Elite Dangerous Update 14.01 Deployment Imminent.

I was surprised too but the Steam launcher will not see the update.
You have to run the game as usual through Steam.
Then the Elite Dangerous launcher will ask you to upgrade.
So, the upgrade is done through the Elite Dangerous launcher which is sad because it is not as good as the Steam launcher.
You have less options for the download.
All updates go thru the Elite Dangerous launcher process. It's never been any different. From the Frontier store, on Steam, and on Epic Games Launcher. It is all the same.
All updates go thru the Elite Dangerous launcher process. It's never been any different. From the Frontier store, on Steam, and on Epic Games Launcher. It is all the same.
On epic all updates happen from the epic store/launcher, not the ED launcher. I then load Elite like always and its fine, nothing needs to be done from the ED launcher. Updates on epic are usually larger in size too.
Please oh please fix the actual ranks for exobiology. This is the absolute worst possible resolution and a true kick in the balls to anyone that worked hard to get Elite. I was one of the top few in the game with how low people's progress had been and now I suddenly find myself VASTLY behind others who only had to spend a few hours and the only option, many of whom hit Elite V and it will now take hundreds of hours to get back to even. This is massive insult to injury and honestly, I'm not even sure it's worth playing the game anymore after getting so screwed over.
Thank you! hoping for no Exo nerf, i need to grind for my a fleet carrier, I've a little over a billion or so to go o_O

You get the same money, just the rank has changed so you won't rank up as fast, keep going, you will soon be able to afford two carriers!

I was at around 71% in Taxonomist and had only sold two samples taken since U14 dropped which is slightly disappointing.
Wow, that's really bad too. I'm seriously at the point I'm not sure I even want to play Elite Dangerous anymore. It was mildly annoying that suddenly a bunch of people were able to get elite in a couple hours after I had spent close to 100 to get it using a highly optimized approach that I came up with and shared with the community, but to now find that not only did people leapfrog past, but I'll have to redo my progress so far and also spend hundreds of hours more to get back, that's just making me feel literally ill.
I was 65% Geneticist, now 0% I had $362m (needed $440m to get to Elite). With the new balancing am I really only a Cataloger now? At what Exo level does $362m fall? And do I now have grind more Exo $$ just to get back to new Geneticist level? This is insane. I doubt I will ever do Exo again
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I didn't bother to do it before because the payout was next to nothing. But now I welcome Exobiology as an extension to Exploration. Instead of only scanning systems and planets I now can also swoop down on one and scan some plants. Some plants like living at the bottom of canyons so sometimes it involves some fancy canyon flying which (for me at least) is fun.

I'm glad that this activity not necessarily requires an SRV. I do most of the work with a ship. Plants are easy to spot 100 meters over the ground, swoop down and land, disembark on foot, scan the plant, get back on board and back into the air. The smaller the ship, the easier it gets. If this would only be possible with an SRV then I wouldn't do it. I hate SRV driving.
The fact it can now compete with other large money makers is good, but the way they handled the progress nerf is so bad I'm seriously considering quitting the game. I spent around 100+ hours to get elite pre-U14. I was one of like .03 percent of the player base to do it. Now .15% have Elite V from a few hours of work and I'm stuck spending hundreds of hours more if I ever want to catch up. The fact that people were able to overtake my progress in a few hours was a bit frustrating, but to now be unable to catch up again is just unbearable when I put so much effort in to leading the way on exobiology progress.
Thinking about it a bit more, I'm really hoping this is just a quick fix to something they intend to fix better. I'm theorizing that they may have had to use the total value earned stat rather than being able to code something that could re-calculate the value from discovered plants and realized that would drastically drop people's legitimately obtained ranks, so they just blocked them from dropping for now. That would explain the progress loss people saw. Hopefully that means the intent is to write a proper fix, recalculate the discoveries at current values and then update everyone's rank and progress accordingly.

Ideally they could do this with a slight buff to progress, say 2-3 times faster than it was rather than 20 times faster, and this would end up being able to be reflected by the new calculation bumping pre-U14 elites up to around Elite 2.
Please oh please fix the actual ranks for exobiology

Moving the goalposts - as in "rebalancing" the exobiology ranks to match the old pre U14 progression rate certainly feels like a jerk_move.
And even if it is quite logical, they should have been thinking about it before increasing the payouts and then one week later moving the goalposts regarding ranking.

How the "rebalancing" was done back in the days for exploration?
Did they increased only the exploration payout or they also moved the goalpost with exploration ranking?

Maybe they should rebalance the ranking for trading (which is a joke since mining changes in 3.3 followed by the other credits rebalance acts).
And maybe the ranking for combat too should be rebalance, since engineering making killing elite ships a pure joke?
Steam is not offering me any update (despite having "High priority" selected in updates tab for ED) and it's been 14 hours since the update was released.
I just can't play ED:


Anyone else with this problem?
Steam is not offering me any update (despite having "High priority" selected in updates tab for ED) and it's been 14 hours since the update was released.
I just can't play ED:

View attachment 336530

Anyone else with this problem?

Just exit the Steam client, then restart it.
Then monitor the downloads section of the steam client - it should start the downloads soon after restart


Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
No mention at all, not even a 'known issue' of the Comms Panel problems.

The inability to form or join wings greatly hampers the ability to co-operate. This should be at the top of the priorities list.
I'm so sorry deleteduser - can you link me the tracker tickets (apologies if this has already been done, it's been really busy and I'd love to catch up o7)


Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
@sallymorganmoore just so you know the text is still bugged , when sending or receiving a direct message the whole chat ui bugs out
Hey Aquilla! I'm really desperate to catch up on the UI issues. Just trying to find the best way to do it around the waters steadying.
I may end up being really annoying and asking for tracker tickets (sometimes repeatedly) just so I can reset myself a bit. I hope you don't mind o7


Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
I'm really interested in anyone who's exo rank has reset to 0%. Can you reply/quote this with your experience if you've had it please? So I can keep track. Sorry to be a pain o7
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