Elite Dangerous Odyssey: Update 8.01 Notes

I don't really want to sound polemic or aggressive, i need to just ask a sincere question: why is it that old crippling bugs are still unfixed (like the fines and bounty system and many missions that you can't complete, let alone the state of VR) after all these updates and FD has moved on to add even new features (like emotes and megaship interiors)? Won't it be more logical to fix current problems than potentially create some more? I know the issue tracker dictates the priorities, but it's a flawed system. Just because there are less players reporting a problem does not mean that the problem it's not there. Just curious about what gives the developers the priorities. Priorities that seem very wrong to me.
Just wanted to follow up and close this... everything worked fine last night and I was able to relog a few times and get the 4 Guardian Weapons Blueprints I needed.
I don't know why the relic wasn't going into its ground receiver after activating all the pylons 2 nights ago, but it worked first time everything last night!

Original post:
Just curious if anyone can confirm if there's an issue putting in the Guardian Relic to the slot at the Weapons Ruin Sites to get the Weapons Blueprints.
Last night I activated & shot up all the pylons as always (all the triangles show up where the big orb will), grabbed a Relic in my SRV's cargo hold, positioned my SRV on top of the slot (and in front, behind, to the side pointing back, I tried so many positions, even nudging it with a bump) and that thing would not go in the slot.
...unless I missed something obvious, which I could have!

I haven't done this for a couple of years actually, but can't recall any issues. Even looked up a guide to refresh my memory.
Just need a few Weapon Blueprints to get those fancy new Salvation guns... I have so many other Guardian materials stocked up from previous unlocks over the years.

I only mention it here since I'm not sure how many people may have tried to do this since Update 8... (again I haven't done it in a couple of years, so I'm an imperfect source).
Haven't tried switching back to Horizons to do it.
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Just wrestling with Thargoids at the moment :) Sorry for the waffle hehe - it's been a week! o7777

Thanks for your help in raising issues Sally! Seriously, it's a video game. We get grumpy about things sometimes but... it's a video game. You are doing a fantastic job of raising issues and communicating. Some people are doing a terrible job of reading and that's not on you.
Hm, what 2 do wuth new engineer? (Baltanos) Landed on the base, opening engineer workshop. Standard remote engineering window with ship modules shown! What 2 do? Received an advice to unpin all the blueprints. Unpin button nort active even in Horizons. Perfect. Engineer is visible and landable, but nothing else....
Hi Sally, I hope you are good. I wrote a post and would like to invite you to read it. Here is the link.
Thank you and have a good Halloween.
Is anyone else having soldiers at conflict zones just walking during the battle and not running for cover or at objectives? Just finished a High ground cz and the npc soldiers were slowly walking towards hostiles and objectives and not running as they used to do.
My first attempt at using update 8 yesterday was a disaster, even setting graphics to lowest settings, I was lagging and freezing up, pretty much not playable on ground bases. I tried to visit 5 different settlements in the Colonia system, but had to abandon the attempt .

Today I saw a fix being done, so I decided to try again, here are a few initial observations .

The engineers are still not showing as active, so I decided to check out one of the new meet and collect missions leaving from Colonia Hub. I took an Apex just to test it out and apart from the usual froze throttle at 100% and the driver always requests permission AFTER permission has already been issued. ( Minor QOL but annoying) I had no difficulty in finding the npc. I made sure I had space in my backpack. Met with said npc, and all the dialogue and animations worked. But the npc didn’t physically pass me anything. I tried leaving the area, relogging and asked her several times to hand it over, but she never did, although she confirmed she had it, went through the motions etc. I lagged out again getting back to the Apex which left me like 10 seconds as my pc froze yet again. ( A full 4 minutes + to get approx 500 mtrs ) My fare was refunded though. Another Apex promptly arrived and took me back to the hub where I boarded my own ship and I logged back into horizons.

Personally I’m not that hooked into FPS combat, the main issues are not the content so much as the work up and Sheer Frustration at the lag, and of course the grind involved to get upgrades. The planets textures are getting back to where they were before Odessey, which is great. I’m also loving the new lighting . I will continue to keep trying as the updates and fixes are issued.

My FPS in SC was 75 steady.

On approach and glide 45-60

On Landing 30-40

on disembark 7-13 lagging big time and freezing, unable to move freely.

I acknowledge that my pc is bit of a potato processor wise, and my mobo RAM is capped at 8gb, but I do run it via a 1060 6gb nvidea and a SSD via a decent monitor. So it’s NOT all down to fdev . Incidentally I can run horizons in High Vr settings capping FPS at 60 , and for the record I haven’t even tried Odessey in VR . ( I dare’nt)

Odessey was playable for me for a while, but these recent updates hav just hit my cpu and gpu loading to the point where it is going to cost me shed loads to update and upgrade to be able to enjoy Odessey as it should be enjoyed. I’m due a house move soon, and is stopping me from upgrading sooner, but I would still like show my support for the dev team in their efforts to get things working. Despite the initial disappointing response on the launch of Odessey, here we are at update 8.1 and YouTube is filling with Cmdrs having fun. That’s what sells impressions, viewers witnessing groups of other players doing missions and having a giggle.

So cmdrs, if you want me .I’m in horizons, for now anyway.

fly safe and o7
@sallymorganmoore just following up on my previous post with some more details.

So the issue report on this is here: https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/41459

I hadn't realised that the issue is now marked as fixed so I immediately asked someone more familiar with this problem to check. I gather that although windscreen frosting levels in Odyssey are now similar to the levels shown in the first image in that issue report (i.e. current Horizons levels), they're still nowhere near their original beauty from 2019 Horizons (as shown in the 3rd image).

In an ironic twist, given that the 2019 "before" image shown in that bug report actually won 3rd place in last night's #StellarScreamShot competition I can only assume that people like it and would prefer to have those levels of windcsreen frosting returned to the game!

For reference here's another example of how things used to look, taken from my own screenshots folder (this time in the SRV).

It used to look even better back at release, before some patch during horizons. Seemed like they changed the entire system for it, used to use a super sweet shader with proper refractions, now it just seems to be an alpha channel effect.

But maybe I'm thinking of the beta... Still pretty sure it got modified to be way less cool during horizons at some point though. (Beta is the only place I can find evidence of how much better it was - Isinona -
Source: https://youtu.be/KbaLJTGHkj8?t=94

Actually, you can see a bit of it here in v1.3 of ED
Source: https://youtu.be/EZfE4XGPQO8?t=422

As an asteroid goes past the refraction is still there.

Big shame.
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Naw it's instances of Commanders being attacked for being in a Restricted Areas, but the area was not restricted.
That's a shame... Frontier Support Ticket 106955 was registered, because the issues system ticket got cancelled for not enough votes, despite 5 identical issues being marked as duplicate! Stupid issue system.

Taking a T10 to settlements is a heart-in-mouth experience - and the cheeky thing is they let me land. It's hilarious though. Imagine landing in a ship that half the size of the settlement and getting a warning "You have entered a trespass zone, you will be clobbered if you are spotted..." If I am spotted??? I'm in a T10 for goodness sake, you think?
I don't really want to sound polemic or aggressive, i need to just ask a sincere question: why is it that old crippling bugs are still unfixed (like the fines and bounty system and many missions that you can't complete, let alone the state of VR) after all these updates and FD has moved on to add even new features (like emotes and megaship interiors)? Won't it be more logical to fix current problems than potentially create some more? I know the issue tracker dictates the priorities, but it's a flawed system. Just because there are less players reporting a problem does not mean that the problem it's not there. Just curious about what gives the developers the priorities. Priorities that seem very wrong to me.
It does make me wonder how they perform their testing as well. It seems very odd that most of the time (not even just sometimes) with a new patch, -very- obvious bugs occur, which would generally be found by any tester who just played the game for an hour or so not even really looking for anything, nevermind if they actually were testing for things.

I just struggle to understand how these things seem to appear as a surprise once the servers go live, are they testing of a different server? if so... maybe... don't do that? because it's clearly not the same in some way.

These are client based things too, most of the time, not things that are different when hundreds of players are online - those, I can totally understand being a surprise.
It seems very odd that most of the time (not even just sometimes) with a new patch, -very- obvious bugs occur, which would generally be found by any tester who just played the game for an hour or so not even really looking for anything, nevermind if they actually were testing for things.

Really? I've been playing all day since 8.01 went live and I have confirmed one bug that didn't appear in the release notes has not yet been fixed. I have not noticed any of the other bugs that other people have raised here. The game is huge. Your statement above is a fallacy.
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