Can the Devs please stop insulting us?

The problem is for every person who says “We’re all grown ups and we want to be surprised” there are a lot more people demanding to see new stuff, if just to reassure themselves that it’s not a #DeadGameMate! Or we get usual YouTube detractors saying the Fdev is lying again and there will nothing decent in the update. It’s a communication balancing act to say that something is coming, reassure the community that it is something of significance but not give too much away.

I think they got the balance right with 15. They showed the glave but nothing about the headline feature of titan and how it behaves. As long as there’s more surprises to the update than what we saw; then there is nothing really to get people’s pants in a twist,
Completely agreed here. Even acknowledging my own frustration at their U15 lead up (I was literally yelling "STOP SAYING THE UPDATE IS BIG AND START SHOWING US SOMETHING!!" among my friends on Discord during the pre-patch livestreams), I feel like they threaded that needle pretty well for both sides.

The only thing they confirmed about the Titan was "you're headed into the Maelstrom". They revealed how the Glaive looked, and they eventually hinted at its role as a specifically engineered anti-human fighter, but they kept things vague otherwise. And we had no clue that a form of on-foot AX was on its way until right before the patch released.

Also noteworthy was that most of the "spoilery" information actually was released with Frontier's blessing via their community creator program. I didn't find out about the Revenants from Frontier, I found out about them from Buur, who was previewing them on Frontier's behalf. Frontier didn't openly talk themselves about things until after the patch was already out for like a full week.

So for people like me who want information (all of it. Right now), they eventually delivered via content creators, most of whom were pretty clear to yell "spoilers!" before showing it (nice job Buur). And for people like the OP and Darrack who want to find things themselves, only vague hints were given if anything. If you only relied on Frontier's direct information releases, the only thing you knew about was what the Glaive looked like and that it was very fast, and that you were going into the Maelstrom. That's not exactly giving away the plot.
I wouldn't mind if they released some screenshots of all the secret things they hid in the game from day 1 that were never discovered, that would be cool.
Sure a picture of Raxxla would go down really well :ROFLMAO:
If things haven't yet been discovered where would the screen shot come from (RP of course) 😉

Hi all, so an ED Discord I'm in posted today, all the 'spoilers' that are coming up for U16 (which I won't repeat).

While I understand the need to tease things to get people interested in the upcoming update... It annoys me to no end that FDev takes player agency away by just making the new content front and centre of the discussion rather than giving players a chance to discover it themselves. Frameshift Live was just a stream of them openly showing new things coming in U16 with not even the slightest effort given to keep them remaining a mystery.

To give another example, imagine if then the UIA's were sighted, instead of leaving it a mystery as to what they could be or what their purpose/destination was, Fdev just immediately released all the information about them arriving and turning into Maelstroms with Titans in the centre of the cloud. IDK about the majority of players but at least one ED community I can think of would be upset about the lack of any mystery or research opportunities.

Now to be clear, this is never the fault of the CM's, they likely just get told what and how to stream something with no choice about it. But the statement still remains:

FDev, please stop insulting our intelligence and drive to play by just revealing all the new content in your "teasers"
In the past Frontier have tried to do exactly what you suggest, but players are so desperate to find out what's coming they'll do things like work out from the stars in the background of a teaser video, where a planetary moon is in the galaxy (that actually happened) or dive into the code to find possible content that may or may not be coming (also happened), so it could be that Frontier now just take the approach that they may as well tell us rather than try to keep it secret for us to discover in the game, and thus head off us doing things like leaking this information.

That said, Frontier do still keep things secret for us to find out in-game ourselves.
ED is enjoyable for me because I choose not to listen to spoilers. However, I've been known to sneak peak now and then. For this stream though, was there any allusion to the Panther Clipper? :)
"The Thargoids are winning, BGS and PP are collapsing, Human bubble is burning. Get on your FCs and scatter across the Galaxy. Find another way."

This is Udapte 17. :)
I think you're describing Elite: Dangerous 5 - the search for a new Earth.

It might resemble Nirn, have multiple races, including beast races, several of which may have powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men.
For myself, I appreciate the spoilers. I'm not playing with the Thargoid narrative (just a personal choice) but a lot of people are and they enjoy it. I like to see hints at what is coming. Make the game seem more active.
I'll always take transparency over mystery when it comes to upcoming content. And preferably early enough that player feedback can actually be taken into consideration. The novelty of a surprise wears off almost as soon as it's out, but misjudge what the players actually want in terms of content and the damage is permanent.
I'll always take transparency over mystery when it comes to upcoming content. And preferably early enough that player feedback can actually be taken into consideration. The novelty of a surprise wears off almost as soon as it's out, but misjudge what the players actually want in terms of content and the damage is permanent.
We've had this discussion many times, Fdev need a story line and stick to it, the issue with player feedback is what you may want in the future may not be what i want.
With thousands of different player views who do Fdev listen to?
Life is boring without surprises and discovery.

I'm not sure what this topic is about, but I need a place to post this image of a garden gnome with a multstage thermonuclear weapon hidden in it's hat that I found:

I hope U16 has thermonuclear garden gnomes.
Killing/scanning these new ships will lead us to building a wake scanning device for Thargoid wakes that lets us follow them through and go mess up their funtimes hauling 10,000t human cargo back and forth for their version of Powerplay for four weeks so they can unlock that shiny new Glaive ship everyone is raving about.
Hi all, so an ED Discord I'm in posted today, all the 'spoilers' that are coming up for U16 (which I won't repeat).

While I understand the need to tease things to get people interested in the upcoming update... It annoys me to no end that FDev takes player agency away by just making the new content front and centre of the discussion rather than giving players a chance to discover it themselves. Frameshift Live was just a stream of them openly showing new things coming in U16 with not even the slightest effort given to keep them remaining a mystery.

To give another example, imagine if then the UIA's were sighted, instead of leaving it a mystery as to what they could be or what their purpose/destination was, Fdev just immediately released all the information about them arriving and turning into Maelstroms with Titans in the centre of the cloud. IDK about the majority of players but at least one ED community I can think of would be upset about the lack of any mystery or research opportunities.

Now to be clear, this is never the fault of the CM's, they likely just get told what and how to stream something with no choice about it. But the statement still remains:

FDev, please stop insulting our intelligence and drive to play by just revealing all the new content in your "teasers"

Damned if they do, damned if they don't
"The Thargoids are winning, BGS and PP are collapsing, Human bubble is burning. Get on your FCs and scatter across the Galaxy. Find another way."

This is Udapte 17. :)

Aside from the dark humor part, it wouldn't bother me much to know what to expect.
If that were what was coming in Update 17, then I guess I'll be playing Starfield even more at that point. ;)
We've had this discussion many times, Fdev need a story line and stick to it, the issue with player feedback is what you may want in the future may not be what i want.
With thousands of different player views who do Fdev listen to?
Life is boring without surprises and discovery.

To an extent. I'm more regarding the mechanical additions, especially when they're broadly poorly received. Like the genetic sampling mini game, for which we didn't receive a replacement mechanic after it was ripped out because they never sought feedback early enough. That wasn't a super myserious story element that needed to be kept secret either.
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