Console Profile Transfers and 2022 Updates

There seems to be a bit of confusion on how the console account thing transfer (although it should really be called a copy as that's what you get) works with regards to accounts looking at some of the posts in this thread. I think it would be good if Frontier could clarify it but this is how I understand it will work with the following 2 scenarios:-

  1. You have your account on Console and you don't have a PC account.

    When the time comes for the transfer, you will need to fill in an online form saying you want to transfer (i.e copy) your console account to PC. This will create a brand new account with a copy of the what is on your console (as listed in the first post), including a free copy of Horizons. I suspect the information you will need to supply when filling in the form is your console account details, your email address (for the new account) and a new commander name if your console commander name already exists on the PC.

  2. You have an account on Console and you also have a PC account (maybe you created it when the Console Odyssey News was released or you've always had one).

    When the time comes for the transfer, like the first scenario, you will need to fill in the form requesting the transfer and you end up with a new account including a free copy of Horizons, as the transfer will not overrite an existing account on the PC.

So if you haven't created a PC account, don't go out and create one yet, wait for the transfer process and the instructions. If you already have a PC account, don't bother wiping it because I don't think the transfer will do any merging (again Frontier should clarify).

So you might end up with 2 accounts on the PC if you already have one, however, that isn't such a bad thing as it allows you to do more. For example, you might be on a long exploration trip and an event comes up in the bubble. Instead of having to rush back to the bubble you can use your 2nd account to partake in the event. In addition if you don't need Odyssey for the event you can still use your console account as you won't loose that.
Star Citizen is that way 👉
Plenty of jpegs to buy there
So if that's the case: "*Cosmetic items applied through the Livery (ships and Fleet Carriers) and Holo-Me will remain applied."

What other cosmetics aren't applied through the livery? I mean if all cosmetics are transferred why is this entry in the bulleted list asterisked? Why not just have Cosmetics in the list and be done with it. Maybe this is my American sensibilities but when I see an * on an item, it means, "There are conditions or restrictions, something that says, This thing with a BUT."

Well, remember people got really mad when the Multi Limpet Controllers launch erased their fire-groups?
I guess they wanted to make sure a number of snowflakes will not melt down at the prospect of having to re-apply the cosmetics to their ships after the transfer

Yeh - it’s an option … except I had a carrier but now my credits are split roughly 3 Billion / 2 Billion so neither account can afford to rebuy one!!

When the transfer time window is announced, decommission the carrier, get the money back.
After the transfer you'll have the money on your console account and on your transferred pc account too - you can rebuy the carrier on both platforms

Me having to buy a pc now in order to be able to keep playing, with emphasis on "keep", Elite dangerous is no cost of entry, it's a forced investment I'll have to make.

Geforce Now is an option.
You'll be able to play Odyssey on your console, albeit limited to 1080p since the prospect of NVidia getting a dedicated app to run on XB is rather slim, but also on any crap pc or even tablets
Elite on the go may sound enticing...
A little bit sad about the Carriers though. I have well over 200 Thargoid Hearts, SAP-8 Cores, and Trinkets of Hidden Fortune aboard mine for Raxxla research purposes and I guess I have to lose all those now. Still worth it for keeping all my other progress.

Can't you just get a PC buddy with a carrier to offload them for you onto theirs? Your carrier and its contents exist cross-platform so while your transferred commander might not own that carrier in PC space, it will still exist and can be offloaded...?

Yeap, this 👆

Have your carrier stored goods transferred to a trusty commander's carrier for the transfer duration.
Decommission your old carrier
Transfer account
Commission your carrier on PC
Transfer goods from trusty carrier to your newly commissioned carrier on pc

However, if you can afford to lose 5 billions in the process, you may keep your carrier on console
Then after transferring the account you can buy a carrier on PC too an transfer your goods between your own accounts
Question? Are the default graphics settings on low??
When you first start Odyssey, it will detect your hardware and based on that it will select a default profile.

I'm not entirely sure, but one year ago, iirc for my laptop with i7-9750h and gtx1660ti, Odyssey selected high i think.
Have to say that selection was a bit optimistic, but went with it since i didnt mind 1080p with 30-40 fps in concourse
Just curious, the updates planned for 2022 hinges on Chaosgate & F1 Manager's success, right?

I dont really think so. It seems ED will run on a tight budget anyway.

But the updates planned for 2023 might hinge on those successes and also on the ability of DB to siphon money from the more successful projects towards Elite 😇
When you first start Odyssey, it will detect your hardware and based on that it will select a default profile.

I'm not entirely sure, but one year ago, iirc for my laptop with i7-9750h and gtx1660ti, Odyssey selected high i think.
Have to say that selection was a bit optimistic, but went with it since i didnt mind 1080p with 30-40 fps in concourse
As it happens, out of curiosity I did a test run on my old computer last night. i7-920 @2.6gHz, GTX 1050Ti, 12GB RAM and running from an external HDD about as unfavourable as you can get without using integrated graphics. Odyssey optimistically selected high settings. I didn't actually try and launch it like that and changed them to low, and it did run (in the 20's in a settlement)

The Low preset isn't very good IMO though. It leaves AA on (with FSR) and dropped my resolution below native. Bumping the resolution up to 1920x1080 and turning AA off altogether looked a lot better and managed the same kind of frame rate, more tweaking might have worked but I wasn't that invested.
I searched these and couldnt find anywhere the answer to this: If i transfer my xbox account to a new PC commander I would keep my Cobra Mk4, nice to see it at last in VR. If I then reset that account would I still have access to purchasing it? I love that first bit of Elite, the sidewinder and rare goods loop is just brilliant in VR. I want to mine in VR in the CM4, want to start from scratch though. As CJ says "I didnt get where i am today on the back of XBox Commanders past glories"

FDEVs....thanks, this is more than I expected, well done. Ignore the nay sayers, the silent (mostly) majority are with you!
How many years before the launch of Odyssey are you considering?
That is the big question. What would be fair? This entire thing will open up a can of worms. For us that recently transferred over to those that have transferred over quite some time ago.

The PS4 version came out in June of 2017 going that far back (5 years) may be difficult. 2019/2020 may be a good starting point. All I know, if they are being granted full transfer, then its more than possible (other than the "we cannot do this" response I received when asking for those two items in my post) to move things over in entirety.

As stated, I just want the GalNet Paintjob for the my Anaconda, and the DW2 Decal. Pretty simple. I plan to push a support ticket.

I searched these and couldnt find anywhere the answer to this: If i transfer my xbox account to a new PC commander I would keep my Cobra Mk4, nice to see it at last in VR. If I then reset that account would I still have access to purchasing it? I love that first bit of Elite, the sidewinder and rare goods loop is just brilliant in VR. I want to mine in VR in the CM4, want to start from scratch though. As CJ says "I didnt get where i am today on the back of XBox Commanders past glories"

FDEVs....thanks, this is more than I expected, well done. Ignore the nay sayers, the silent (mostly) majority are with you!
The Mk 4 was an explicit example given by Arf on the stream of something that would transfer across, so yes.

Edit, just re-read your comment and you're asking if you'd still have it on a wiped save at some point after the transfer. Having never wiped a save myself I can't say with certainty, but I believe anything like that is tied to the account and therefore would still be available.

Although personally, as a Mk4 owner myself, I think the window for exclusivity has long since passed and they should just make it available to everyone now.
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are there other space sims that release new ships all the time?
Star Citizen sure does, as that's a major part of their business model, NMS gets new ones too all the time, I believe, so does X4, and that's about all I can think of that are actually current.
So I downloaded and installed. Only took 90 minutes to complete.
I decided to wait til they do transfer before I will launch it however. 😙
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