Yea that's the locked new cmdr starter zone. You can only get there on a new acct. I can practically guarantee it's not need for Raxxla as it was relatively recently added

When I reset my second account about a year back, I managed to get allied to the Pilots of Federation Adsminstration faction before leaving the starter closed sector but didn't notice anything special... tried even to plot a rout from Dromi to the Cone Sector Nebula and other locked areas with my Sidewinder and they all were still locked (using galaxy map). As the maximum FSD I found on the starter stations was really low-tier, I wasn't feeling like going that far exploring.
When I reset my second account about a year back, I managed to get allied to the Pilots of Federation Adsminstration faction before leaving the starter closed sector but didn't notice anything special... tried even to plot a rout from Dromi to the Cone Sector Nebula and other locked areas with my Sidewinder and they all were still locked (using galaxy map). As the maximum FSD I found on the starter stations was really low-tier, I wasn't feeling like going that far exploring.

Going from the spellings Could be there are just 3 factions. From my numbering scheme (a couple pages back):

1 Pilots Federation Local Branch -PFDemocracy AND 5 The Pilots Federation - IndependentDemocracy
Seems Davanix got Allied with #1 after combat in the recent Jupiter Rochester HIP 54530 CG??

2 Pilots’ Federation Administration - PFCorporate AND 3 Pilots’ Federation Local Branch - PFDemocracy
in ShinDezAccording to game screen in station Jorki Allied!

4 PilotsFederation - no detail! -rank via rescue missions or Thargoid kills-Jorki Allied!

Will keep an out on Galnet for any more CG or permit-related items to see if Jorki can get allied with faction 1 (& 5?) then see what happens. I suspect this might be related to DW gameplay thread-DW are a faction within PF after all! (Tourist beacon!)
Going from the spellings Could be there are just 3 factions. From my numbering scheme (a couple pages back):

1 Pilots Federation Local Branch -PFDemocracy AND 5 The Pilots Federation - IndependentDemocracy
Seems Davanix got Allied with #1 after combat in the recent Jupiter Rochester HIP 54530 CG??

2 Pilots’ Federation Administration - PFCorporate AND 3 Pilots’ Federation Local Branch - PFDemocracy
in ShinDezAccording to game screen in station Jorki Allied!

4 PilotsFederation - no detail! -rank via rescue missions or Thargoid kills-Jorki Allied!

Will keep an out on Galnet for any more CG or permit-related items to see if Jorki can get allied with faction 1 (& 5?) then see what happens. I suspect this might be related to DW gameplay thread-DW are a faction within PF after all! (Tourist beacon!)
The big mystery though is which hanger do they each use? :p
I need your clothes rather help.
I decided to go here with the most obvious option, using only in-game information. And then questions began to pour in....
Why was the first mention in the tau kit, why not in any other system, although at that time it was already known about other systems? Having received no response from my alter ego, I decided that the tau was the starting point. Hmmm where to go? my alter ego is still silent ... in this system there is a faction Sublime Order of van Maanen's Star, which gives access to a closed system. In principle, this gives the direction where you need to move. But having received permission, I was at a dead end, I do not know where to go next ... can anyone have any ideas?
PS I'm a little confused by their spaceport, it looks like a tourist, everything is expensive and rich, but the system is closed ...
PS2 I assumed that I would get into a dead end, there is a second option - these are the old worlds, it was there that the headquarters of the gallop was, it was there that the first contact with the Thargoids was. I wonder what the Thargoids did in the old worlds, so close to the sol? I think it's worth looking for clues there ...
PS3 my alter ego said something ...👆

google translate
(Again with this? Yes, AGAIN!!!)


Raxxla is guaranteed to be in Sol’s “empty” main asteroid belt. Ooooooh, I said it!!!! I went there! And if you, commander, don't already believe that, then read on!

Purpose of this Post
  • To collect and display as much of what I believe to be the most current and relevant information in one place as possible.
  • To convince anyone who does not currently believe that Raxxla is in Sol, that Raxxla is, indeed, in Sol.
  • To light a fire under anyone's cheeks that may need it, and to provide/stimulate new thoughts, information, and discussion that will finally move us through to Raxxla!

A quick prep
  • I will do my best to stay on target with only the clues and information that are most relevant to where we are at with our hunt. As such, I have very purposely (and not a little painfully) left out several other relevant and amazing discussions and evidence for other posts to focus on.
  • This post completely ignores the possibility of time travel as it would relate to the discovery of Raxxla. Sorry/not sorry. As fun as a storyline like that would be, it offers up a literally infinite number of possibilities, which is not sensible when trying to solve a mystery puzzle because it becomes impossible. William of Ockham thanks you.
  • You may want to read through “Jorki’s Final Theory” if you haven’t already, as I will be referring to it regularly throughout this post. It helps set the stage as it goes through a broader range of arguments in more detail , and I don’t want to repeat everything already said unless it is essential. This post will also assume throughout that people are somewhat versed on many previous works and theories contained within "The Quest to Find Raxxla" thread. I will do my best to credit any critical theories when appropriate.
  • Using green text, I have done my best to link sources to major points discussed for easy reference.
  • I am happy to be set straight on anything, I try to regularly update this post with the most correct information currently available.

If you do not yet believe that Raxxla is in Sol, and you are not afraid to be convinced, then come on in!

Why Sol? The Biggest Clues
The Raxxla Symbol in the Codex. Our single biggest stand-alone clue.
  • The circle with the dot in the middle: Astronomical Symbol for our own Sun. Ask yourself, if it is not this, what is it? And if you agree with this interpretation of what it is, then we immediately have a clear path forward.
  • Three lines circling the Sun: Our main asteroid belt, or possibly the three Lagrange points on Jupiter’s orbit. Alternatively, an extension of the main belt called the Hilda asteroids has three roughly equilateral sides and reaches almost out to Jupiter’s orbit with its three rounded corners.
  • 33 "dots": Possibly all the bodies that lay outside the main asteroid belt (minus one! Enter tin-foil, full body suit territory for that, but not now). If so, this theory would be tethered to the fact that Fdev never put in the majority of Jupiter’s and Saturn’s moons. Jorki’s post has different, more eloquent thoughts on the 33 dots, a good read.
  • The Six Pointed Star: Taken from Jorki’s research, this is often worked into the astronomical symbols for individual asteroids. As you will see while progressing through this post, this ties in exceptionally well to an underlying theme.
  • The Hex Shape Background: Nothing concrete here. Ultimately, it doesn’t even have to be anything other than a canvas for the rest of the clues, but I have no doubt that its relevance will reveal itself to us at some point. Wishful thinking would have seen Fdev put Saturn’s amazing hex-shaped storm in the game, but alas, ‘tis not so.

We need a permit for Sol. Why?
From the moment I first logged into this mind-blowing game, I wondered why on earth (haha) we didn’t start there, but instead would need to earn our way there with rank? Rationale: Fdev wouldn’t want to risk any newbies stumbling upon it due to the sheer numbers of all new players over time. Also potentially fits with “It’s a journey every player has to make for themselves.”

An alien artifact on Mars....?!?!???
What?!??? I guess you could ignore this detail, or you could stop and think about itALIENS HAVE BEEN TO SOL!! In terms of a story being told, does it make ANY sense that this detail isn't significant? Or is it more likely to be a "Sixth Sense" moment, where everything starts clicking into place once you really start paying attention to the details?

The 32-segment asteroid field designation around the Sun where our main asteroid belt should be.
This denotes asteroid belt game-wide, exemplified by most or all other systems with asteroids. So the anulus (disc) tells us they are there and gives us search parameters, now we just need to find them! The only other known (to me, please let me know if you know of any others) system to contain this visual designation of (an) asteroid field(s) in the system map, with no asteroids, is New Yembo. What is interesting about New Yembo is that an old CG aimed us directly at it. I believe this to be done purposefully by Fdev, to demonstrate that the architecture of Sol in relation to the missing asteroids is very intentional. New Yembo demonstrates both "present" (1) and "missing" (3) asteroids belts. Even more odd is their placement.

A major missing asteroid's ancient Greek name visually spells Raxxla.
Going back a whole 4 years, we revisit PublicStaticVoid's post . His research turned up Gallia = Γαλλία in ancient Greek. Notice anything? It gets better. There is a giant asteroid in Sol's "missing" main asteroid belt named 148 Gallia. I'll let you draw your own conclusions from that, but if that was my own find I woulda recorded myself dropping a giant mic....
A side note here: Most commanders will have noticed by now that FDev tends to name many of the stations after relevant inspirational, historical, and influential people in astronomy, science, and science fiction. In light of that, consider this tidbit when weighing this particular piece of evidence..... two brothers with the last name Henry discovered 148 Gallia. A quick look in EDDB reveals there are an astounding 45 stations that are named after Henry. I mean, if you actually needed more, then there it is.

Elite Dangerous contains all the dwarf planets in our actual system, except the best known: Ceres.
Would you believe that Ceres, despite being arguably the best known of these dwarf planets, is the one missing? And, would you believe that its orbital path lies on the edge of the main asteroid belt? Must be a coincidence…. Hahahaha! Again, ask yourself which is the more likely scenario: Fdev forgot to put Ceres in the game, but got all the other, lesser known dwarf planets, or: This does really seem to tie in suspiciously well with the entire "Raxxla in the unfindable asteroid belt" theme going on here... and was very likely one of Fdev's most obvious, very intentional clues right from the start. A fair amount of players subscribe to the idea that Ceres has been used to terraform mars: (DB spoke about the possibility in an interview) To them, I ask - is it plausible to suggest that the asteroid would have left no visible impact on Mars? And also for there to be no remains whatsoever?

You can actually enter a HUD-visible area of this missing asteroid belt in/around the segmented disc.
Okay, so this…. I mean, kinda starts killing off any remaining doubt, no? With it, we have direct access to where we know things are supposed to be, despite appearing not to be. It is a smoking gun, whether you first identify it as that or not.
It is not super easy to find, but I've created a short, detailed description of how to consistently find your way to it at the end of this post. Because this IS where we start looking.

The two possible responses to the clues and evidence

So, here we have a connected string of “oddities” in Sol. We have two ways we can react to this collection of information (Yeah, yeah, there’s way more than two, but shaddap, you…)

Reaction 1:

There is a uniquely designed logo/symbol in the Raxxla Codex entry, with a giant symbol of an asteroid worked into it and appears to clearly identify the Sol system. “Hmmm, that’s crap. Devs trying to mislead us. It means nothing.”

There is a 32 segment anulus (disc) visually representing where the main asteroid belt should be in Sol, despite the fact that we cannot see or target any. “Hmmm, that’s weird. Devs are too lazy to change it. Who cares.”

With some degree of difficulty and practice, we can place ourselves into the plane where the asteroid belt in Sol should be and where it is visually represented in our HUD. “Hmmm, that’s weird. Really weird... but, who cares.”

Ceres, arguably the most well-known of the dwarf planets in the Sol system and the one that orbits along the edge of the main asteroid belt, is the one that is not visible in the game. “Hmmm, that’s weird. I guess ((search forums for 100s of theories on this one)). Oh well.”Shrug

There is an asteroid in Sol's main belt whose actual name in ancient Greek visually represents the name Raxxla - Γαλλία. “Pfft, that’s a stretch... oh, actually I kinda see.... BAH! No way, pure speculation! That doesn't mean anything!"

Reaction 2:

“Hahahaha, that’s a crazy amount of odd things happening all in one place, all relating to the same ding-dang details, within a game where the Devs do their best to challenge a broad and clever player base with worthy puzzles and…. hmmmm…. and…. wait a second…“

Jorki makes a point of mentioning this in his post as well, and doubtless there are many others who feel the same... instead of scrutinizing and trying to find a reason to ignore and/or disprove any individual point made here, step back and take a look at the entire picture. It is a sum of all its parts, and becomes very clear when looked at as a whole.

Still Skeptical?

You can argue that there is no way that any of this means anything…. Which is fair enough, there have been countless hours spent on the largely fruitless search for the game’s greatest mysteries, and we all have only so much time in our busy lives. But consider the alternative. Would Fdev intentionally aim us this unerringly at Sol? Small misleads, sure. Big ones like this? I don't think that makes any sense. I think Fdev are actually WAITING for us to find it, since who knows how long ago. I’m sure they have a huge pool going by now. Having stated that it is in-game and has been for pretty much the whole time, I think they are more likely to plant clues rather than misinformation in something as obvious as the Raxxla Codex Symbol. A game this size coupled with our wild imaginations needs no help to throw endless confusion and mystery into the mix. So, applying Occam’s Razor, I think the Codex Symbol for Raxxla is pointing us true. Something big is hidden in Sol, and has been right under our noses for years!

Ask yourself: Is this enough evidence for you to admit that all or most of it must be related to each other piece, and is collectively "something"? If your answer is "no", then git outta here, I have lost my battle with you. :sadface: If yes, then
Ask yourself: What could possibly warrant this much effort on Fdev's part, this much difficulty on our part, this many related clues, hints, and roads/guesses leading to Sol? If your answer is "A crashed Anaconda", you need to go now. I keel yoo.
And then finally, ask yourself "What else could all this possibly be for?" The ONLY thing that makes sense in context of scope is Raxxla.

Call to action!

What I propose

Fdev previously confirming that Raxxla is in-game and "discoverable" obviously fits this whole theory. What also fits both the theory and the (non)progress we've made in the game is that, while being discoverable, the odds of finding it by simply dropping in on it are (appropriately) astronomically low. Countless commanders have dropped in to "see if they could find it", myself included. These odds are not even slightly in our favor, regardless of how many of us do it, or for how long.
In our actual solar system where these asteroids do exist, they total about one-twentieth the mass of Earth’s moon, and each. piece. is roughly 600,000 miles apart! Even if all ED does is slightly mimic this in scale, the clusters would also be incredibly far apart. Needle in a haystack? Sure… if the haystack were the size of a continent. Here are the actual mathematical abysmal numbers:
Rough area of the asteroid field in game, in only 2 dimensions: 1,537,056,529,281 km squared
Assuming the belt is only 30km thick, the rough space occupied by the asteroid field in game: 46,111,695,878,430 km cubed
Breaking it down into 30km x 30km voxels (a rather large but still sensible area to search each time one drops into "real space"): 1,707,840,588 voxels
For comparison, the odds of winning the Lotto Max jackpot are: 1 in 33,294,800.
So there you go. If you are pretty certain that you can beat those odds, then you won't need to read the next section, and you need to go buy a lottery ticket NOW. ;)
I am of the firm belief that to discover the missing asteroids, we need to
A: Be carrying something within our cargo hold to activate a response when within a certain range - Alien artifacts, rare goods, etc., or
B: Actively use a method or tool to discover something hidden or unknown - Use a scanner, tool, or element in a manner previously undiscovered or unthought of
Using the "endless scan" - Targeting and looking toward the Sun while within/at the outside edge of the main asteroid belt plane may certainly be part of our solution. (It sure wouldn’t hurt to run the signals through a spectrum analyzer or similar tool) One basic theory would be that when a rocky body passes between a perpetually scanning ship and the Sun, it will disrupt the signal somehow and make itself known to us.
C: Obtain hints/clues from someone/something else that help to locate them - This is horribly ambiguous, but think Dark Wheel invite, or trying any possible coordinates, clues or directions that have no home in Sol (this includes potential interpretations from the Codex), or
D: Find an old ship...?
This theory hinges on the belief that an individual or group has already discovered Raxxla, and is actively "hiding it" using the Galnet system by blocking the information. This group would carry some sort of sway over (or alignment with) the Pilot's Federation, who have "a near monopoly on all shipboard and station embedded systems". So the idea is, if we were able to find a shipboard system that does NOT operate using the current PF Galnet system, the sensors should be able to locate these asteroid clusters as they normally do. Alternatively, if we could find a way to partially disable the current systems, the same result could theoretically be achieved.
E: Think outside the box! - Highly suggest trying things that have not tried before. Time is best spent being creative, or doing something else until you come up with an idea to try. Don't just recreate experiments, trials or work that many before you have!

Getting to Sol's non-targetable asteroid belt

Using the Orrery view in the system navigation panel, move to the 32-segment wheel past Mars, before Jupiter. Get as close as you can to the system plane (the grid). Make sure you are going the minimum possible speed in supercruise, 30km/s. Once you are there, start slowly nosing your ship up and down, similar to how a dolphin might swim above and below the surface as it follows a boat's wake. If you are right on the system/horizontal plane (which defaults to the main solar mass in the system), you will eventually have your HUD on the left side show you asteroids. In theory, and all probability, this is where we should be looking.
Note that you do NOT want to match the disc in the orrery, unless it's where it meets up with the system plane. Again, the grid/system/horizontal plane is where the asteroids will pop up in your HUD. Also, using a point of reference will greatly ease your pain in moving "up" or "down" from your location... is mercury or venus on the right or left of the Sun in relation to your position?

Thank you for your time and attention, I hope this post inspires many commanders to join in un-miring our efforts to at last hunt down Raxxla! (Damn you Sidney, you and your metaphorical ramblings!)

Spiff OUT! o7

  • I'm placing my bet now that when we find TDW, Musk's Car is on the station. 😁
  • I believe strongly that Coelho Station in the starter area is a clue put in our paths from the start. It links to Paolo Coelho, an author whose most notable work, The Alchemist, could foreseeably have had some influence on DB in the few years leading up to ED's release (based on it's publication date and popularity for the time). Coelho's writings tend to be very reflective and thoughtful, and in this story a man goes on a long journey looking for the ultimate treasure... which ultimately turns into a journey of life and self-discovery. This ties in exceptionally well with so many of ED's ties to Homer's Odyssey as well as comments that EDs creators have made, about a long journey and the return home (The Hero's Journey).
    The story ultimately leads the man back home, to the exact place he left from... where it turns out the very real treasure he had set out to find was actually buried. To my mind, this would place Raxxla (our greatest treasure hunt) in Sol (our true home from where we set out to explore the galaxy).
    Further consideration: Coelho is used 26 times in naming stations. This is significant in that Paolo Coelho is not an astronomer, and yet is prominent enough in DB's mind to have many stations named after him.
  • While there are other decent theories out there on this point, I believe that the statement "A journey that everyone needs to make for themselves" is a reference to a journey, but more specifically, to death itself. Many people believe that the Eleusinian Mysteries have a role to play in ED's narrative (somehow), and while this is not why I believe death is involved, it certainly supports it.
There are 8 missing asteroid clusters in Sol!
Sadly, after a couple of solid months of research, I was finally able to identify the "mystery" signals in the FSSS.... they were/are Extraction Sites. This was "overlooked " because as soon as I began questioning what these signals were, the very first thing I looked at was Extraction Sites. Either I was completely blind that day, or there was a discrepancy in the numbers that is as of yet unaccounted for. Consequently, I never bothered to look at this possibility again until recently as it was the first possible explanation tried and disqualified (apparently not). Either way, I sadly withdraw this fun clue from the evidence as of May 1/21.
The Sun makes noises at us.
After 7 years, it seems that FDev found fit to correct the "endless scan" that was unique to Sol in that it occurred for ALL commanders, ALL the time. SMH. Dang, Fdev, you left this in game 7 years, the whole while it wasn't supposed to be there!?!? UGH!!!!
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I need your clothes rather help.
I decided to go here with the most obvious option, using only in-game information. And then questions began to pour in....
Why was the first mention in the tau kit, why not in any other system, although at that time it was already known about other systems? Having received no response from my alter ego, I decided that the tau was the starting point. Hmmm where to go? my alter ego is still silent ... in this system there is a faction Sublime Order of van Maanen's Star, which gives access to a closed system. In principle, this gives the direction where you need to move. But having received permission, I was at a dead end, I do not know where to go next ... can anyone have any ideas?
PS I'm a little confused by their spaceport, it looks like a tourist, everything is expensive and rich, but the system is closed ...
PS2 I assumed that I would get into a dead end, there is a second option - these are the old worlds, it was there that the headquarters of the gallop was, it was there that the first contact with the Thargoids was. I wonder what the Thargoids did in the old worlds, so close to the sol? I think it's worth looking for clues there ...
PS3 my alter ego said something ...👆

google translate
I had thought along these lines when I first started searching. I wound up being obsessed with Thurstons Gateway. It’s the last thing in the system so what is it a Gateway to? Oddly enough if you google Thurston Gateway the first thing not related to Elite is Thurston ROTARY club. The rotary logo looks very familiar.
For a while I thought you had to use the neutron star to jump in the direction of the gateway to maybe initiate a miss jump, but I think I got side tracked by something else in this thread about a year back and forgot all about this.
Anyway first post o7


  • FA30947C-FC2F-4B9E-B022-A3BCD0E0667F.png
    834.4 KB · Views: 69
Maybe this is off-topic, but why is the solar system inside the ship called what : Mother Gaia
After all, this is just one theory and in no way a scientific name.

P.S. And I also wanted to ask, but it was not quite clear to me the answer, what is this additional signal in the solar system ?
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(Again with this? Yes, AGAIN!!!)


Mmm, theories need to be questioned-that’s the scientific method!
I agree with the “no time travel” bit. I don’t personally like this topic, it gets rapidly into insoluble paradoxes and moreover I’m fairly convinced DB doesn’t like it either. Someone (probably Drew Wagar) said the authors had been told to stay away from 2 topics- Raxxla and time travel.

Not sure the 32 segment asteroid belt in orrery view only applies to Sol. Someone said it exists elsewhere, but I didn’t check that and I think this investigation was the first time I’d used orrery view to any great extent.

The point about Sol permit lock to prevent loads of noobs concentrating in an important system is good, hadn’t thought of that, but it could also apply to several of the other permit locked systems.

Like the point on 8 missing asteroids from the fss, (but how do you arrive at 8? Perhaps I’ve missed something about fss operation! Will check when I get there, hopefully after copawlot morning walk).

Yes, lack of Ceres, and DB not talking about it (he noticeably avoided it during his interview with Scott Manley who mentioned it-see my FDev quotes thread if you can’t find it) is moot.

Not yet convinced by the Sol endless scanning behaviour as it occurs for me so often at so many stars (until yesterday when scanning suddenly sped up significantly) that I can’t decide if it’s a bug or significant. But bookmarking the asteroid belt, selecting the bookmark then viewing it (it’s at centre of Sol!!) seems very significant.

I’m undecided about the visual resemblance of Gallia to Raxxla. May be a thing, may not be. Not surprised FD didn’t (apparently!) implement 148 Gallia in the belt cos it’s a smallish rock, but still large enough to be a Guardian ark ship! 😉

Should get back into Sol testing today with any luck. Getting fed up with IRL DIY & need a break!!
@Spaceman Spiff:
ah, there is an 8 showing on the FSS frequency window for asteroids, never really noticed that before! Need new specs! :cool:
But they're not emitting any signal by which you could locate them...mmmm!!!!!!
Mmm also notice on my fss scanner the number for ancient probes/concentrated signals is not legible-looks like two digits merged together? I have 5 transient signals showing (after I resolved them), then 27 for first "concentrated signal sources" then what looks like 7 and 9 merged together for the second "concentrated signal sources" where the ancient probe signals were. This looks like another oddity!!
Well that should keep us occupied for a while :)


I reserve the right to try and disprove anything, its only by not being able to disprove it I will ever begin to believe it might be proven.....apart from that teapot
Sol is hand crafted. Hand crafted system have a much higher bug chance than Proc Gen.
Nobody knows where Holdstock got the name Raxxla from, maybe the ancient Greek is where he got it from originally
Ceres is interesting.
If Raxxla is in Sol it leads to the conclusion it aint turned on yet, same for DW station.
I tried going out to lemon slice nebula last night. Spansh said I could make it but my route plotting failed with only 1900±ly. I know it was kind of a joke when it was posted but you never know. I can only find references to it being unreachable before FC but now that I have one, does anyone know a route? I've seen that someone has been there on yt.

Also, could you fine cmdrs who have had the Green Glow in Sol's belt locations repost the general how to for that for me? I'm trying to recreate it and possibly help some of my squad see it too
I tried going out to lemon slice nebula last night. Spansh said I could make it but my route plotting failed with only 1900±ly. I know it was kind of a joke when it was posted but you never know. I can only find references to it being unreachable before FC but now that I have one, does anyone know a route? I've seen that someone has been there on yt.

Also, could you fine cmdrs who have had the Green Glow in Sol's belt locations repost the general how to for that for me? I'm trying to recreate it and possibly help some of my squad see it too

The green glow was, I think, proven to be a graphics bug after some sterling work by some guys on the Independent Raxxla Hunters Discord. Seems to be a slow bleed from the colour look up table back to the normal space look up values after switching from orrery view back to normal cockpit view. IRH Discord set up a channel for that investigation if you want to chase it down. But it was observed in at least one other system and spamming the orrery view was the answer. I did report it to FD but haven’t checked on it since.
Edit: it’s still confirming.

I think I updated my Raxxla in Sol hypothesis post accordingly & you can read the details there 🙂
A propos of nothing, and actually Raxxla-related, watching Drew's recent video series had me thinking about the comment (by MB or DB?) that Raxxla would be a "personal journey" for every pilot. And also how Elite Dangerous, at the outset at least, was marketed as "play your own way" i.e. fight, trade or explore etc. Maybe others have
long ago come to this conclusion (haven't stayed up with the forums) but this got me thinking that while having at least one category of Elite is likely a requirement of some sort, having triple Elite probably isn't (and quadruple Elite definitely not, as CQC was not in the game at the outset, or for quite some time after launch actually, while Raxxla purportedly has been findable from launch). Anyways, I throw this out there FWIW, probably old news.
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