Elite Dangerous: Odyssey | The Road To Odyssey Part 2 - Forging Your Path

Passenger trips are only one stage beyond what is already present in game.

Already, with auto-pilot and supercruise assist, it is possible to automate (as the pilot) the majority of a journey.
I don't see it being much of a leap to remove the human pilot from the chain.
  • Select destination (station 1 jump away) via the means of a notice board type interface
  • Automate the take-off (external camera view or back-of-a-headrest view type thing)
  • Allow passenger / commander look at other screens / codex entries / Galnet news articles whilst:
  • Ship flies to jump point
  • Ship arrives in destination system and enters supercruise
  • Ship leaves Supercruise and enters port / dock instance
  • Auto-pilot lands
  • Commander regains control.

Not sure how interesting it'll be after the initial novelty wears off but definitely viable.
One of the things that'll need some thinking through is cargo. Would you allow a Commander to carry cargo on the journey or would you limit it to just things like sensitive / courier data.
Also, would Frontier allow Hyperdiction? either my other commanders or by NPCs?
To me it seemed that they want to introduce a non-pilot game style of its own. So you actually do not own a ship at all, you only use your space legs, stay within the gameplay that offers, and still are allowed to commute from one system/planet/moon to another. To me rather a kind of theoretical exercise unless the space legs game play is so rich that they believe to be able to attract players for that part alone who don't like to actually fly space ships of their own...

If they succeeded with that approach it would mean though that chances are increasing that us space pilots might not enjoy the space legs PvP so much because you'd effectively battle against ego shooter specialists as soon as you leave your vessel...
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Thinking about this one - does it include transport by other human players ? Would be funny, if one at last can be one of these obnoxious, complaining & hyper-sensitive characters which are so annoying when you are the captain of the vessel... 😄
And if you then could ask permission to attend the bridge, and take a seat on a vacant co-pilot chair and voice chat along with the captain...

But no. It will only be NPC transport vessels of course. And IIRC, they also said it would be limited to destinations within jump range ? So not booking a trip to Sag A*, Canis Majoris or comparable, but only within a range of say 50-60 ly at max...
We would need interiors and ship boarding for transporting other players, so I don't think it could be a thing with odyssey.

When they say jump range, that's probably the jump range of the taxi ship. I hope it's not the viper they showed on the apex board.

What I'm hoping for is that there will be several ships from an adder to start with and as you use the service and gain reputation, you get access to better taxis with a better jump range.
What I'm hoping for is that there will be several ships from an adder to start with and as you use the service and gain reputation, you get access to better taxis with a better jump range.

I think it will be a new ship model for NPC taxis. If Frontier is lazy then they'll reuse existing ships.
The signage in the concept art shows existing ships, and so does the in game footage.

Why would it be lazy?

Because its easy to re-use existing content rather than make new stuff. I magine there'd be non-combat, taxi ships. The Beluga and such could be taxis though.
Because its easy to re-use existing content rather than make new stuff. I magine there'd be non-combat, taxi ships. The Beluga and such could be taxis though.
Thing is the original concept art was an Adder and a Viper. They sound ideal as the Adder is supposed to be a taxi/shuttle. Why invent something new. Also we are very likely to be able to use Apex to travel to the settlements in the middle of nowhere, there would hardly be a cruise ship going to Hadley's Hope ...
The Beluga and such could be taxis though.

Would that not be the obvious choice - we have ships classified as people transport vessels, and now we finally get non-NPC passengers. I would find it very strange if FDev had actually introduced a new vessel only for this purpose, as it would mean NPC and users are considered different kind of subjects within the ED universe's logic, which would be... wrong ?
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