And this is exactly what companies are hoping for, and why gradually they are getting more and more anti-consumer. This is not a good long term outlook.
It’s not even about the prices, it’s about the fact that they, overnight, devalued what people payed real money for just a day before. One day you agreed to purchase 100,000 Arx for $50 based on what you could get in the store. Then the next day, based on the purchasing power of those Arx, all of a sudden you only had 50,000 Arx to show for the $50 you spent. That is not right, that is shady, and that is a dirty practice.
If we would be allowed to purchase items directly with $$ then that would be a non-issue, they can raise the prices to whatever they like and people can choose to buy or not. Since they use a fake currency, they can just control that however they like and make it as worthless as they want it to be at any time. You could buy your Arx now and then 5 min later go to the store and find out you cannot buy anything with them because they suddenly raised the prices. It’s a scam, but unfortunately all companies with fake currencies are doing it.