Community guests at FD HQ on 27th for Q4 news

OA is there? No doubt he will reprise his previous visit to FDev video... in which he is 95% toxic... hopefully this time he improves objectiveness... and knocks the toxicity down by at least 10%... though that might just mean less yummy youtube cash! Positive videos don't get clicks after all.
Chris @bognogus
It was great! Very exciting stuff and hard questions asked

win, win, win then?

Looking forward to the reports, I hope they can just talk about it and it's not all NDA etc..

(very exciting)
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OA is there? No doubt he will reprise his previous visit to FDev video... in which he is 95% toxic... hopefully this time he improves objectiveness... and knocks the toxicity down by at least 10%... though that might just mean less yummy youtube cash! Positive videos don't get clicks after all.
You know, I have to say that I have been saddened by the tone of Ant's videos these past few months. When I first started the game, his videos were wonderful. Full of optimism and useful information. They opened my eyes to aspects of the game that I had hardly known were possible. He showed me things that I otherwise would never have seen and, in some cases, spurred me on to do things that I never would have done. But lately, I've been saddened because I see his that his enthusiasm is clearly waning. While I wouldn't agree with Eros on the toxicity, I do feel that Ant has been left disappointed in the perceived progress and pace of the game...and now that I have caught up to him in terms of an end game player...I can't say that I disagree with him completely. I appreciate his objectiveness in the creator's roundtables and I respect his opinions...I'm just sad that he's sad.
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I was one of the people invited before 2.4 as well.

It was a great experience overall. Being ale to shake DB's hand and ask him to sign my copy of First Encounters... wow. Quite humbling must say. BUT! What were were shown for 2.4 and what we were told about was very hyped up. Which made be being very hyped up about 2.4 and the whole Return of Thargoids. The exact words "return of the worst enemy in the history of video games" were used when they were describing 2.4 to us in the office.

The way the "war" was implemented eventually left me EXTREMELY disappointed. To the point that I took 8 months break from the game, as I couldn't stand it.

Therefore I wouldn't pay too much attention to the "exciting stuff" and the hype of the invited guests - speaking from experience :)

I have adopted "wait and see" attitude since then. I have also not spend any money in their store since then (apart from couple of iridescent paint jobs, they were nice indeed).

but 100ppl...

oh.. wait
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