Alpha Release date speculation thread

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Actually more since everyone above that tier also get access. :)

Ah yeah you're right ... there are probably over 1000 alpha testers :D

If there are 1500 players for alpha and that each player, plays 4 hours per day, and for the remaining 20 hours of the day, makes play 5 members of his family and friends (also 4 hours by player), then it makes 6 players by account. And in final, it makes 1500*6 = 9000 players for the alpha

Come to think about it to quote Pratchett

"Many many many many"

Don't you just hate it when you write a word a few times then look at it and ask yourself if that's a real word after all.. :D
i dont care really how many alpha testers there are. i just hope they at least test the game and not just play it. i dont want to get this game on release game and find it all buggy cause testers didnt do there job to help the company out.
i dont care really how many alpha testers there are. i just hope they at least test the game and not just play it. i dont want to get this game on release game and find it all buggy cause testers didnt do there job to help the company out.

There won't be much "playing" as such at all. If it's anything like alpha testing I've done before we'll be given small bits and pieces to test to destruction so we can report bugs, shortcomings and system technical problams.
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i dont care really how many alpha testers there are. i just hope they at least test the game and not just play it. i dont want to get this game on release game and find it all buggy cause testers didnt do there job to help the company out.

maybe you should join ranks then!
I believe there's still openings enough.
I like my cheese with holes in it
I'm not sure of other peoples methodology, and I'm not certain exactly what the alpha will deliver to tinker around with - but I certainly intend to try absolutely everything in order to try and break it.

I've been alpa/beta tester for 5 or 6 games now. In ED I specifically hope to try bounding box exploits, collisions, view clipping, negative movement, time/date inconsistencies, overloading values, "landscape" exploits, "skill" chaining and all sorts of other crap as those are my personal bugbears.
I was considering adding to my donation (still am) to have access to alpha and private forums but as much as I love the elite games in general not to mention my excitement of playing elite dangerous, can't quite justify the cost despite the fact I know its well worth it.

Been backing lot of game recently (wasteland 2, project eternity) to name but a few, at some point I just have to stop love these games and want to back them all but must reign in my impulse spending! :D
Commander Crystles reporting for alpha testing!

I'll be there. I'm not on board with the typical "im a tester" mindset. I'll be up front, I just wanted early access. I paid 300$ to get it even, and was happy to do so.

When I play, if something is broken, wrong, mis stated, I'll report it, whether its alpha, beta, or full release, so no I'm not a traditionalist. I do care though, but I wont be wasting time reporting every little quirk I see.

I think the small base for alpha testers is a good thing. The estimate was what? 600? Thats great! Alpha's are usually horrible, Beta's are more presentable. To keep the numbers low means any seriously negative impacts will be mitigated, and I've stated elsewhere, not here but that the general gaming populace are idiots, and would take the alpha as final. People just do that, and its not wrong, its normal. I've even done it (and damn did I eat my words, looking at the first ESO beta footage i thought "no way this can be fixed in 6 months", and i just tried the most recent beta, expecting it to be terrible. It was fantastic. I had to learn that, and from what i've seen most other people do too)
I'm not sure of other peoples methodology, and I'm not certain exactly what the alpha will deliver to tinker around with - but I certainly intend to try absolutely everything in order to try and break it.

I've been alpa/beta tester for 5 or 6 games now. In ED I specifically hope to try bounding box exploits, collisions, view clipping, negative movement, time/date inconsistencies, overloading values, "landscape" exploits, "skill" chaining and all sorts of other crap as those are my personal bugbears.

Hem ... here is who is going to put ED, in hard test

Never having done an alpha test in my life (unless you count dispatching lobsters with a knife for the first time) how do alpha tests work? Presumably there is some reporting mechanism you are expected to file reports to everytime you come up against a bug? Cheers all round
Never having done an alpha test in my life (unless you count dispatching lobsters with a knife for the first time) how do alpha tests work? Presumably there is some reporting mechanism you are expected to file reports to everytime you come up against a bug? Cheers all round

Well, being that we PAID to have the alpha, were not really contracted to any obligation. You could just play, many will. I will, with the exception that I report bugs in any event (alpha, beta, or otherwise)

Most "alpha's" generally have a goal that theyre trying to stress test. Such as server load, specific mechanics, and other things. Just go in, do as you do, and if something is really messed up, report it. If they want additional info, provide it. Take any survey's they hand out too. Thats generally how the average user will contribute the most.

Philip Coutts

Volunteer Moderator
I'll be there from the off. Can't wait for Alpha. Hopefully there will be enough of us to make the player v player testing interesting when it comes around.
If I'm lucky I might get 2-3 FPS then it will be like playing the C64 one back in 1983 again.......actually no....the C64 was faster.
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