CRITICAL explorer bug

I asked this also in the main bug thread. Hopefully there'll be a brave investigator to test on some known cases of this. (Not me, I've been sidelined because RL.)
I want to comment. I really do but I fear once I start I will not stop and not be allowed on here any more.

So I will summarise my feelings thusly:

Probely not related but found a planet with NO rings but the data says it has =O
No ring cockpit.jpg
No Rings.jpg

1st is data
2nd is from ship
3rd more distant view.
Needs fixing and quick. because you can bet your bottom credit that there is cmdr's out there right now exploiting this.
Going to keep on checking Sagitarrius A* to see if it gets reverted as a reference point for this serious bug.. until i see it reverted, really can't and won't take any discovered by tag seriously any more.
It WILL get fixed.

I really strongly believe that.

And Griefers no problem - IF they can be bothered to GO THERE :)
strange, handed in data and it announced first find but with 0 bonus
and tags did not change in system map
just spotted a few other problems, local faction control is all over the place doesn't compare to yesterday. I see a faction that lost control of a system a few days ago now has 60%+ control and one that had 50%+ is now down to 19%???
edit: did faction control reset to default? it looks that way to me!
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just spotted a few other problems, local faction control is all over the place doesn't compare to yesterday. I see a faction that lost control of a system a few days ago now has 60%+ control and one that had 50%+ is now down to 19%???

If these bugs are there then we might be better off not playing until the next patch is live as I do not want peoples efforts to be wasted.
If these bugs are there then we might be better off not playing until the next patch is live as I do not want peoples efforts to be wasted.

or just play it as a game, enjoy it and live with what amounts to not life threatening consequences !! Come on guys - it's a game :)
If these bugs are there then we might be better off not playing until the next patch is live as I do not want peoples efforts to be wasted.

Haha, I went exploring to avoid the bugs and issues from 1.3 update thinking I'd be safe miles away from the core and the rest of the playerbase. It would appear I am a fool.
OMG - apologies I played this game when it 1st ever came out - we are LUCKY we can play such a FANTASTIC game. I feel lucky, maybe I am just old :(
When you feel lucky, when you feel luck is actually really really good thing, then you are old :D

(But once you're over the hill, you pick up speed.)

LOL orange

I remember bribing my older brother to program a macro esque version of card game statis pro basketball. So I am pretty slow to call out anyone that developes such an awesome game as this.

They walk away and we look pretty stupid and GAMELESS.
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Going to keep on checking Sagitarrius A* to see if it gets reverted as a reference point for this serious bug.. until i see it reverted, really can't and won't take any discovered by tag seriously any more.

I never did take it seriously; only the +50% credits. In fact, I think the whole "first discovered by" thing is detrimental to the game. I think FD could use this opportunity to remove it from the game altogether.
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