I've been thinking about the following old posts from Michael regarding Raxxla, specifically that Raxxla is "something different" (from a system) & that it is a story to experience in game.

I reckon the story element of Raxxla revolves around the disappearance of president Halsey and we (the players) missed some crucial next step, therefore FD then rebooted the story with Gan and the missing ship. It might be worth taking a fresh look at the disappearing president to see if it brings anything up.

[context: discussion about liquia's naming of the founders system & why it's not called Raxxla, 28/11/2014]
Raxxla is something different.
Link: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/index.php?threads/mostly-harmless-questions.4681/post-1112282

[context: discussion about Michaels book & its subject, 20/07/2015]
It was more of a spiritual successor than a direct sequel. We did look at a story involving Raxxla, but felt that was a story that should be played out in game rather than as a novel.
Link: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/index.php?threads/elite-legacy.50320/post-2566545
I had wondered before if "spiralling stars" was some sort of hint at a Fibonacci sequence, which fdev are so fond of. But you need start values and a stop point to run the sequence to - got stuck there.

Given that mythology has been beaten to death and not revealed one extra clue, I figure a different tack is needed. May as well start with codes, but if you can figure the "mother of galaxies" out without reaching for Larousse' Mythology then I think that'd be a good start.

As they say - start at the beginning :) ( and it's consistent across languages)
I've been thinking about the following old posts from Michael regarding Raxxla, specifically that Raxxla is "something different" (from a system) & that it is a story to experience in game.

I reckon the story element of Raxxla revolves around the disappearance of president Halsey and we (the players) missed some crucial next step, therefore FD then rebooted the story with Gan and the missing ship. It might be worth taking a fresh look at the disappearing president to see if it brings anything up.

[context: discussion about liquia's naming of the founders system & why it's not called Raxxla, 28/11/2014]
Raxxla is something different.
Link: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/index.php?threads/mostly-harmless-questions.4681/post-1112282

[context: discussion about Michaels book & its subject, 20/07/2015]
It was more of a spiritual successor than a direct sequel. We did look at a story involving Raxxla, but felt that was a story that should be played out in game rather than as a novel.
Link: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/index.php?threads/elite-legacy.50320/post-2566545
Consensus appears to be that we did miss something in the Halsley story, or rather the Guardian sites were found by triangulating a screenshot instead - the Halsley thing was meant to lead to the Guardians.

The Romero thing may be the next Guardian story element?

Related to Raxxla - who can tell?
but if you can figure the "mother of galaxies" out without reaching for Larousse' Mythology then I think that'd be a good start.

Sag A*

Elliptical galaxies have two main stages of evolution. The first is due to the supermassive black hole growing by accreting cooling gas. The second stage is marked by the black hole stabilizing by suppressing gas cooling, thus leaving the elliptical galaxy in a stable state.
Probably searching for patterns that are not there, but "Princess Astrophel and the Spiralling Stars" is also in double quotes. Run that through a Beaufort cipher with "FERNWEH" as the keyword. Now take the results and stick it into Google Translate. It detects it as Igbo (Nigerian) and translates it to: "Welcome to Zyonhutjaq Monnz"

Zyon is used as a synonym for Jerusalem.

A couple pages ago, somebody was asking where Jerusalem would be in space (I cant remember their lead) but they got knocked down with "In Jerusalem " and left it.

So I will ask myself - Where would Jerusalem (or Zyon) be in the Milky Way? Any ideas?

Ok seems, most do not count Zion/ Jerusalem as the hottest topic. Let me offer a few ideas.

a) „Zion“ was the place where the first and second Temple of King Solomon were built (Nr. 1 by King Solomon himself; Nr. 2 by Nehemias). From a masonic point of view I‘d say - look at the heart of Darkness.

b) Wasn‘t there something about Zion in Dune? Awful long time since I read that. We have IX - so worth a try?

So what have I been about since asking Scytale to repost the Tattoo?

Well since I theorize the Tattoo symbolizes a journey through the underworld (classical Heroes journey part 2 and 3: Descent into darkness, travelling the underworld, return to light) I asked myself what greek mythology had to say about entrances. Answer: Okeanos, Acheron and lands of the Cimmerians. No Okeanos or Acheron on Galmap but Cimmerians. Went there and did some (not concluded) scanning. Nothing unusual so far (discovered 7 geological sites on C4 using DSS, investigated No 1, nothing unusual, invaded some bases on C4 and got jailed). After finishing Cimmerians I'll head to Styx and Orcus.

If anyone here is around on PS4 and wants to wing up I'm using my iCourier Perceval until after finishing Styx (only m bases) and will then switch back to my Conda Marco Polo.
Sag A* 2 - B type star

Funny - was at that star on Sunday- had a good sniff about, nothing unusual - even 2nd honked - just in case ; nothing. Source 2 - just another star and not much of a jewel..

Now what is unusual is the 2nd star in a system having a name. Mind you Sag A* is also the only black hole you can jump to ? (Unless anyone knows others?)
Funny - was at that star on Sunday- had a good sniff about, nothing unusual - even 2nd honked - just in case ; nothing. Source 2 - just another star and not much of a jewel..

Now what is unusual is the 2nd star in a system having a name. Mind you Sag A* is also the only black hole you can jump to ? (Unless anyone knows others?)
The Great Annihilator springs to mind!

But there are loads.

Check the results of this EDSM search for example.
Funny - was at that star on Sunday- had a good sniff about, nothing unusual - even 2nd honked - just in case ; nothing. Source 2 - just another star and not much of a jewel..

Now what is unusual is the 2nd star in a system having a name. Mind you Sag A* is also the only black hole you can jump to ? (Unless anyone knows others?)

You're not wondering why it's called 'Source 2'? Go to Prism system, where all the stars have names, but none of them have additional numbers - so why 'Source 2' and not just 'Source'? Where is 'Source 1'? Is there a 'Destination 2'? That sounds like somewhere interesting to go.

Incidentally, if you go to Prism, don't get over-excited about the star called 'Diamond' - that's definitely a Rift thing.

Obviously I mean letters, not numbers, so Source 2 should be Sagittarius A* B, which makes it all the more curious.
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I wouldnt be surprised to find out that there are people in this forum that are either aware of Raxxla's location and are being intentionally misleading, or are using misdirection to prevent others from finding out as much as they do
I wouldnt be surprised to find out that there are people in this forum that are either aware of Raxxla's location and are being intentionally misleading, or are using misdirection to prevent others from finding out as much as they do

It's true, I'm actually Drew Wagar and I got David drunk one night on peach schnapps and he told me where Raxxla is. When you find it you'll see it tagged by Cmdr Salome.

Honestly, I'm glad I've finally admitted it. Things all got a bit meta when I was talking about writing about myself in the third (fourth?) person on a livestream a while ago.

And at least I can get rid of this stupid penguin avatar.

Some of the above may not be entirely accurate.
But the penguin is definitely stupid.
It down to interpretation. I interpret "There will be no clues" as in....This will be nothing like the rift mystery. There will be no in-game beacons telling us to "go here, go there". The codex gives us clues, in some way or another. If it doesn't, then we might as well close this thread and go back to hauling freight between systems :)

Where does this phrase "There will be no clues" originate from specifically? From what I have always understood about this, the person at FDev that said this only intended to say "Nobody at FDev will directly answer Raxxla questions so please don't annoy us on social media about it". In this forum however I frequently see people use this phrase as a hard rule in the game of finding Raxxla, precluding all information that could be considered an official clue.

Surely instead of that the addition of the information in the codex is a sign that FDev has expanded upon the Raxxla mystery from a hunt, across billions of systems to encourage exploration, to a mystery that requires actual investigation. We shouldn't assume the Raxxla mystery as it is today was in the game since the beginning. What started as an Easter egg hunt to add flavor to the Exploration rank has now retroactively gained lore and clues in-game.
OK, so what's the Jewel that burns on its brow?

Now the only Jewel that burns is diamond - a carbon star (white dwarf) ?
Funny you say that, I have often wondered if spiralling stars could be a reference to either a neutron star or a white dwarf. I wonder if these non sequence stars could be the path of a Fibonacci sequence?

Sag A is sometimes referred to as the mother of the milky way. Is there a neutron star or white dwarf on its "brow" that could be the first in the sequence.

You know you have the lensing effect through the black hole in Maia....I wonder if something similar in Sag A would point us to this non-sequence star pattern?

I have been out to Sag A, but never with a Raxxla head on. I am all the way out in Lyras Song at the moment, but might head that way before returning to the bubble. I'll have to see how my hull is doing!
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