Do "purple-haired heroes" scare everyone into Solo?

Me. So far in this thread everyone has "managed to kill just about every one else other topic, but like a poor marksman you keep missing the target."

The observation is simple - I was playing in open and seeing a TON of CMDR traffic coming and going from the CG station (I was just parked outside watching), then "purple-haired heroes" show up and blockade the system, and then there's hardly no traffic at that same station. This leads me to believe that most of these traders either switched to Solo or PG (that's what I usually do when I'm serious about trading in a CG), or they logged off for the evening, or I got really unlucky with instancing.

How many times do I have to keep typing the same simple question?

(I bet somebody has ninja's me as I type this)
If they made and enforced an rp server id be there. Good points.
If all these brave "I ain't afraid of no griefer!" forum posters actually got off their remlock-suited butts and offered the "blockade runners" the PvP they are looking for, I'd find CG trading in Open more compelling. I actually have more respect for the purple haired heroes, as they at least live up to their reputation (unlike these armchair quarterbacks).
If all these brave "I ain't afraid of no griefer!" forum posters actually got off their remlock-suited butts and offered the "blockade runners" the PvP they are looking for, I'd find CG trading in Open more compelling. I actually have more respect for the purple haired heroes, as they at least live up to their reputation (unlike these armchair quarterbacks).

For me, aside from the garbage network performance of open, I find PvP incredibly boring and I have no interest in it. I'd rather bite my toenails.
My turn to go to bed now, LOL. I can't wait to see where this thread ends up when I open my eyes again :D
Probably here

Heres to 1000 replies
If all these brave "I ain't afraid of no griefer!" forum posters actually got off their remlock-suited butts and offered the "blockade runners" the PvP they are looking for, I'd find CG trading in Open more compelling. I actually have more respect for the purple haired heroes, as they at least live up to their reputation (unlike these armchair quarterbacks).

Maybe all those people you saw got picked on twice and decided they had enough. Quite along time go there used to be player groups that used to harass the seal clubbers werent there? I think you're peeing on the wrong tree, get frontier to improve the quality, communicate better, make the game less pockmarked with bugs etc to get more players back. Also pvp is only going to go downhill if you can cheat.

I remember getting to a year ago now a whole bunch of pvpers had a grown up talk on youtube and were saying stuff like within 6 months it will be fixed etc. They're gone now.
BTW, these noble purple Drazi were doing a shoddy job at running a blockade, considering they chased me half-way around the system, little 'ol me carrying SIX tons of grain, while potentially allowing a fleet of Type-9s bring hundreds of tons of cargo through. Like I said, I might not be able to beat them at combat, but I'm sure good at busting up a so-called "blockade" :p
See, that's my kind of CG fun :D
The observation is simple - I was playing in open and seeing a TON of CMDR traffic coming and going from the CG station (I was just parked outside watching), then "purple-haired heroes" show up and blockade the system, and then there's hardly no traffic at that same station. This leads me to believe that most of these traders either switched to Solo or PG (that's what I usually do when I'm serious about trading in a CG), or they logged off for the evening, or I got really unlucky with instancing.
Instancing is bad, but iirc the matchmaking "priority order" seems to be: group/squadron first, then friends second, then everyone else third, with anyone blocked affecting all of them. A dev posted (talked on a livestream?) about it ages ago.
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