ED and the Oculus Rift DK1 Discussion Thread

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I don't need glasses (and I am very thankful I have good eyesight), but many who need them did have a go, and Kerrash was swapping lenses all night.

I played the house demo, and I found it very weird. It felt like I was sitting in an electric wheelchair, yes, I actually felt like I was moving. It's a sensation you have to experience as describing it, doesn't really do it justice.

Others tried other demos, but I didn't, so I can't comment.

I was not a fan of OR before last night, and while I am impressed by it, I am still not convinced enough to buy one, especially at the moment with the price so high.

You may want to try TrackIR as an alternative as its cheaper, if I had lived closer and been able to attend the event I would have bought mine.
I understand that after a few drinks one of your party at the elitemeet had a go and had to retire for the rest of the evening, something about food poisoning, more of a serious case of motion sickness.

I know motion sickness can hit some people pretty bad.
Now for some structured and considered comments from me. :)

I only played Halflife 2 on the OR (free moving FPS is probably one of the worst things you can do re motion sickness). I was fine for around 5 minutes then started to feel a little uncomfortable and by around 10 minutes I'd had enough and had to stop.

Usually I don't get motion sickness or sea-sick. however one thing that can set me off is reading in a car, it was a very similar feeling but a more rapid onset and progression. I took about 20 minutes to settle down again. For those who are wondering about testing conditions, 2 pints of Bulmer's pear cider and chips and a chicken burger about an hour before playing. ;)

That is the bad though and Kerrash ensures me that you build up a resistance over quite a short time. I will say I do think it's going to be worth it, the immersion was amazing, being able to watch the sand lions jump over your head and track them all the way with totally natural head movements was amazing as was the depth perception.

The track IR also looked great, not as cumbersome (although the OR really isn't any trouble on your head). Also the Track IR has lateral as well as rotational movement ( moving your head forward or to the side without rotation). Lateral tracking will be implemented in the OR before release which will also go some way to decreasing motion sickness as apparently this is one of the major causes.

In summary.
Track IR is great and provides a natural and easy to use method of controlling view point shift in games where the view can change. It comprises of three reflective points that are fixed to the peak of a sun-visor type cap, a web-cam and the software.

OR is amazing and truly immerses you in the game, however resolution and clarity during movement is still undergoing development as are the other three degrees of freedom.

I'm fairly sure I will own an OR at some point and I will spend the time to acclimatise my body to the lack of movement. You never know it may help me be able to read books in the car as well.

My advice, if you get an opportunity to try one do, and try as many of the demonstrations as you can. Determine your sensitivity and experience the immersion.:D:)
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I understand that after a few drinks one of your party at the elitemeet had a go and had to retire for the rest of the evening, something about food poisoning, more of a serious case of motion sickness.

I know motion sickness can hit some people pretty bad.

I think you may be referring to me, so I'll give my opinion :)

I didn't play the house demo, I had a go in a flight sim. It totally blew me away. It felt so natural. The latency was very low, the FOV was huge and therefore very immersive.

I didn't feel sick or dizzy at all while using the rift. I was told that FPS games (or any game where your controller and head fight for direction) were the ones that were more likely to induce motion sickness.

I only felt sick after putting my glasses back on and clapping eyes on fozza's shaven face. I'll let you draw your own conclusions.

As for my experience as a specs wearer: the lenses did not correct enough for me so it was a blurred experience. I was considering getting the OR dev kit, but I may wait for the retail version if there is a chance it might be more accomodating of glasses.

EDIT: My wife is off work today after being up all night being sick, so I'm thinking stomach bug rather than food poisoning or Oculus Rift.
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Philip Coutts

Volunteer Moderator
Interesting to get a few different views on OR. It seems to provoke a bit of a marmite effect in that you either love it or not. I wear glasses so it was interesting to hear a view on that. Also interesting to hear a wee bit about the motion sickness issues. Still undecided about this one to be honest I'll wait until some people have played ED first with OR and see how they fair.

Also big up to Kerrash for taking the OR and letting folks try it out. +1 (tried to rep you but the computer just says no. I need to spread my love around a bit more).
I understand that after a few drinks one of your party at the elitemeet had a go and had to retire for the rest of the evening, something about food poisoning, more of a serious case of motion sickness.

I know motion sickness can hit some people pretty bad.

I live in The Netherlands. Although my country's drug policies are rarely well understood by foreigners and the choice to smoke it maybe less, being a personal freedom and choice for many here, it is easy to get cannabis here. Cannabis has the added trait of reducing nausea.
I wonder if it could help with training the brain to adapt more easily to that what causes the nausea. Using cannabis could expedite that process. The Dutch could have a leg-up in the use of the OR and its use in gaming. :p
I live in The Netherlands. Although my country's drug policies are rarely well understood by foreigners and the choice to smoke it maybe less, being a personal freedom and choice for many here, it is easy to get cannabis here. Cannabis has the added trait of reducing nausea.
I wonder if it could help with training the brain to adapt more easily to that what causes the nausea. Using cannabis could expedite that process. The Dutch could have a leg-up in the use of the OR and its use in gaming. :p

When I borrowed a dev kit from a friend I had slight nausea after prolonged use (like an hour or so in Team Fortress 2). I'm pretty hardy anyway but I was high as well :)

I hear that OR team have been working on the nausea issue.

If they make some in roads there and improve the resolution and add more tracking features then it should be perfect.

I personally cannot wait for the consumer version, may get a HD dev kit if they release one and there's still no word about the consumer version.
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I was able to wear my glasses while wearing the OR. So certainly in the dev version, they will fit inside (depending on the size and shape of your glasses of course).

Some people found that they couldn't wear their glasses inside the OR. But Kerrash was able to change out the lenses in the OR to help suit individuals.

I played the flight sim / dogfighting game (Warthunder?) and found it very natural. I didn't feel any motion sickness while I had it on. Although when I took it off, it took a second to readjust to normal motion.

Will I buy one? - At some point, very likely, yes. Although I will be waiting for the consumer version.
I live in The Netherlands. Although my country's drug policies are rarely well understood by foreigners and the choice to smoke it maybe less, being a personal freedom and choice for many here, it is easy to get cannabis here. Cannabis has the added trait of reducing nausea.
I wonder if it could help with training the brain to adapt more easily to that what causes the nausea. Using cannabis could expedite that process. The Dutch could have a leg-up in the use of the OR and its use in gaming. :p

Another Dutchie here... Will get the OR HD Consumer edition for E: D and StarCititzen. I Won't do drugs to acomodate nausea as I just generally oppose to using drugs, I don't smoke and really hate the awfull smell of a joint.

Where are you based Variform? I'm in the Rotterdam area.
I've not tried this set, but - in general - I'd wager that motion sickness is a lesser issue in games like Elite than in regular FPS titles. It has already been said that it is a challenge to make movement visible in a space game and the less apparent movement there is, the less you should have to worry about motion sickness in IR settings.

Compare flying a spaceship to driving a car in a driving simulator - the latter has many more cues of motion on screen at the same time, messing up with your visual and motion senses.
After using both IR and Oculus, the Oculus won hands down. War Thunder was amazing especially if you were using a controller you were familiar with (I.E. my x52 :p ).

I think the house demo felt more like professor X's hoverchair instead of walking but I was able to wear it over my glasses and apart from feeling a bit of nana knowing that people were watching me twist and turn like a demented headbanger.

Cheers to Kerrash for bringing it along.

and pity about the food poisoning John, I would have like to had a chat during the conclave.
Wow, this thread has moved fast; I will try to answer all the questions in one go:

Kerrash, what's your computer spec?

The single biggest contributing factor is the GPU, of which I run a GeForce 560Ti which is more than capable of driving all the demo's at 60~ FPS. Frame rate in the 60-120 range is the most important aspect for VR.

At EliteMeet we were running on a machine with a GeForce 760, kindly borrowed from my friend Alpheratz ;)

> Do you have any concerns about it? (headaches, eye strain, latency issues... If anything, it's easier on the eye than 3D tellies. But then there's not really a lot you can focus on with this developer's kit version. The resolution is quite low.

I agree that this causes no eye strain issues compared to using a 3DS or watching 3D movie. The dev kit was running at 1280x800 or 640x800 per eye, which is stretched over a 110~ degree field of view; so right now is not great. The consumer kit will feature at least 1920x1080 or 960x1080 per eye.

I was unsure about it before... now im certain..
Im getting me one of those bad boys...
The Track IR is great as a controller, but Oculus puts you STRAIGHT into the game..

I am glad you think so, I was pleased to demo it ;)

I hope Kerrash demoed Titans of Space, and maybe Dreadhalls too (for the laughs) as well as Tuscany. Oh, and Riftcoaster, standing up, is always good for a giggle. ;)

We did have ToS, Tuscany and the coaster but DH freaks me out :p

I only played Halflife 2 on the OR (free moving FPS is probably one of the worst things you can do re motion sickness)...
That is the bad though and Kerrash ensures me that you build up a resistance over quite a short time...

Absolutely, FPS games seem to be more sickness inducing than most; cockpit games however are fantastic. I think this may be due to having something static close to you for reference.

...Lateral tracking will be implemented in the OR before release which will also go some way to decreasing motion sickness as apparently this is one of the major causes....

Also true, the hardware supports tracking the position of your head but the software does not currently use it. This would allow you to lean forward for a closer look at cockpit instrumentation for example.

...My advice, if you get an opportunity to try one do, and try as many of the demonstrations as you can. Determine your sensitivity and experience the immersion.:D:)

Yes, it really is an experience that words cannot describe.

...: My wife is off work today after being up all night being sick, so I'm thinking stomach bug rather than food poisoning or Oculus Rift.

I am glad I was not the cause of you being ill. I felt awful after I found out why you had to leave :(

Also big up to Kerrash for taking the OR and letting folks try it out. +1 (tried to rep you but the computer just says no. I need to spread my love around a bit more).

Why thank you very much for the rep :D

I was able to wear my glasses ... Some people found that they couldn't wear their glasses inside the OR. But Kerrash was able to change out the lenses in the OR to help suit individuals...

The lenses go a long way to help for people with near-sighted correction, but we didn't have time to calibrate a profile for each user (only takes about 5 minutes each) which probably would have helped the focus for some people.

Thanks for all your kind comments everyone, I only wish we had enough time to let each of you try multiple demos. Perhaps I can be convinced to bring it to the next meet up? :rolleyes:~

After using both IR and Oculus, the Oculus won hands down. War Thunder was amazing especially if you were using a controller you were familiar with (I.E. my x52 :p ).
Thank you so much for bringing your controller, I was an idiot to forget my X52 :p
It really helps the immersion doesn't it?
So it appears there was an Oculus Rift headset at Elite Meet and I guess a number of people got to have a go on it. Perhaps those folk would be kind enough to give some detailed feedback...

Are you now planning on getting an OR to play Elite Dangerous?

If yes, did you plan on getting an OR anyway before you tried it?

If no, why not? (cost? Not *that* impressive?)

Do you have any concerns about it? (headaches, eye strain, latency issues...)

Did anyone who wears glasses have a go? If so, how did that work out?


I was not at the Elite Meet but I own an Oculus rift dev kit so hope it is ok to reply to you.

Are you now planning on getting an OR to play Elite Dangerous?

yes as long as I can over come my motion sickness (I will say more about this later in detail so dont let this put you off right now). It was one of the big reasons that I increased my pledge and I am very much looking forward to the beta to take a look.

Star Citizen will also have Rift support, it was one of their stretch goals, however since then CryEngine have announced that it will support OR nativity in its next incarnation.

This means that any game based on the new CryEngine will have OR support so it opens up alot of games apart from ED and SC.

If yes, did you plan on getting an OR anyway before you tried it?

Kind of irrelevant to me, but VR/AR is where the gaming market seems to be going. OR have got some very well knows people now working for them, including John Carmack of idSoftware fame he was lead programmer of Wolfenstein 3D, Doom, Quake and squeals. Even EA has recently been looking for / recruiting OR programmers for Frostbite.

If no, why not? (cost? Not *that* impressive?)

Some of the main concerns people have are motion sickness and screen door effect, I will write about this in next answer.

Do you have any concerns about it? (headaches, eye strain, latency issues...)

Right now I get motion sickness quickly, you can build up an immunity to it apparently but I just keep my sessions down to a few mins now with dev kit 1.

Why have I been only using it for a few mins at a time?...its simple dev kit 2 will be 1920×1080 as opposed to 1280×800 (640×800 per eye) this will help with sickness. The really huge improvement that is being made is the dev kit 2 / consumer version will have proper head tracking which is missing form the current version, this is what is responsible for most cases of motion sickness.

There is now a noticeable screen door effect, I dont find it so bad in space demos the darkness stops it showing through as much but put something like Tuscany on and its really there. The new higher resolution apparently more or less cuts this out.

A handy feature that will help many is meant to be included in the consumer version is a small camera so you can see out of the rift and whats going on around you irl.

Did anyone who wears glasses have a go? If so, how did that work out?

The rift comes with 3 sets of lenses, one pair for short sighted, one for long and one for 20:20. It is also has a small screw on the side which you can move the lenses closer or further way from your eyes, so it fits over your glasses. I have tried this to experiment with the normal vision lenses and my glasses which are slim wire framed jobs.

So there you go my impressions of the rift, hope it helped.

One really nice thing that alot of people overlook is films, I know its not the primary reason why you would by one but I downloaded the cinema demo and tried Avatar 3D. When there is not screen door effect it will be a brilliant experience, you can even pick your seat!

You may want to check out this kick starter the guys behind it were from Valve it is for a consumer VR / AR device castAR.

I also have seen reports of other large well known companies trying to develop their own VR kit now so the big hardware manufacturers are taking notice.
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There is now a noticeable screen door effect, I dont find it so bad in space demos the darkness stops it showing through as much but put something like Tuscany on and its really there. The new higher resolution apparently more or less cuts this out.

A handy feature that will help many is to be included in the consumer version is a small camera so you can see out of the rift and whats going on around you irl....

A couple of months back I got to try the 1080p prototype too ( sorry Fozza :rolleyes: ) which was an improvement for sure. It did not have the rumoured front facing camera's, but TBH once you get used to the position of your own controls it's not too bad.
So my question is obvious. Did anyone consider the Titans of Space demo? Granted it is a 15 run, but it is a very good reference on how the view would react to a space type environment.

As for the motion sickness. I still get it. I can't play HL2 for more than 30 minutes before becoming to ill to proceed. I do wear glasses, but they touch the sides inside the OR, so I need to consider a different pair with smaller round lenses. And ones without bifocals....
A couple of months back I got to try the 1080p prototype too ( sorry Fozza :rolleyes: ) which was an improvement for sure. It did not have the rumoured front facing camera's, but TBH once you get used to the position of your own controls it's not too bad.

Hence why I said it was meant for the consumer version and not the new proto type, which was exactly that. Nice too know about the improvement though, hoping the dev kit 2 comes soon like it said on their roumored leaked business plan.

So my question is obvious. Did anyone consider the Titans of Space demo? Granted it is a 15 run, but it is a very good reference on how the view would react to a space type environment.

This is an excellent demo, didn't get my motion sickness at all, but you stay fairly static in the cockpit ie no acrobatics - if you get the chance try it, it is worth the download.

If you want a demo that will throw you about some just to see if you can cope with it Rift Coster is decent, its short demo only about 2 mins max long

Delta Draconis is a nice little sim - made me travel sick eventually, but you get to fly a little space ship about in an atmosphere above a rocky planet / asteroid. Thhis I think would give a nice impression of what a space demo was like.
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So what are the sort of minimum specs needed to run an Occulus Rift? I'm pretty sure my current computer couldn't handle it.

This is what is quoted on OR website: The computer must have an HDMI or DVI video-out port. Note that VGA is unsupported at this time. Other than that, there are no minimum specifications, though the more powerful the computer, the better the experience will be. Any standard gaming computer should be sufficient to use the Oculus Rift.

Sorce: https://support.oculusvr.com/entrie...quirements-for-the-Oculus-Rift-developer-kit-

It does run smoother on better systems though, I have ran in to MS surface which was laggy but usable compared to my gaming pc which is nice and smooth on but this ofc makes perfect sense.

Going back to the Glasses question before: I should have mentioned my husband has demo-ed the rift to 500 + staff and pupils in his school with the normal vision lenses and no-one has had problems.
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I liked Fozza's reaction ...

Kerrash - "If you place it vertically on the bridge of your nose it should 'snap' into place"

Fozza - "Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow ..."
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