For example, earlier it was said that Raxxla can be obtained after confirming all the findings in the codex in all sectors ?
Why do we think this is not the case ?
The obvious answer is that the Codex wasn't available until 3.3, and had substantially more entries added to it in Odyssey, and then a couple more have come in related to the Thargoid Spires so anything depending on a full set of Codex confirmations would have been impossible for the first four years / seven years / until Update 17 / until six years from now.

Same applies to anything which wasn't possible in 1.0 (which is most of it)

Technically, you can jump both long and not so long distances. If we take into account that hyperdrives existed a long time ago, just made in different ways and using different fuel - then it is quite possible to assume that someone crazy thought of charging their engine from a neutron star, get lost in space, found out raxxla and etc.
Note that the boosts obtained from WDs and especially from NSs are by word of Frontier quite a bit more effective than they're supposed to be (it was a bug in 2.2 Beta, but prominent explorers were so enthusiastic about it that they decided to keep it), if that affects your thinking.

We have fuel scoops by invasion of Achenar following Mudlark extinction (trip to Achenar from Beta Hydri started Fall 2323). I would say it is exceptionally likely we had fuel scooping before we left Sol. So, enhanced jumps should be viable. Additionally, I have sincere doubts that a jump limit of 7 lightyears was ever a thing. This seems like propaganda. Jump range is based on mass, fuel tank size, and mass of modules plus any cargo. There is not anything that should ever really have limited it to 7 lightyears maximum.
It's never stated in the original game or manual whether the 7 LY limit is for the Cobra III you fly or a more general thing. (ED is the first game that makes jump range dependent on current mass rather than maximum laden mass, but that could be viewed as a simplification in the previous games).
Hey, guys. It's been a while since I've been here (since August). Now thanks to some pilots, an expedition to find landscape signal has started.

Here's Canonn Group Expl.

Expedition spreadsheet.

Mattius theory about signal and connection to raxxla

Maybe we can find some information pertaining to the Raxxla.

Now. Back to our bizz.

Louis I've been reading your recent posts, great analysis of the sound data.

For those who don't remember, or haven't read, in my previous posts I put forward the theory that Whisperer of the void is a star or black hole. I also collected audio of various stars.

New Audio from neutron star near Col sectors

Audio above from THIS sector

If you compare with previous audio recordings (you can find in my profile), the sound is very different. And it is very similar to the whispering and distant sounds of targoids.

Now watch the fingers.

Col sectors somehow have a connection to both targoids and guardians. Next to the Col sectors is our favorite Shinrarta Dezra. Also, most Col sectors are part of the Formidine Rift,

You're about to say, whoa whoa whoa, you've got space madness. These places are far away from each other.!

No, guys. They're far away if we jump the normal way. But if we're powered by neutron stars, these places are not only easy to reach, but they allow us to jump from one system to another of the ones I listed with a single charge.

For those who dont know what is neutron Highway

What's my point? Maybe when we speculated about paths to raxxla, we didn't take into account methods of travel? What if all the way to it was to be accomplished not by conventional FSD but by neutron jumps.

One last thing. We've parsed the Dark Wheel toast so many times, we've overlooked something. Like how we look at the galaxy. Normally we open up a map and we have arms at the bottom, arms at the top, etc. We assumed that jewel that burns on the brow mother of galaxies would be on top of it.

But where's the top and where's the bottom in space? It's very arbitrary. But there's logic in convention. Jewel is not a star. It's a world. A world that's like the best jewelry on the head of the galaxy. Which means it must be somewhere up its sleeve. Because it only becomes jewelry when it's desert around. So upper or down?

In my theory, jumping through the neutron pathway (Whisperer) we will come to the Jewel (World far away from bubble).

Or I've finally gotten space mad.

View attachment 376300

The problem here is that the game did not even have neutron stars on launch, yet Raxxla was already meant to be findable.

And it seems that the Col sectors are actually related to the Collinder catalog of open star clusters - the permit-locked, purported Thargoid homeland of Collinder 70 is visible around Orion's belt (!), while Collinder 285 covers most of Ursa Major including the Alliance core.
The problem here is that the game did not even have neutron stars on launch, yet Raxxla was already meant to be findable.
It looks like they are there from the beginning but a bug was found in 2.2 "The Guardians" which briefly increased the boost to 400%.

09/20/2016 - 2.2 "The Guardians" Beta 1 has begun. This new beta brought around a whole host of new changes, the more significant one being the updating of a star type, the "Neutron Star". This new star type had giant jet cones spewing out heavy magnetic fields out the cones of the star, and when the ship was inside this cone, the FSD would be "Supercharged".[2]

Well, when the Beta 1 came about, there was a decimal error when calculating the Neutron Boost. Instead of 25% (1/4) as originally planned, the Neutron Star provided a 400% (4/1) boost. This was not intended.

Also, despite the game launching in December 16, 3300 (December 16, 2014), I would not consider the actual launch until January 1st, 3301 (despite "letter from a friend" from the manual and intro sequence citing December 16, 3300). This is partly why I have been investigating if Cicada 3301 might actually be an alternative reality game (ARG) developed by Frontier Developments as a lead up to launch of the game. Cicada 3301 happened 2012 - late 2014. Cicadas have a symbolism of death and rebirth that is reinforced by Elite Dangerous (and the larger Elite Universe).



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The mythological angle behind the Thargoids' actions becomes quite amusing when you realize that they come from the crotch of a guy condemned to eternally pursue a group of pretty sisters (the Pleiades). While chased by a giant scorpion.

(which means that somewhere in Scorpio playing a huge role in their demise would not surprise me in the slightest)
The problem here is that the game did not even have neutron stars on launch, yet Raxxla was already meant to be findable.

And it seems that the Col sectors are actually related to the Collinder catalog of open star clusters - the permit-locked, purported Thargoid homeland of Collinder 70 is visible around Orion's belt (!), while Collinder 285 covers most of Ursa Major including the Alliance core.
At the beginning of the game, it was assumed that Raxxla would be found another way. Since then, more clues have been introduced ... the same Codex.
At the beginning of the game, it was assumed that Raxxla would be found another way. Since then, more clues have been introduced ... the same Codex.
Honestly, the fact the community doubted that this was a legit sequel probably didn't help matters nor did multiple levels of obfuscation. Michael Brookes was apparently intent on making sure it wasn't found immediately. You really had to realize everything happened in the same universe and understand the history before a proper search could be undertaken. Even then, there's a whole lot of gaps.
Currently deciding on a painting scheme for my new Bladerunner inspired games room…and found this… reminds me of something.

Following up on Investigation #3

Hyperspace Whispers Audio Investigation #4​

After over 150 recordings across the bubble and out to Pleiades, I've finished this investigation (for now).

I've seen/heard literally nothing at all in the audio recordings that suggest there's any significant variation.

I visited the systems Rochester suggested, and did the jumps Han_Zen requested to see if we could hear a system that we jump "over". I also did systems around Lave, Achenar, Sol, in the Pleiades, etc. I've tested all major star types, including neutron, white dwarf, and Wolf-Rayet. I also recorded the audio from Youtube videos of older iterations of hyperspace, and other people in the current build, the results are in Investigation #3 from a few days ago.

Of course, it may be that I've just not visited the right place, but I've seen enough to think that the audio component of witch-space isn't a significant clue.

If in future there's any suspicion of this being otherwise, we do have a nice set of audio recordings to compare anything suspicious to :)
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Is there any way to get a combat Elite quickly in the game ? All we get in the game is monotonous, long hours of work. This applies to, opening engineers, blueprints, ranks, etc.
Why do we think Raxxla can be found quickly?
For example, earlier it was said that Raxxla can be obtained after confirming all the findings in the codex in all sectors ?
Why do we think this is not the case ?
Don't know about quickly; I usually went to Compromised Navigation Beacons (CNB) to rank up to Elite.

This site ( can be useful in finding Massacre missions that can reduce the tedium a bit whilst earning a some coins...
Almost 90% of my progress from Deadly to Elite (~late 3304 iirc) came from hunting Thargoid Scouts. They all counted for an Elite kill (maybe even a bit over) back then, think they are still good for progress - but you won't earn much from it. I hear Pirate Activity Detected signal sources are also good these days but I've not done one.
Is there any way to get a combat Elite quickly in the game ? All we get in the game is monotonous, long hours of work. This applies to, opening engineers, blueprints, ranks, etc.
Why do we think Raxxla can be found quickly?
For example, earlier it was said that Raxxla can be obtained after confirming all the findings in the codex in all sectors ?
Why do we think this is not the case ?
Following on from @Macros Black advice...Thargoid scout killing was the fastest grind up to the spire sites becoming a thing... I am guessing those with all the commanders in them is the easiest these days as it's a mix of scout clearance, orthrus kills and interceptors (if the group are not ignoring leaving thargs... You can upset a group if they are planning on ignoring them as you get a lot of shutdowns and damage)...

You need an AX build and join the AXI private group is the best way and you make 100's millions of creds per hour too.. an orthrus is 40 mil! Tag something with one shot and you get the bounty so you don't need to be the best if experts are there... And expect a rebuy or two (mainly trying to get to the spire site and those annoying glaives!)

I did combat elite years ago first using CZ's mainly but that's a big grind! Haz rez can be used too as they are usually busy with pirates...

Edit: quoted the wrong expert 😁
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Following on from @Rochester advice...Thargoid scout killing was the fastest grind up to the spire sites becoming a thing... I am guessing those with all the commanders in them is the easiest these days as it's a mix of scout clearance, orthrus kills and interceptors (if the group are not ignoring leaving thargs... You can upset a group if they are planning on ignoring them as you get a lot of shutdowns and damage)...

You need an AX build and join the AXI private group is the best way and you make 100's millions of creds per hour too.. an orthrus is 40 mil! Tag something with one shot and you get the bounty so you don't need to be the best if experts are there... And expect a rebuy or two (mainly trying to get to the spire site and those annoying glaives!)

I did combat elite years ago first using CZ's mainly but that's a big grind! Haz rez can be used too as they are usually busy with pirates...
I wrote this here to show that no one has yet reached the level to reach Raxxla and understand what it is.

For example, I've reached any Elite and now I can go to Shinarta Dezra. But anyone can't go there until they get Elite.

So with Raxxla, whoever reaches that level first reaches Raxxla and realizes what it is. Will post about it on the Forum, won't give instant access to anyone there.

Philip Coutts

Volunteer Moderator
I wrote this here to show that no one has yet reached the level to reach Raxxla and understand what it is.

For example, I've reached any Elite and now I can go to Shinarta Dezra. But anyone can't go there until they get Elite.

So with Raxxla, whoever reaches that level first reaches Raxxla and realizes what it is. Will post about it on the Forum, won't give instant access to anyone there.
I understand what you are saying but it's not quite right. If you backed at a certain level in the kickstarter you could get into Shinrarta straight away, no need to grind up to Elite. I honestly believe Raxxla was discoverable from the start.
I wrote this here to show that no one has yet reached the level to reach Raxxla and understand what it is.

For example, I've reached any Elite and now I can go to Shinarta Dezra. But anyone can't go there until they get Elite.

So with Raxxla, whoever reaches that level first reaches Raxxla and realizes what it is. Will post about it on the Forum, won't give instant access to anyone there.
ahh... lost in translation?

So if I understand you and you are referring to the "anyone" can find it (Raxxla) and more than once but there maybe a requirement we haven't reached and that we don't know what that requirement is?

e.g. Some people believe only Elite ranked can find Raxxla... and some people think you have to be in a Cobra MKIII for some reason too or it might be some other requirement completely....

And whoever reaches that level might not realise what the level was about anyway? :)
Question for those who know about the Dark Wheel missions and a good memory.... Were the missions all available at once or was there an order to them? i.e. did you have to do one to be offered the next or were they all randomly available?
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