Question for those who know about the Dark Wheel missions and a good memory.... Were the missions all available at once or was there an order to them? i.e. did you have to do one to be offered the next or were they all randomly available?
They were all visible on the mission boards at the time but back then accepting missions was gated by rank, so you could only accept them if you qualified.
Therefore, all the Founders (those who had backed the Kickstarter to a certain level) could have taken all three at once from day one.

The first triple Elite-ranked player got a special award (and some prize money!) for achieving it and it took him 3 months (this was starting from launch, not the gamma build).

So far as I saw, the missions all showed up randomly. It may (not 100% sure here but fairly sure) have been possible to have two or more of the same type of mission taken from the same place at once, though as the destinations were seemingly random as well, they would (very likely) be to different places.
I'm not sure if anyone ever had all three active at once - triple Elite players were few and far between in the first year of the game, when even single Elite players were rare. Due to their RNG nature, I would think that having completed all three might be enough to trigger something. Who knows what that would have been, though?
(TL;DR no order required)

(re: the stock Sidey - without doing anything, the Sidey you started with was very limited in jump range and could scarcely go the 20LY needed to get exploration data to sell. I don't remember him ever being asked the question, however.)
you have to be in a Cobra MKIII
I dont think this is up for discussion, its always been the case, my mates Sister said her Dad was talking with Fdevs cleaning lady in the Golden Hind round the corner who said she read it on a post it note on Mr Braben's desk next to a packet of Jaffa Cakes.
The only contention was to whether Jaffa's are a cake or biscuit.


They were all visible on the mission boards at the time but back then accepting missions was gated by rank, so you could only accept them if you qualified.
Therefore, all the Founders (those who had backed the Kickstarter to a certain level) could have taken all three at once from day one.

The first triple Elite-ranked player got a special award (and some prize money!) for achieving it and it took him 3 months (this was starting from launch, not the gamma build).

So far as I saw, the missions all showed up randomly. It may (not 100% sure here but fairly sure) have been possible to have two or more of the same type of mission taken from the same place at once, though as the destinations were seemingly random as well, they would (very likely) be to different places.
I'm not sure if anyone ever had all three active at once - triple Elite players were few and far between in the first year of the game, when even single Elite players were rare. Due to their RNG nature, I would think that having completed all three might be enough to trigger something. Who knows what that would have been, though?
(TL;DR no order required)

(re: the stock Sidey - without doing anything, the Sidey you started with was very limited in jump range and could scarcely go the 20LY needed to get exploration data to sell. I don't remember him ever being asked the question, however.)
Thanks! I thought they were all available and I am sure I did some at the time as I was fond of being aligned with the Dark Wheel at the time but got busy grinding Elite combat rating and missed their significance (founders was the intended access but they gave access to beta backers like myself by mistake and never took it away)... I think far too many cmdrs also liked the Dark Wheel faction which led to the PF losing control of Shin Dez until they "fixed" it so PF are always in control... ;-)

"The first triple Elite-ranked player got a special award (and some prize money!) for achieving it and it took him 3 months (this was starting from launch, not the gamma build)." CMDR 1 Percent if I remember correctly...

Yup... just it was CMDR OnePercent.... :)
So continuing on from the question on whether the Dark Wheel missions were all available for Founders/Elite players and so to all who access to Shin Dez from the start... (including the many more Beta backers by mistake! :) ) ...

I have read the missions on here countless times and with hindsight I think I've missed just how broken they were or more importantly perhaps the order they should have played out in? (page 1 for anyone who hasn't reviewed them before...LOL)

Anyone else noticed this?

Discrete Redistribution Agent Desired:
Elite Combat requirement in the title but you only have to be allied with the issuing faction, but this mission was against the DW... So not a DW mission (Don't think I would have done this one at the time as it was against the DW! :) ) but it was still broken with the commodity name.... oh and there's that Elite combat rating you don't need! (but not "Founders".... or those pesky Beta Backers who snuck in!)...

...If the missions weren't all broken would this explain DB's comments on wondering why you hadn't been invited? Don't mess with the DW...:cool:

It also points out that the Dark Wheel are traders.. with a deafening silence from their leaders.... doesn't quite match up with the later Codex and not knowing whether they really exist and being secretive... Seems like the Codex might have been an after thought to explain why they are in Shin Dez....LOL

What Was Lost Will Soon Be Found:
Firstly.... band of intrepid explorers, adventurers and well...thieves... "LTT 16456 Resistance" doesn't sound that famous... I do wonder if it should have been restricted to erm... the DW :)

Secondly you need to be "FOUNDER OR ELITE" in Exploration (not sure what a Founder Exploration rank is... and don't forget those pesky Beta Backers who snuck in!)

Dark Wheel Seeks Diplomats For Discreet Delivery:
They may praise you for being the fastest pilot for light years and choking pirates with your but the requirement is "FOUNDER OR ELITE" in Trading (not sure what a Founder Trading rank is... and don't forget those pesky Beta Backers who snuck in!)

The Silent Song Of The Spheres:
Whilst the title says Elite Traders...No Rank Requirement and Founders not mentioned... So just broken?

Obfuscated In The Outer Rim (Answering The Call Of Adventure)
Not listed as for Founders.... but it does state you need to be Elite in Exploration Rank.... Which makes sense for the blurb...

So my thoughts...
These should have been available in Shin Rez and from the DW only.....
  • What Was Lost Will Soon Be Found - Elite Exploration/Founder
  • Dark Wheel Seeks Diplomats For Discreet Delivery - Elite Trader/Founder
  • The Silent Song Of The Spheres - Elite Trader..... and probably Founder was intended

The final test (Elite and no Founders....) would have been....
  • Obfuscated In The Outer Rim (Answering The Call Of Adventure)


Now the bit that bugs me and I wonder what it could possibly be..... What would be "Obfuscated In The Outer Rim".... seems to be the only mission mentioning a place which has no relation to the mission and a call to do something in terms of an adventure (little bit obvious?)

I presume we're talking about the outer rim of the Orion arm.... :cool:

Just a few thoughts... :)
So continuing on from the question on whether the Dark Wheel missions were all available for Founders/Elite players and so to all who access to Shin Dez from the start... (including the many more Beta backers by mistake! :) ) ...

I have read the missions on here countless times and with hindsight I think I've missed just how broken they were or more importantly perhaps the order they should have played out in? (page 1 for anyone who hasn't reviewed them before...LOL)

Anyone else noticed this?

Discrete Redistribution Agent Desired:
Elite Combat requirement in the title but you only have to be allied with the issuing faction, but this mission was against the DW... So not a DW mission (Don't think I would have done this one at the time as it was against the DW! :) ) but it was still broken with the commodity name.... oh and there's that Elite combat rating you don't need! (but not "Founders".... or those pesky Beta Backers who snuck in!)...
View attachment 376573
...If the missions weren't all broken would this explain DB's comments on wondering why you hadn't been invited? Don't mess with the DW...:cool:

It also points out that the Dark Wheel are traders.. with a deafening silence from their leaders.... doesn't quite match up with the later Codex and not knowing whether they really exist and being secretive... Seems like the Codex might have been an after thought to explain why they are in Shin Dez....LOL

What Was Lost Will Soon Be Found:
Firstly.... band of intrepid explorers, adventurers and well...thieves... "LTT 16456 Resistance" doesn't sound that famous... I do wonder if it should have been restricted to erm... the DW :)
View attachment 376572
Secondly you need to be "FOUNDER OR ELITE" in Exploration (not sure what a Founder Exploration rank is... and don't forget those pesky Beta Backers who snuck in!)

Dark Wheel Seeks Diplomats For Discreet Delivery:
They may praise you for being the fastest pilot for light years and choking pirates with your but the requirement is "FOUNDER OR ELITE" in Trading (not sure what a Founder Trading rank is... and don't forget those pesky Beta Backers who snuck in!)

The Silent Song Of The Spheres:
Whilst the title says Elite Traders...No Rank Requirement and Founders not mentioned... So just broken?

Obfuscated In The Outer Rim (Answering The Call Of Adventure)
Not listed as for Founders.... but it does state you need to be Elite in Exploration Rank.... Which makes sense for the blurb...

So my thoughts...
These should have been available in Shin Rez and from the DW only.....
  • What Was Lost Will Soon Be Found - Elite Exploration/Founder
  • Dark Wheel Seeks Diplomats For Discreet Delivery - Elite Trader/Founder
  • The Silent Song Of The Spheres - Elite Trader..... and probably Founder was intended

The final test (Elite and no Founders....) would have been....
  • Obfuscated In The Outer Rim (Answering The Call Of Adventure)
View attachment 376574
View attachment 376575

Now the bit that bugs me and I wonder what it could possibly be..... What would be "Obfuscated In The Outer Rim".... seems to be the only mission mentioning a place which has no relation to the mission and a call to do something in terms of an adventure (little bit obvious?)

I presume we're talking about the outer rim of the Orion arm.... :cool:

Just a few thoughts... :)
All we know for certain is they were removed. Why is speculative. Much of this has already been resolved on page one of this thread.

Personally; I believe the missions were bugged, either in that they clashed with another missions update, limiting their access or actions. Or they were really bugged from the start, and simply spawned randomly, rendering any follow on actions inert. Or the missions were linked to a larger narrative, but due to internal reasons got nerfed (FD standard practice). Or a mixture of all.

I certainly believe the Codex was written ‘after the fact’ as a fix.

Considering what I’ve established through the Lost Realms, I believe that zone represented the ‘outer rim’ and this call to adventure (a standard narrative device to introduce someone to the heroes journey) was to discover a map to the ‘Otherworld’, I suspect the player would have been sent around the bubble to various factions, and this inevitably ought to have identified some grander scheme culminating in this ‘otherworld’.

I suspect the Codex now acts as an abstract shorthand of this mission system and simply identifies the locations.

I am currently compiling certain information that I suspect identifies this architecture.

In regards to the missions I believe that their locational spawning was bugged, or their proliferation obfuscated their design or destination.

Considering the communication blackout at that time I do feel this was evidence of how much of a major error on FDs part this was, and likely unbalanced an original narrative path; its conjecture, but I feel an executive decision was ultimately made to drop them simply due to fiscal and resource reasons…

I do agree with Emperor, that some of these missions identified were ultimately confused, or conflicted, probably because they were ultimately released out of sequence. But we will never really know.
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So continuing on from the question on whether the Dark Wheel missions were all available for Founders/Elite players and so to all who access to Shin Dez from the start... (including the many more Beta backers by mistake! :) ) ...

I have read the missions on here countless times and with hindsight I think I've missed just how broken they were or more importantly perhaps the order they should have played out in? (page 1 for anyone who hasn't reviewed them before...LOL)

Anyone else noticed this?

Discrete Redistribution Agent Desired:
Elite Combat requirement in the title but you only have to be allied with the issuing faction, but this mission was against the DW... So not a DW mission (Don't think I would have done this one at the time as it was against the DW! :) ) but it was still broken with the commodity name.... oh and there's that Elite combat rating you don't need! (but not "Founders".... or those pesky Beta Backers who snuck in!)...
View attachment 376573
...If the missions weren't all broken would this explain DB's comments on wondering why you hadn't been invited? Don't mess with the DW...:cool:

It also points out that the Dark Wheel are traders.. with a deafening silence from their leaders.... doesn't quite match up with the later Codex and not knowing whether they really exist and being secretive... Seems like the Codex might have been an after thought to explain why they are in Shin Dez....LOL

What Was Lost Will Soon Be Found:
Firstly.... band of intrepid explorers, adventurers and well...thieves... "LTT 16456 Resistance" doesn't sound that famous... I do wonder if it should have been restricted to erm... the DW :)
View attachment 376572
Secondly you need to be "FOUNDER OR ELITE" in Exploration (not sure what a Founder Exploration rank is... and don't forget those pesky Beta Backers who snuck in!)

Dark Wheel Seeks Diplomats For Discreet Delivery:
They may praise you for being the fastest pilot for light years and choking pirates with your but the requirement is "FOUNDER OR ELITE" in Trading (not sure what a Founder Trading rank is... and don't forget those pesky Beta Backers who snuck in!)

The Silent Song Of The Spheres:
Whilst the title says Elite Traders...No Rank Requirement and Founders not mentioned... So just broken?

Obfuscated In The Outer Rim (Answering The Call Of Adventure)
Not listed as for Founders.... but it does state you need to be Elite in Exploration Rank.... Which makes sense for the blurb...

So my thoughts...
These should have been available in Shin Rez and from the DW only.....
  • What Was Lost Will Soon Be Found - Elite Exploration/Founder
  • Dark Wheel Seeks Diplomats For Discreet Delivery - Elite Trader/Founder
  • The Silent Song Of The Spheres - Elite Trader..... and probably Founder was intended

The final test (Elite and no Founders....) would have been....
  • Obfuscated In The Outer Rim (Answering The Call Of Adventure)
View attachment 376574
View attachment 376575

Now the bit that bugs me and I wonder what it could possibly be..... What would be "Obfuscated In The Outer Rim".... seems to be the only mission mentioning a place which has no relation to the mission and a call to do something in terms of an adventure (little bit obvious?)

I presume we're talking about the outer rim of the Orion arm.... :cool:

Just a few thoughts... :)

It was so long ago. As i remember this mission never lead to something bigger. (sad sounds)

It was so long ago. As i remember this mission never lead to something bigger. (sad sounds)
Missions never do. It's just the mission texts that are significant. You become Elite and then a little more mysterious info is shared with you. I'm pretty sure the SAP8 data crystals were a foreshadowing of the Guardians.

There are probably only a few people, if any in the galaxy that knows the truth about Raxxla. Mission givers and passengers that mentions it, are only retelling rumours. Even the Dark Wheel seen rather clueless. They probably know something we don't, but not much.

I think the codex is a more realistic approach, than the old mission texts. Things may have changed over the years. For example the mission text frase: "A certain celestial body. Place that isn't a place, door that is also the key", compared to the codex: 'The earliest documented stories tend to agree on several points, however: that Raxxla is a
definite place, and that it holds a mystical secret.', could be seen as contradictory. The first almost suggests a moving Raxxla, the second strongly suggests a fixed location.
All we know for certain is they were removed. Why is speculative. Much of this has already been resolved on page one of this thread.

Personally; I believe the missions were bugged, either in that they clashed with another missions update, limiting their access or actions. Or they were really bugged from the start, and simply spawned randomly, rendering any follow on actions inert. Or the missions were linked to a larger narrative, but due to internal reasons got nerfed (FD standard practice). Or a mixture of all.

I certainly believe the Codex was written ‘after the fact’ as a fix.

Considering what I’ve established through the Lost Realms, I believe that zone represented the ‘outer rim’ and this call to adventure (a standard narrative device to introduce someone to the heroes journey) was to discover a map to the ‘Otherworld’, I suspect the player would have been sent around the bubble to various factions, and this inevitably ought to have identified some grander scheme culminating in this ‘otherworld’.

I suspect the Codex now acts as an abstract shorthand of this mission system and simply identifies the locations.

I am currently compiling certain information that I suspect identifies this architecture.

In regards to the missions I believe that their locational spawning was bugged, or their proliferation obfuscated their design or destination.

Considering the communication blackout at that time I do feel this was evidence of how much of a major error on FDs part this was, and likely unbalanced an original narrative path; its conjecture, but I feel an executive decision was ultimately made to drop them simply due to fiscal and resource reasons…

I do agree with Emperor, that some of these missions identified were ultimately confused, or conflicted, probably because they were ultimately released out of sequence. But we will never really know.
I do get that impression as well. The codex basically nullified any false leads to the 'copycat' DW factions or related missions. The lost worlds - outer rim connection is intriguing though.
Until someone actually finds the Dark Wheel station, we don't actually know for certain if THEY know where Raxxla is. Perhaps they also lost it, or never found it in the first place - only possessing major clues to its location, and due to their secrecy nobody would find out until a player gains access. If one holds a major clue to a galaxy-changing power, you would naturally guard it with the same level of ruthlessness as having control of Raxxla itself.

Maybe TDW were snuffed out by something powerful like the Guardian Construct and all that remains is their undetected station husk holding the important clues.
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I suppose it's easily possible The Dark Wheel (or some part of it) did find Raxxla and became the 'shadowy cabal' that uses Raxxla to 'dominate humanity' as suggested in the Codex. It's worth considering we're talking about a thousand-year old organisation of... well frankly, rogues, mercenaries, and killers.

Maybe that's why the 'fake' Dark Wheel in Shinrarta (if it is fake as Drew claims he was told) still exists - the 'real' Dark Wheel are doing stuff on/in Raxxla so they either don't care, or can't stop the 'fake' Dark Wheel operating because they're wherever Raxxla is...?

Might be a decent explanation of how the the Dark Wheel Codex can imply the Shinrarta faction isn't fake because it still exists, yet it doesn't seem to function like the covert, small, elite Dark Wheel faction described in the rest of the Codex text?
There is also an M (above the Sidewinder's top view, crossed by the outer circle) and what appears to be a partially obscured letter (by the last E in "ELITE").

Here's one for the "little bit obvious" crowd.
The letters V, H, G, R, A. Can be read on the manual's cover. Putting aside futuristic marital aids, a map?
This occurred to me as a joke, but I still feel I must post.

I've also thought we missed some obvious things, and your post made me take a closer look at the manual image. I went back to v1.05 and whilst it's still the same image, I thought I'd start closer to the original release to verify.

I un-blended the image into varied layers / colour removals to see if anything stood out. It lead me to notice that there are base-schematic diagrams that have been used. What looks like a Train Loading Gauge system (Gabarit UIC 50?), a potential motorcycle cyclone engine, and a historical building schematic, in which the letters you can see were often used.

GIMP un-blending

Train Gauge?

What did strike me though, was this section of the image which looks a lot like an FSS / DSS scanner tuning. But as I wasn't playing right at the start, I don't know if something like this existed for a system to discover what's there? It's a reach but the larger circle with 4 smaller orbiting circles, and the other three larger ones might indicate a system of some kind we should be focused upon?


Fly Dangerously.
/ Ra
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Just clearing up a few things I can see there:
Gabarit is a french term I've heard of for marking clearance or tolerance for a machine part to maintain movement.
UIC is one name for the Standard Guage for railways.
The 50? appears to be a 500 cropped out by the graphic artist blending these drawings together. Either a dimension of clear opening, or some other reference.

The "orbiting" circles are the artist's embellishment of the original hand drafted plan. Note the difference in brightness of some circles vs the rough pen/photocopy texture of the original drawing lines. I can even see where they have cropped out the plans to make way for the ED ships.
Not that I'm ruling out any relationship here, but very likely there is no hidden secret that I can see.

Source: I'm a draftsman by trade 😇
I suppose it's easily possible The Dark Wheel (or some part of it) did find Raxxla and became the 'shadowy cabal' that uses Raxxla to 'dominate humanity' as suggested in the Codex. It's worth considering we're talking about a thousand-year old organisation of... well frankly, rogues, mercenaries, and killers.
I actually doubt that The Dark Wheel is the shadowy cabal. We know that TDW hadn't found Raxxla in 3300. This was in the guide for the authors. They could have found it later, but that would contradict Rafe Zetters words from the book: "We’ve long suspected that a corps of Elites lives there, and are exploiting the gateway". They’re powerful, twisted men."

I know the book isn't valid lore, but it's the original source of Raxxla. I doubt FD would go against it, when it's easily avoidable by using another shadowy group.
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Just a thought about the original DW missions. I think I asked this question some years ago, but can’t recall.

Speculating ‘many’ if not all these missions were random, were their locations ever mapped?

If so is there proliferation even, or do they congregate in a certain area or is there a focal point?
I suppose it's easily possible The Dark Wheel (or some part of it) did find Raxxla and became the 'shadowy cabal' that uses Raxxla to 'dominate humanity' as suggested in the Codex. It's worth considering we're talking about a thousand-year old organisation of... well frankly, rogues, mercenaries, and killers.

Maybe that's why the 'fake' Dark Wheel in Shinrarta (if it is fake as Drew claims he was told) still exists - the 'real' Dark Wheel are doing stuff on/in Raxxla so they either don't care, or can't stop the 'fake' Dark Wheel operating because they're wherever Raxxla is...?

Might be a decent explanation of how the the Dark Wheel Codex can imply the Shinrarta faction isn't fake because it still exists, yet it doesn't seem to function like the covert, small, elite Dark Wheel faction described in the rest of the Codex text?
Have you searched Galnet for "cabal".. it comes up a few times 😉
Just a thought about the original DW missions. I think I asked this question some years ago, but can’t recall.

Speculating ‘many’ if not all these missions were random, were their locations ever mapped?

If so is there proliferation even, or do they congregate in a certain area or is there a focal point?
Of course Marcos Black has mapped the missions. See post 2-5 in this thread. 😉
I actually doubt that The Dark Wheel is the shadowy cabal. We know that TDW hadn't found Raxxla in 3300. This was in the guide for the authors. They could have found it later, but that would contradict Rafe Zetters words from the book: "We’ve long suspected that a corps of Elites lives there, and are exploiting the gateway". They’re powerful, twisted men."

I know the book isn't valid lore, but it's the original source of Raxxla. I doubt FD would go against it, when it's easily avoidable by using another shadowy group.
I agree that as far as we know the Dark Wheel splintered due to the fruitless search, but... we don't actually know for sure, just considering possibilities, and FSD might have allowed the faction that continued to find Raxxla finally... who knows?

According to Fdev the books are still canon :) (Unless they later retracted that statement?).

Consider though: What would the Dark Wheel do with Raxxla if they wrestled it off those that control it? They're a highly secretive group of ruthless murderers, mercenaries and cut-throats... eh, I mean treasure-hunters and adventurers, I'm not sure they'd hand Raxxla to the galaxy as a philanthropic gesture 🤔 I'd assume if they found it, they'd exploit it just the same as whoever controlled it before - maybe different folks would rise to the top, but... the wheel is always turning, so to speak.
Have you searched Galnet for "cabal".. it comes up a few times 😉
I have, there's only 7 articles that mention it in all this time. To me, it sadly doesn't look like any of the times it's mentioned are really significant, what do you think?

Edit: I asked ChatGPT how to find a secret cabal, it reminded me that by definition, a 'secret cabal' will be hard to find! :ROFLMAO:
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