Alec's best of the forum (and elsewhere) [v2]

Just a quick heads up that it's release day for issue #13 of the STUNNINGLY GOOD Saigittarius Eye magazine (typically comes out around 5pm).

It's actually the one year anniversary of Sagittarius Eye (has it really been that long already?) and I've just been made aware of a little Thank You video that the ever wonderful Jessica Sonnet and friends (some of whom you may even recognise) have put together. I hope they won't mind me sharing that here!


I'll add my voice to that - to everyone at Sagittarius Eye, Happy Birthday and Thank You!


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Trending: added further exploration explanation via livestream + issue #13 of Sagittarius Eye is out!

Also (and apologies that I keep banging on about this thread), commander Straha Yeager has managed to use an ancient greek shadow measuring technique that's over 2000 years old (circa 200BC) to accurately calculate the circumference of the planet he's driving around to within 47.6 km!

Utterly frickin' INCREDIBLE!
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Trending: a couple of additional threads about the new exploration proposals (which is unsurprisingly still a hot topic) + an awesome micro-jump concept presented in the form of a graphic novel and video!

I'm also aware that my "accessories, add-ons and tools to improve the ED experience" section is horribly out of date and I should probably try to update all of that at some point. In the meantime, Cmdr Exigious has done a really nice quick HOTAS review so I've added a note to the joystick section and linked his video from there.
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Trending: Rebel Galaxy Outlaw - a new space game coming out next year that's definitely worth a look. It's far more arcadey than Elite (with launching, travel and landing being little more than a series of cut scenes) but nevertheless it's a really impressive piece of work and has much that Elite could learn from (e.g. trade graphs, interactions in space bars and the most extraordinary ship customisation facility I've ever seen which includes, among other things, the ability to have a fully painted physical model of your own ship delivered to your door! :eek:)

I've also added Sir.Tj's "VR index" to my VR section. It's ancient and already stickied in the VR forum but I hadn't noticed it before and it's a really good index into a whole bunch of other (admittedly ancient) VR threads.
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Three months ago Cmdr Malibu put out a request for commanders to help him draw the Fuel Rats logo on the galaxy.

Today that drawing is finally complete!


See here for the full travel video and further details: Behold-The-Fuel-Rats-Logo

I've also given this endeavour a permanent home in the "epic tales of derring do" section.
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Trending: a bunch of us got to go to Frontier's offices on Thursday, spending over 6hrs in the boardroom being taken through Q4. We're all under NDA but have shared what thoughts and impressions we can.

Personally I was astonished to have been invited, had an amazing day, met Braben and got a book signed, have the utmost respect for FD and am very excited for Q4. I'm also deeply saddened by some of the reactions that the visit seemed to provoke but hey ho, that's the "worst of the forum" so I won't go into that any further here.

Oh, and the new Buckyball Race has started and it's an absolute humdinger!
Trending: Cmdr Up2d4t3 breaks the unlimited Sagittarius A* speed record plus a nice Colonia travelogue to follow.

I've also added "The Buur Pit" and Cmdr Exigious' excellent youtube channels as well as helloitskolo's twitch stream to the "youtube channels, podcasts, etc" section.
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Added the vast collection of Elite Dangerous assets available at to the "misc' other useful and/or interesting links" section. Bloody hell, this is an awesome resource, why did nobody tell me about this?
Trending: another cirumnavigation begins, the "farthest distance from Sol" record has been broken (again) and "this work of art will self-destruct in 5 seconds" [haha]
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