I've used it and seems cool....

Green is putting a position forward/red is an objection/negative thought...
Mind mapping is definitely a smart way to help find idea relationships and paths of enquiry.
Perfect example, your map exposed one question I hadn't given much time to - what would the "Rift" actually mean? or more importantly what other meanings of Rift haven't been considered? The codex could be deliberately leading the reader off track by inferring it is a type of wormhole in space or gateway construct.

Could it be a geological rift? A place that is divided? Something that is breached? Something that is burst open? Something wrenched open / split with force / cleaved?
Been thinking on the comments about the Raxxla codex being the only evidence in game...

Then using argument modelling to start to try and map out what might be leads/not leads....

anyway here's my starter for 10.... loads missing, but thought it might be useful and if you can knock down some of the thoughts or add to them let me know... - if you want to use something to mindmap stuff.... first time I've used it and seems cool....

Green is putting a position forward/red is an objection/negative thought...
… power resetting …

I don’t believe one can simply interpret the Codex, without first having the eyes to see….namely, understanding the original context…I suspect the author has utilised a number of abstract allegories.

I agree this concept of mapping can assist with interpretation as an application of critical analysis which is very helpful to stress test our understanding and identify unknowns.

…. Power failing…
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Mind mapping is definitely a smart way to help find idea relationships and paths of enquiry.
Perfect example, your map exposed one question I hadn't given much time to - what would the "Rift" actually mean? or more importantly what other meanings of Rift haven't been considered? The codex could be deliberately leading the reader off track by inferring it is a type of wormhole in space or gateway construct.

Could it be a geological rift? A place that is divided? Something that is breached? Something that is burst open? Something wrenched open / split with force / cleaved?
Mind mapping is a useful tool for exposing for criticism your logic in interpreting relationships, but is only as good as the input information.

I've pondered "Rift" in the past. Rift could mean a hole in spacetime, i.e. a gateway (would also fit "door that is also the key") and science postulates this might be caused by a rotating Black Hole. It could also mean a dark nebula, i.e. one that is dust that is not emitting light so appears to be a hole in the galactic background. There is one interesting one, the Great Rift, but IMHO it is too far from Sol to fit the first rumour date, and is pretty big so no use in localising Raxxla:

However a grapefruit-sized black hole might form a rift, and be extremely difficult to detect. I saw mention of the possibility of one being in the outskirts of Sol, IIRC it was a possible solution for a rumoured 10th planet, though FD have decided to put Persephone there.
The use of the term ‘rift’ has always caused me some interest, in respect of being able to identify what or where Raxxla might be - within game, especially when interpreting it in relation to the use the word Omphalos.

Initially within Greek mythology the Oracle of Delphi, said to be to home / resting place of the Omphalos; sat directly over a supposed rift or fissure.

Archaeological excavations of the Delphi complex has identified that area is situated directly over a geological fissure, and a river complex runs through the area, supporting in part this theory.

In game, we can suppose that early statements off Braben and Brookes established that the game ought to be based upon real-world science (!) except for faster than light travel, which is just in their words made up hand-wavy sci-fi to enable the game to work.

So in theory, how could a natural fissure work in game?

One possible hypothesis:

I’m seeing a lot of references to zones and areas separated by water, thunder, mountains and the underworld, especially in relation to the concept of travelling to the ‘Otherworld’.

There are certain references in game to Holdstock (Lost realms) and Gilgamesh which revolve around travelling through mountains to get to this ‘Otherworld’!

Could the Omphalos Rift relate to these spacial zones and an intersection identifying a passage to the Otherworld!

….signal interruption
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Been thinking on the comments about the Raxxla codex being the only evidence in game...

Then using argument modelling to start to try and map out what might be leads/not leads....

anyway here's my starter for 10.... loads missing, but thought it might be useful and if you can knock down some of the thoughts or add to them let me know... - if you want to use something to mindmap stuff.... first time I've used it and seems cool....

Green is putting a position forward/red is an objection/negative thought...
There are two points on this where we got further answers from Drew Wagar:

4.27 - Raxxla was explicitly off-limits to the book authors (and The Club is a DW creation)
5.2 - Michael Brookes was responsible for every single handcrafted system in the game
Now there's a Raxxla question I have a faint hope that could get an actual answer:

"Allegedly someone has been on the same system as Raxxla at least once; however, is it still there?"
Which brings the question did they not notice it as they were literally buckyballing or was it something that showed up on the scanner as a normal object?
For example a space station, our missing Dark Wheel?

There are two points on this where we got further answers from Drew Wagar:

4.27 - Raxxla was explicitly off-limits to the book authors (and The Club is a DW creation)
5.2 - Michael Brookes was responsible for every single handcrafted system in the game
Interesting.... I don't think I knew MB did all the hand crafted systems (forget so much about this game!)

So I wonder if there's away to work out which ones are MB systems....
Been thinking on the comments about the Raxxla codex being the only evidence in game...

Then using argument modelling to start to try and map out what might be leads/not leads....
That's extremely cool :) Nice to have all that info presented in such an accessible way, thanks!

... "hard to find" in the first place? ;-)

Actually makes me think of something.

I used to play Star Wars Galaxies back in the olden days. Players couldn't be Jedi. Long story short, every single player could unlock a free second character on their account which was 'force sensitive' and would become a powerful Jedi - however, the way to unlock that path was a secret.

Though a loot item the devs added to give hints the player community figured it out; the way to unlock a Jedi character was solved.

But... no-one could tell you how to become a Jedi because the path to it was unique to your account: a particular combination of professions you had to master unique to you, and there were something like 25 professions, and you needed a particular combination of 8 of them (been a long time, numbers are probably wrong, but it's close). It was essentially a combination lock set at your account creation.

It was a journey that everyone had to take for themselves... so to speak.

I wonder if maybe the path to Raxxla is somehow different for each of us, like a specific set of places we have to visit that's pre-determined by a seed in our accounts at creation, or... I don't know, something. Maybe once you've solved the combination lock you get a permit that lets you jump to Raxxla, for example - land on Triton, go to Ross 54, Polaris, whatever. That would be within the game's limitations, and also be something a single person could code in that would remain future-proof.

Edit: Sorry, I meant to say also - maybe that mythological "someone's visit the system where Raxxla is" is someone who randomly and unknowingly did that path and just didn't really know what they'd done, that's maybe why Brookes allegedly said it, because he found it amusing.
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