Answers from the Devs 15/10/15

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Who's to say you won't be able to carry another ship inside it - like a Type 9? :p

Maybe not quite a Type 9 :p

I'm becoming further impressed by those at FD in how you are addressing the community. Things do appear to be getting better and better. The improved way in which you guys are connecting with us all, including all the juicy details, streams and so on are very welcome. Cred where its due.. keep it up and hope to see things go to the next level. :)

This is a big turn around in the last 12 months ;) We asked for things to improve and so they have. o7
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I'm not sure what to make of the announcement that shaders are a requirement for horizons, but not the game as it stands from release to now, therefor tough luck to any open source (openGL) or Mac platform.
If I were a betting man, I'd say this was deliberate to force MS only play.

I can assure you there is no ulterior motive or agenda here. I'm not a technical guy but I think it's down to the surface and textures there. When the technology is available we'll be keen to support it.

Linux has compute shader support (OpenGL 4.3) :p

I wonder how hard it would be to port the OSX version to Linux (they're both UNIX based and POSIX compliant)...

Of course it's the effort vs reward calculation that decides these things, and supporting another platform is a lot of effort. Maybe if SteamOS really takes off?
I am thinking that, to keep things smooth, a bunch of the terrain generation work in Horizons has to be done directly on your video card, rather than being done on the CPU and then uploaded to the video card.

Speculating wildly from the words 'compute shaders' and my bad habit of following Linux Open Source Graphics Driver development, my guess is to do this using OpenGL (and thus on Mac OS X) they need the extension 'GL_ARB_compute_shader' (specification here), which is only required as part of OpenGL 4.3.

As I understand it Apple only implements OpenGL 4.1. Presumably because reasons.

I don't know what the Metal equivalent would be, if there is one, but it sounds like they looked into it and it wasn't a runner, at least not yet -- Metal's fairly new, isn't it? I can see it not having all the features yet, especially if Apple is not using them themselves. Possibly the same with OpenCL.

Irresponsible speculation! For external use only! Do not apply directly to forehead!

Good points.

A question for the devs for which I don't expect an answer (understandably):

How about a modern OpenGL implementation of ED? Could be a solution to the DX driver overhead issues in supercruise and give mac owners a way of running the new season (free linux OS as dual boot).
I might of missed this however will there be "normal" space stations or bases that we can land in on, trade and get missions from in Horizons? or is it all wrecks and defence mini game bases?
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Zac Antonaci

Head of Communications
I'm becoming further impressed by those at FD in how you are addressing the community. Things do appear to be getting better and better. The improved way in which you guys are connecting with us all, including all the juicy details, streams and so on are very welcome. Cred where its due.. keep it up and hope to see things go to the next level. :)

This is a big turn around in the last 12 months ;) We asked for things to improve and so they have. o7

Thanks Cosmos, the kind words are really appreciated. We really do have the most awesome community and everyone from the developers to the community team are genuinely enjoy sharing their work and getting involved with everyone. More good stuff to come. :)
I'd just like to say from a very happy Xbox player THANK YOU I know there's been a few issues but for me the roll out and recent CG were fantastic.....that being said......WE WANT SKINS WE WANT SKINS WE WANT SKINS WE WANT SKINS
It is a shame about the Mac support, but we already knew about this and no one should cry fowl, it seems like the implementation was developed with the thought of simply transferring to compute shader capable OpenGL... which turned out to be a no-go for macs without Apple doing something about their lacking OpenGL support.

Cool details, it does however mean that I will likely have to update my GPU... probably just get a new PC (current one is 6 years old) and the GPU is at DX10.1 and shader model 4... so... guess its DX11 and shader version 5... *snaps fingers - dang it* might just have to dual boot my macbook pro... the 750m in it, though underpowered, does support DX11 :)

Yay cant wait still :)

Zac Antonaci

Head of Communications
I'd just like to say from a very happy Xbox player THANK YOU I know there's been a few issues but for me the roll out and recent CG were fantastic.....that being said......WE WANT SKINS WE WANT SKINS WE WANT SKINS WE WANT SKINS

Thanks for the kind words.

We're HOPING to have them by the end of the year. No promises but it's on the list.

I LOVED the recent CG. I think it was the Galnet article that was so good. The Assault course Soufflé making. Well done to Ian the writer. *Claps*
Thanks Cosmos, the kind words are really appreciated. We really do have the most awesome community and everyone from the developers to the community team are genuinely enjoy sharing their work and getting involved with everyone. More good stuff to come. :)

I've been trying to think of a single game I have followed which has had such great communication with its players and cannot think of a single one, even better is the fact that work in progress is taken as just that, work in progress, back in the day when I was a dedicated follower of IL2 WiP stuff was torn to shreds regardless of how many times it was stated to not be final and I am continually amazed at how little that happens here, keep up the good work, it's extremely refreshing to be treated as a valued customer rather than a source of income :)
I'm becoming further impressed by those at FD in how you are addressing the community. Things do appear to be getting better and better. The improved way in which you guys are connecting with us all, including all the juicy details, streams and so on are very welcome. Cred where its due.. keep it up and hope to see things go to the next level. :)

This is a big turn around in the last 12 months ;) We asked for things to improve and so they have. o7

You know a cynical person would suggest that is because they have a new product to sell. Thankfully, even I am not that cynical and yes the amount of openness from FD recently has been fantastic.

Will destroying skimmers affect our combat rating?

A valid question, though I would be very surprised if it didn't.
Thanks for the kind words.

We're HOPING to have them by the end of the year. No promises but it's on the list.

I LOVED the recent CG. I think it was the Galnet article that was so good. The Assault course Soufflé making. Well done to Ian the writer. *Claps*

Think i I can hold on till Xmas though I've just read a thread where a players killed Santa so no point asking him for cool new skin this year..sob..

Quick side note is the new imperial CG open to boxers too?
Thanks for thread! Very much like to read answers from devs.


1. Will there be new weapon like "air"-to-ground missiles and unguided bombs in Horizons?
2. Will terrain be destructible?
3. Can I deploy SRV in deep space or in asteroid field? If not, why?
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There are not enough paintjob buying options in the store. I don't want to buy 5GBP paintjob pack just to get one colour that I like, but I would gladly buy several 1GDP single paintjobs from those packs.
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