Catalogue of Galactic Nebulae - submit your planetary nebulae!

Oh hey, I did miss some nebulae then. Thanks!
Also, only planetary nebulae get first discoverers assigned, as there is no way to tell with the regular ones, which have no central system.
Found some of my old notes about planetary nebulas, dunno whether these are in the list already, but you can check:

Umbaist ZU-P E5-8899 - two close planetaries
Umbaist TZ-P E5-1758 - small nebula
Byaa Ain BA-A e236
Brairoa WO-A E6616
Umbaist AB-O E6-9594
Athairk PN-T e3-3267
Athairk MH-V e2-1078
Athairk JB-X e1-1309
Umbaist ZU-P E5-8899
Umbaist ZU-P E5-5947
Umbaist AB-O E6-9594
Byaa Ain BA-A e236
Athairk MH-V e2-1078

Brairoa WO-A E6616
Athairk PN-T e3-3267

Athairk JB-X e1-1309
So just to be clear, are there any undiscovered- that is to say, untagged- planetary nebulae out there? Or is it impossible to know? (I would have to assume at very least the ones outside of the galactic centre have been tagged.)
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So just to be clear, are there any undiscovered- that is to say, untagged- planetary nebulae out there? Or is it impossible to know? (I would have to assume they've all at least been tagged.)

Impossible to know really. And not really possible to know when they have all been tagged, though I imagine there are still some out there considering I found one just a few weeks ago.
Okay, there are three planetary nebulae in the Wepooe sector which I stumbled upon in my Survey, plus two more quite close to each other in Kyloabs I found on the way over there. All screenshots are taken at the same scale, maximum zoom-in. My nicknames are really just names I've given them to tell them apart; feel free to over-ride:

Nebula / System nameGalactic RegionFirst discovered by CMDRSubmitted byNicknameGalaxy map screenshotNotes
Kyloabs FR-V e2-6103Odin's HoldDEF.REDSapyxKylo Red Eye Source:
Kyloabs FR-V e2-5920Odin's HoldMETALADDICTSapyxKylo Blue Bubbles Source: NX-T e3-3253Odin's HoldONERIKSapyxWeepy Large Bubbles Source:
Wepooe QS-U e2-191Odin's HoldCHRISTOPHER RAKTAVIANSapyxWeepy Red Eye Source:
Wepooe FB-O e6-5073Odin's HoldNAMAYCUSHSapyxWeepy Small Bubbles Source:

For those wanting to plant their flag on a planet in a planetary nebula, here are your current prospects for these five:
  • Kyloabs FR-V e2-6103: five planets, two terraformables, only one of which is Mapped (by me).
  • Kyloabs FR-V e2-5920: no planets, just the neutron star.
  • Wepooe NX-T e3-3253: There are 44 worlds in this system, but Cmdr Onerik has Mapped Every. Single. One. Of. Them. I toyed with nicknaming this nebula "The Personal Private Nebula of Onerik the Obsessive", but that would have been petty of me.
  • Wepooe QS-U e2-191: four planets, only one of which is terraformable and that world is the only one Mapped (by me).
  • Wepooe FB-O e6-5073: seven planets, some Tagged by different Cmdrs, and only one of which is Mapped (by me).
Edit: whoops, don't know how the table got all skewed, but it won't let me fix it now.
It seems there are still some big Nebuli not in the catalogue:

Nebula / System nameGalactic RegionSubmitted byNicknameGalaxy map screenshotNotes
Mynoaw AA-A H80Norma ArmValije
Pheia Auscs AA-A H23Empyrean StraitsValije

and, of course, lots of PN:

Nebula / System nameGalactic RegionFirst discovered by CMDRSubmitted byNicknameGalaxy map screenshotNotes
Byoi Aip HQ-Y e56Norma ArmBaldyeagleValije
Byoi Aip TU-O e6-1139Norma ArmFanel VanValije
Dryao Aoc XP-X e1-1363Arcadian StreamPewpewbangbangValije
Dryau Aoc KX-T e3-32Arcadian StreamValijeValije
Dryi Aoc WT-A e823Norma ArmDarizaagValije
Dryoea Prao IR-V e2-2306Empyrean StraitsEayrnValije
Dryoea Prau YA-O e6-3033Arcadian StreamMatt GrahamValije
Dumbue OC-V e2-583Empyrean StraitsChris LaneValije
Eord Ploe RI-T e3-32Arcadian StreamKhulgrimValije
Eorl Auwsy EW-W e1-406Empyrean StraitsKpacotkaValije
Eorl Auwsy NC-V e2-314Empyrean StraitsIellopecoraValije
Eorl Auwsy NS-U e2-1297Empyrean StraitsKlingsorValije
Eorl Auwsy NS-U e2-7217Empyrean StraitsSaksofnValijeSmallest PN I've ever seen
Greae Phoea GG-X e1-64Norma ArmFirstarValije
Kyloaqs FB-O e6-4060Empyrean StraitsMatt GrahamValije
Mynoarr JW-W e1-2027Arcadian StreamBig_bad_lynxValije
Mynoarr WO-Z e267Arcadian StreamProf.LiebstrumpfValije
Mynoarr WO-Z e286Arcadian StreamProf.LiebstrumpfValije
Oephairgh FM-V e2-17Arcadian StreamAnuraniumValije
Oephairgh WY-S e3-83Arcadian StreamFRJValije
Pythaics MI-B e156Empyrean StraitsZubrovValije
Pythaics VU-X e1-250Empyrean StraitsOne ZeroValije
Squer SY-A e10332Empyrean StraitsMadriaxValije
Whamboo XE-R e4-510Arcadian StreamClennanValije
Thanks! Good to know that there were a couple of major nebulae I missed. Even though they were in an area with others nearby. Then again, perhaps that was why.
I love PNs. I've photographed a lot of them IRL, and I know they're in ED, but I still haven't seen one. How do you spot them? Do you scan the "sky" visually or use the GalMap?

I'm back in the bubble after a small 20K trip, but I already feel like going back into the darkness. This could be a fun thing to go looking for and take a few snapshots of.
They're usually only visible over maybe a few hundred lightyears, when looking at the skybox. I think the best way to find them tends to be scanning around the galmap, using a zoom level that will show them, but still allow you to move around quickly. Since the galmap's detection sphere around the cursor is also not that large, it takes time and you have to be methodical about how you search. It's tedious.
A few spotted during my survey of the Croomaa Sector. Two in the sector itself, and two that were just outside it, one of which I popped across the border to check out.

Nebula / System nameGalactic RegionFirst discovered by CMDRSubmitted byNicknameGalaxy map screenshotNotes
Croomaa NM-W e1-2366Galactic Centre30QuidKidSapyxSupermoon Nebula Source:
Croomaa ZP-P e5-2155Galactic CentreSantriesteSapyxRed X Nebula Source:
Phua Audst FA-A e5030Galactic CentreBevZSapyxMain Line Nebula Source:
Myriesly RO-Z e3080Galactic Centre{?}SapyxArnhem Nebula Source:

Supermoon: so called because the waterworld orbiting the tertiary star in the system has a giant, close-orbiting moon.
Red X: yeah, it kind of looked like a treasure-map red X at first. Pretty lame, but I'd run out of ideas.
Main Line: this nebula sits on the direct line from the Bubble to Beagle Point (only a couple thousand LYs above it), and lies almost directly above Sag A*. So it's likely to be encountered by anyone flying those routes.
Arnhem: so named because it was a couple hundred LYs outside of Croomaa, and getting there would have been a bridge too far. It was entered in EDSM back in 2015 by member grnbrg, and everything inside mapped by member zer0axis, so I assume it's been thoroughly explored.
Nebula / System nameGalactic RegionFirst discovered by CMDRSubmitted byNicknameGalaxy map screenshotNotes
Prae Flyi VE-Q E5-4IzaamiTraxx03Traxx03Pale Blue Dot

And a little extra system pic:
Sadly there's no NSP
in the system, nor any ladable bodies
but my heart almost stopped
when i saw that noone
has been there before,
so i scaned it, and i quickly
got back to SagA to verify it.
This was back in DW2.
The pale blue dot name comes from the fact, that it's so tiny, that it just looked like a little blue dot when i noticed it on the sky.
Nebula / System nameGalactic RegionFirst discovered by CMDRSubmitted byNicknameGalaxy map screenshotNotes
Brairuia TD-B e1018Odin's HoldJimmy McfarlaneBaxderHyacinthum Inanis-
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They're usually only visible over maybe a few hundred lightyears, when looking at the skybox. I think the best way to find them tends to be scanning around the galmap, using a zoom level that will show them, but still allow you to move around quickly. Since the galmap's detection sphere around the cursor is also not that large, it takes time and you have to be methodical about how you search. It's tedious.
I've done both. I still remember IC-2149 / BD+46 1067 quite vividly, and I managed to spot it in the sky from almost 2000ly away, as a (very!) pale, small grey halo around an also very pale star. I looked at it in 2D as well, and it was much harder to spot. So it appears to have been more visible in VR, maybe due to my HMD's OLED panels? Not sure.

Of course, IC-2149 is pretty far out, so there aren't too many stars around, making it a lot easier to spot in the sky.
Some of it has to do with where you're located, as well as the size of the PN. For instance, deep in the core region they might not be rendered at as large of a distance since there's a cap on how many stars will get rendered into the skybox, and that cap might be hit while rendering closer objects.
That's interesting... Out of curiosity: Is this also why the skybox in the centre seems to be filled with an especially high number of very bright blue-white stars? I always found that somehow unnatural, but a hard limit to the number of stars rendered would explain this strangely uniform appearance.
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