The Star Citizen Thread v5

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If their funding tracker can be believed they are getting around $3 million per month on average.

Allegedly, there is in the region of 10,000 new backers per month. The new backers realistically account for no more than $750,000 so the current backers are dumping around $2.25 million per month on this vanity project.

I don't know where you got that from, but I tell you - with certainty - that's rubbish. All of it.


I know, depressing isn't it, especially when you have other promising games, like Camelot Unchained, who have only managed to raise $4.4 million in 4 years.

Why is it a lie? We know that as of July last year they had 500,000 backers which results in around 11,000 per month on average.
If 75% of each month's backers buy the base package at $45 with the remaining spending $150 we get $750,000, which leaves $2.25 million from the exisitng playerbase.

Actually no, that's not how math works. Aside from the fact that you can't even begin to claim that 500K number is correct; nor without accounting for duplicate accounts etc.

ps: My Irreconcilable Differences blog has some better analysis.
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Chill a bit my friend. I think Zetta is on your side of the support or not support SC discussion. Your approach to discussion may just drive people away from this often informative thread

Pretty much. This seems to be a debate between the “CIG's numbers are cow manure” standpoint versus the “CIG's numbers are cow manure, and also untrustworthy” standpoint. It doesn't strike me as an entirely constructive line of discussion.
The information is money vs. space sim fans.

Space Sim fans is not BACKERS! So, yes. The math is wrong because of that in the first place.

No, the discussion was about how much money CIG earns from backers based on the information given in the Turbulent letter. You are trying to make it about something entirely different, ie lies and falsities and all that other inane nonsense.

Let's try to make this clear. What I said, in the first place, it's that the calculation was used to try to paint, to make a conclusion, to try to figure out a reality of this project (regardless if been skeptical or not). That's why I said it's POINTLESS. Because regardless the math, its using wrong basis and its objectively and mathematically WRONG.
Pointless was the word that I used. Meaning that adds absolutely NOTHING to the discussion or to approach to the reality, because the counter, used in the calculation is PROVEN to be bogus and wrong.

You can claim it is pointless, and in many ways it is because it is all alleged, but your argument is no less pointless. As Zetta said you do not hold any concrete proof that they don't have 500,000+ paying backers and yet because they inflated their accounts number you claim lies, proof and all the usual, which is irrelevant to the topic of discussion.

Proven by who? By ANYONE with internet access enough to check what Roberts said and one of his associates said, things that were said in 2013, 2015 and late 2016. Besides proving that the counter was bogus and they didn't have the number of backers that they appeared to have (which means that using that number to make averages IS POINTLESS and WRONG (because you can't OBJECTIVELY get the money acquired and tie that to accounts that didn't pay a DIME, for god sake), it also proven that CHRIS ROBERTS LIED... for YEARS!

Ranting ranter is ranting....

So, Zetta tried to say that there is no proof that they lied, even that the prove was shown to him/her. And the prove was indicated by himself/herself. And that is why his denial became hilarious as I said.

Zetta did not say there is no proof that they lied, all he or she said was that there is not enough proof for them to feel comfortable to call them liars.
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Pretty much. This seems to be a debate between the “CIG's numbers are cow manure” standpoint versus the “CIG's numbers are cow manure, and also untrustworthy” standpoint. It doesn't strike me as an entirely constructive line of discussion.

Defintely, it's one thing to flat out state that something is a lie and another to say it looks like a lie but there is not enough proof to be 100% certain.



Chill a bit my friend. I think Zetta is on your side of the support or not support SC discussion. Your approach to discussion may just drive people away from this often informative thread

I agree. This is the problem with this whole thing. CIG hasn't even see it fit to account to the very backers the accuracy of their fundraising, let alone the backer count. So everyone is left to speculation, data scrubbing etc. Because you know, that's how "open development" works.

And the only way that backers are every going to get to the truth and accuracy, is via a lawsuit (either private or by State/Fed officials).


Defintely, it's one thing to flat out state that something is a lie and another to say it looks like a lie but there is not enough proof to be 100% certain.

True. And you could just take out the stress from the equation, and just assume that it's all a lie. :D :D
Drunks of Sol approve!

Unfortunately, I've got about 8 hours to go before a refreshing maintenance spray or two :) Friend of mine has just finished a new build and wants to try Star Citizen in 4k and attempt VR - so that's tonight planned out :D

It'll be interesting to see how SC performs - from what he's said his machine will make mine look like a ZX Spectrum.

Wheee looking forward to your report then. Will your friend be a total newbie to SC or did he play it before on an older rig and just wants to get up to speed? Any chance of a stream capture?
Defintely, it's one thing to flat out state that something is a lie and another to say it looks like a lie but there is not enough proof to be 100% certain.

From a theoretical point of view there is never 100% certainty. If I were to tell you my name is Bob, whereas it factually is not, you cannot know for certain if I was lying. After all, there is always the remote chance that for a brief moment I was under the delusion I actually was a man named Bob. :)
You people need to go out for a beer and smoke.

I have to agree. After a point it gets ridiculous.

@ Cotic
Seriously don't waste any more of your time. The only thing jcrg99 has proven is that he would argue with himself in a mirror.... some people just love the sound of their own voice.
The idea that they are getting, on average, 300 or so additional paying backers day in day out, for years on end does seem very dubious. I feel a lot of the issue is how there are no clear metrics for the project. Everything is bloated and obfuscated by a variety of means which makes it really hard to get a proper picture of what is exactly what.

I wish I could find the post which recorded the backer increase for Elite prior to it releasing on Steam for a bit of a comparison.

I'd bet that the counter is completely fake.
Well... There is actual proof. And what is hilarious here is that you prove that yourself, when you said that they had 500k backers (or something near of that) last year. For years, before such "announcement", they were claiming to have more than that. TWICE that number!
No there is NO actual proof of anything.....You can said that CRoberts is clown,liar,gamester,you can even call him a "thief"&"scammer"(I personally call him many things:eek:... )but one thing's for sure he ain't that stupid to leave his fingerprints all over on"murder weapon"....+@Zeta just pointied on "alleged"numbers that are presented for the public nothing more,nothing from the other side making an projections in your head and trying to convince her&all of us that "Earth is Flat"because you said so....
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I'd bet that the counter is completely fake.

See on the one hand I'd agree with you when simply looking at the very low perceived active userbase.

On the other hand hand... their reddit has an average monthly sub growth of ~2750.
Even if you'd consider a conversion rate of 25% that'd still put them at exactly 11k monthly accounts, and honestly... 25% player-to-reddit conversion rate would be incredibly high for a game.
Elite's is closer to 5%, LoL and Overwatch are roughly 3%, R6 Siege and CSGO are closer to 2%

As incredulous as it is to believe that people are still throwing money at what a bunch of us perceive as a trainwreck of a project... they do some good marketing and new players will not have the same history as long term backers might not be scared off (yet) by the negativity some in here feel towards CIG.

The funding tracker is a different matter altogether, but someone here brought up the valid point that they would've most likely gone out of bussiness a couple months ago if that cash flow wasn't at least mostly accurate.

At the end of the day if you look at how easily a game like Ashes of Creation accrues multiple millions worth of kickstarter money and tens of thousands of fans by doing exactly the same as CR (promising any nerd's wet dream with no regard for technological feasibility or professional experience)... I think it's actually safer to just bet on the peerless depths of human stupidity than on outright lies :T
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