Can the Devs please stop insulting us?

Hi all, so an ED Discord I'm in posted today, all the 'spoilers' that are coming up for U16 (which I won't repeat).

While I understand the need to tease things to get people interested in the upcoming update... It annoys me to no end that FDev takes player agency away by just making the new content front and centre of the discussion rather than giving players a chance to discover it themselves. Frameshift Live was just a stream of them openly showing new things coming in U16 with not even the slightest effort given to keep them remaining a mystery.

To give another example, imagine if then the UIA's were sighted, instead of leaving it a mystery as to what they could be or what their purpose/destination was, Fdev just immediately released all the information about them arriving and turning into Maelstroms with Titans in the centre of the cloud. IDK about the majority of players but at least one ED community I can think of would be upset about the lack of any mystery or research opportunities.

Now to be clear, this is never the fault of the CM's, they likely just get told what and how to stream something with no choice about it. But the statement still remains:

FDev, please stop insulting our intelligence and drive to play by just revealing all the new content in your "teasers"
they did warn you... this time.
cm quote with source:
Hi all, so an ED Discord I'm in posted today, all the 'spoilers' that are coming up for U16 (which I won't repeat).

While I understand the need to tease things to get people interested in the upcoming update... It annoys me to no end that FDev takes player agency away by just making the new content front and centre of the discussion rather than giving players a chance to discover it themselves. Frameshift Live was just a stream of them openly showing new things coming in U16 with not even the slightest effort given to keep them remaining a mystery.

To give another example, imagine if then the UIA's were sighted, instead of leaving it a mystery as to what they could be or what their purpose/destination was, Fdev just immediately released all the information about them arriving and turning into Maelstroms with Titans in the centre of the cloud. IDK about the majority of players but at least one ED community I can think of would be upset about the lack of any mystery or research opportunities.

Now to be clear, this is never the fault of the CM's, they likely just get told what and how to stream something with no choice about it. But the statement still remains:

FDev, please stop insulting our intelligence and drive to play by just revealing all the new content in your "teasers"
You dont have to watch them, many of us dont for that reason 🤷‍♂️

FDev, please stop insulting our intelligence and drive to play by just revealing all the new content in your "teasers"
I would like you to show us in exactly which pre-Update 15 live stream FDev showed us the Thargoid Titans.

I'll save you some time; you can't. And if FDev had revealed all the new content for U15 as you claim they're doing, they would have. They kept what they considered to be the biggest, most important feature of the patch a complete and total secret in official communications until about a week after it was in the game. The stuff they did reveal was aggravatingly vague until their last stream before the patch. At which point it was only slightly less aggravatingly vague.

So if anything, FDev is frustrating because trying to get any clear information at all out of them about what's coming next for the game is maddeningly difficult. Most communications are "a thing is coming", and we get next to no idea what the thing is because "tied to story, don't wanna spoil the experience".
Im the opposite, i go out of my way to not know whats coming, i don't watch streams or tubers.
I explore things myself, its far more rewarding.

See this is what I mean, FDev just giving 'teasers' that are the entire content of the update just takes away from player agency to explore and discover new things on our own.

And to address the other points above, it's all well and good saying "just don't want the streams then" but even if you don't personally watch the streams, someone will and will start talking about spoilers in social media
FDev just giving 'teasers' that are the entire content of the update
Not from what ive seen, there was naff all about the Titans, we all knew something was in there, we have been farming the modules leading up to it, and to be fair it didnt take a genius to work it out anyway.
But no i haven't ever bumped into anything that i would say spoiled things for me especially as i said i steer away from any form of social media (outside of work) anyway.

They teased what, one new thing of the entire update, which most people will likely see on day one? Sorry, but that really isn’t that big of a big deal. Besides, they haven’t shown exactly what the purpose of that thing is. Or any major, or even minor story spoilers.

What is more important is what the Thargoids do with the escape pods, not that they’re doing something with, or taking, them. We already know they’ve been doing that for quite a while - just not why, and it’s been getting a bit more attention lately, thanks to the war.
hard to please everyone.
well... impossible would be a better word.
on one hand you have people that appreciate the mystery, who want to explore and discover for themselves (and complain) and then you have people who will follow optimized walkthroughs and speedruns (and complain).
i think some good amount of "you control the buttons you press" could help. you can either consume what is being thrown at you at the pace its being thrown, or you can manage your experience to your agenda and your liking.
See this is what I mean, FDev just giving 'teasers' that are the entire content of the update just takes away from player agency to explore and discover new things on our own.

And to address the other points above, it's all well and good saying "just don't want the streams then" but even if you don't personally watch the streams, someone will and will start talking about spoilers in social media
So don't read it. You can control your eyes, can't you?
The issue is that if they don't show us all the new secret things, a lot of the average players will think the update has no content and the players that haven't played for a while won't choose to come back. Personally, I wouldn't mind if they released some screenshots of all the secret things they hid in the game from day 1 that were never discovered, that would be cool.
"The Thargoids are winning, BGS and PP are collapsing, Human bubble is burning. Get on your FCs and scatter across the Galaxy. Find another way."

This is Udapte 17. :)

Aside from the dark humor part, it wouldn't bother me much to know what to expect.
id just like to point out that while here is thread advocating for more secrecy when unrolling new content, there is also a thread asking for transparency and announcement of a roadmap for elite.
id like to think that before fdev does commit to either/or, authors of these two threads should reach consensus between themselves :p
The problem is for every person who says “We’re all grown ups and we want to be surprised” there are a lot more people demanding to see new stuff, if just to reassure themselves that it’s not a #DeadGameMate! Or we get usual YouTube detractors saying the Fdev is lying again and there will nothing decent in the update. It’s a communication balancing act to say that something is coming, reassure the community that it is something of significance but not give too much away.

I think they got the balance right with 15. They showed the glave but nothing about the headline feature of titan and how it behaves. As long as there’s more surprises to the update than what we saw; then there is nothing really to get people’s pants in a twist,
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