Did you remember to bring your own monolith?
Packed the fish paste sandwiches, Wensleydale cheese, tomatoes and salad leaves, the lavian brandy, the cream chocolate eclairs, the black coffee & the thin chocolate mints ...
Knew there was something I’d forgotten! 🤓

But the experience did highlight the difficulty we face. I first did the search in SC at 30km/s with finger held on the discovery scanner button. Then, because the honk was cycling every 16secs I thought it possible I might have missed it between honks and decided to do it in normal space, so went 0.1 ls towards Jupiter and dropped out, turned around to face Io & restarted. Boosting twice for every honk my Phantom was averaging around 500m/sec, so around 8km between honks. That should catch it I thought, if you need to be within 10km to trigger it. Then I realised 0.1 ls=30 Mm, that requires more than 3 thousand honks to search (with 6000+ engine boosts!). Gave up after a while, fingers getting cramp!

FD could well have made this quest so difficult to complete I’m losing faith!!
Moved onto the moons.. but the same search problem exists...
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Or is it? 😏

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Regards detection of any low power source object (Dark Wheel etc). I seem to recall, but ignored because it was Galnet, so probably fluff, an article which hinted at a top secret installation which was described as using low power, to shield itself from detection.

One thought I had, but never pursued, was could that have been a clue off FD, offering a fixed location to test methods for detection?

Eg ‘look at this, test the scanner, test something else, use your eyes’ what works, now go off and use that method?
Regards detection of any low power source object (Dark Wheel etc). I seem to recall, but ignored because it was Galnet, so probably fluff, an article which hinted at a top secret installation which was described as using low power, to shield itself from detection.

One thought I had, but never pursued, was could that have been a clue off FD, offering a fixed location to test methods for detection?

Eg ‘look at this, test the scanner, test something else, use your eyes’ what works, now go off and use that method?
08 Feb 3305 https://news.galnet.fr/secret-research-outpost-attacked/
Yes, I wondered that, but it was on Luna so cant be investigated. 🥺

Edit: it was the start of the nuclear weapon storyline with theft of the Lucifer Device, so probably not a hint by FD. Unless you’re thinking of something else? That was the only galnet post I could find. Heinrich’s Archive is still giving gibberish when I access it, so I used https://news.galnet.fr/en/
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I don’t know if this will help us like that ..... I do the back cover on the notebook, upload the image and give it out like this, what do you think could be a clue or just nonsense because of the heat?)
I think there’s supposed to be another installment in the Azimuth Biochemicals storyline starting with Thursday’s server tick. 🧐

Tyko has reported nothing found so far in his search around Sol’s outer planets and moons. It strikes me the hexagonality of the Raxxla logo strongly suggests Saturn, which seems to be further strengthened by the Toast; I’m thinking Mother of Galaxies =Gaia and Jewel in her Crown is Sol (galnet post, Gaia faction)
Whisperer and Siren are both Venus (Marvel comic characters)
So the toast gives directions to move from Sol towards the outer planets.
Parent’s Grief & Lover’s Woe could be either Saturn (Greek Titan Cronus), Uranus (his father) or Rhea (Cronus’s sister & spouse, he swallowed her children).

But the mention of the Omphalos Rift is leaning me strongly towards Rhea since she gave the Omphalos Stone to Cronus in lieu of Zeus. Tyko’s had a look around there (among most of the other outer planet moons), but may have another look. But what is he looking for? Do we think a 2001SO monolith is likely? Should it be in orbit, since Raxxla should not require Horizons, or do we think that has been retconned?
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Did a bit of casual research in the past few days, didn't find anything of note except that I highly suspect the Barnard's Loop region to be somehow connected to it, not just because of the most recent event with the Azimuth. I think Black Hole systems will be related to Raxxla somehow, because thats the only kind of celestial phenomena that I could see being explained as a gateway/shortcut to another galaxy. Anyways, I ll leave with a pretty pic of my attempt at passing through dimensions:


I typed "One ticket to Raxxla, please!" into the chat, but sadly nothing happened :p
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