[Official livestream] Fleet Carriers coming this year, on time, more news & details following the 24hr Charity livestream

Yeah starting to think Carriers are either cancelled, or they're going to be delayed again to some vague netherworld in the future alongside ice planets. Too much time has already passed since the charity livestream - we're back to interpreting Frontier's words in the most backwards, counterintuitive way imaginable just so we can figure out a way to tell ourselves that they haven't actually technically lied or misled anyone.

Queue the apologia: ". . . and THiiiiiiiiis is why Frontier never say anything except for the sporadic and vague Grimm's Fairytale-esque riddle-statement! IF ONLY the community wouldn't listen to their statements, or care about their communications, or expect them to do any of the things they say they are going to do; THEN Frontier would surely communicate all the time."

While I'm just as frustrated at poor communication as the next forum user...

I reckon the announcement for FCs won't come until sometime late March or April. If the last Beta is anything to go by, they won't share details on the features until just a few weeks before the beta, which itself is fairly short, all of which is a short time before deployment. Unless they feel like the timeline needs to be stretched back (and it may, but that's their call) it would be reasonable to assume information won't be forthcoming for awhile yet.

All of which just points to how terrible the communication is. Not mentioning the charity livestream as context would have been better at this stage. Announcements of announcements, vague or not, are rarely a wise choice. Such is FDev communication, though.
Maybe Fdev is trying to invent a new meme? Like Valve Time but Fdev time instead? Why do you announce information to be released after that stream when it still takes weeks or even months on end? Damn gotta stop myself now or I will spill some serious salt.
We are still in Q1 of the year, this finishes at the end of March.
To early yet, we will get in Q2 which takes us upto end of June.

Both after 24 hour stream, it will happen when it happens.
So... reading through 30 + pages of Post, the reality is they (FDev) have no clue as to when it will be released !, I am ok with this as long as it works!
Edit: thanks to Thatchinho:
Source: https://clips.twitch.tv/RelatedArborealSheepPraiseIt

Paige: sometime after the end of February

Source: https://clips.twitch.tv/ReliableEnthusiasticHamStinkyCheese

From the lunchtime stream:
(19m10s timestamp)

Will: "Q: So is this game adding something new anytime soon or we having to wait another year?" We do have Fleet Carriers coming, and we'll have more details about that probably around/after the 24hr livestream​
Paige: Oooo, William, you saying things​
Will: And that's where we estimate the information will drop​
Paige: Well say it again then so they hear​
Will: Following the 24hr livestream...​
Paige: ...not like 3 minutes after, cos we'll be sleeping...​
Will: ...we'll have more news about Fleet Carriers​
Paige: They are coming this year, they are still on time, and they are cool​

24hr Charity Livestream thread:
The fundraising event for the amazing charity SpecialEffect begins at 12noon UTC on Friday, 21st February.


What year in February is she talking in here?

Sometimes in Mars than :oops:
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In the interest of precision, it can only be truly said that FCs are coming 'Soon, Eventually, Probably'. Eventually this will be upgraded to 'Imminent, Probably', probably. What we are waiting for is 'Tomorrow, hopefully', with the usual caveats about acts of gods, and ultimately 'Later Today - if the servers don't collapse under the weight of expectation (probably)'.

Personally I'm sticking with 'When they get here'.
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