Alpha Release date speculation thread

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Sorry I3 and HD4000 both seriously under powered. There are plenty of threads which discuss what you need so I wont get into the specs. I am in the same boat, by LT is the same spec as yours and my Desktop similar although graphics are better but nowhere need good enough.
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will the beta have trackIR?

for a normal backer (25 pound) - what is the first time we can play a beta or similar testdemo / or do we have to wait for the reelase?

Almost certainly no to the trackir support in beta... They haven't even said a "yes" to it yet, so...

For £25 you have to wait for the gamma, penciled in for March. You miss alpha (Dec), beta 1 (Jan) and beta 2 (Feb). All dates possibly subject to change!


The Moderator who shall not be Blamed....
Volunteer Moderator
will the beta have trackIR?

For a normal backer (25 pound) - what is the first time we can play a beta or similar testdemo / or do we have to wait for the reelase?

Hi, No at the moment trackIr has not been officially announced as being supported, and as a backer at that level you will have access to the game on the main release date of march 2014.
Anyway with my AMD Athlon 64 single core, my Radeon X1650 Pro, my 2 gigabytes of ram ddr 400, I can not participate in the alpha. But in a few months, I am going to make turn the V8 ... vrooom ... vrooom


Why not? You could try it. If you have alpha access. If not, I wouldn't pledge with that spec. But if you have, see where the ship runs ashore.

Such data is also valuable.
Fixed it for him/her. :)

Need to spread some love around, so have a virtual +1 for doing the right thing and correcting that bad lingo.

*grumbles about it raining in the Middle East and sulks off*

Top marks jabokai. Very Jontytastic of you. :)

I will be, gonna be using my current PC for the Alpha and then buy a new for one for the betas/gamma/full release. My current PC will then be used for an alt, having 2 PCs online at any one time.
I just upgraded to Alpha and I think it said there were still 400 odd places left but no idea how many have bought into it to date.
I just upgraded to Alpha and I think it said there were still 400 odd places left but no idea how many have bought into it to date.

In KS, there is alpha tier was limited at 1000. So if there are 400 places left, there are 600 alpha testers :)
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