Elite Dangerous | Update 18.06 | Thargoid War overhaul |Tuesday 28 May 2024

and nerfing credits mean they can do more work in the background.

There's no rule saying they can't do both, though. If they're more important now than ever, then why not pay like they're that important? Instead, what we are probably going to see is an increase of importance of getting spires done, but a decrease in interest from most people in doing them, because they were doing them for the money to begin with.

You may disagree, but I'm guessing after the patch there will be a notable decline in player interest in the sites and the war overall as people move to other things after earning their cash. It happens very often after a widely enjoyed source of cash gets nerfed, almost like clockwork.
I know it can be done with non-guardian AX weapon. But I want to use my pre-engineered guardian shards at Spire sites. Period.
You can use the pre-engineered guardian weapons at spire sites. Just bring an afmu for the inevitable repairs.
It's not really feasible to hunt orthrus nhss with those weapons tho.
I'm not finding it pointless; quite the contrary. -i know about the faucets just like i remember the mining rush leading up to the release of FCs. (and others)
-that being said i do still believe the orthrus are an important element to the mechanics and nerfing credits mean they can do more work in the background.
(again, this is mostly based on them being spawned in such high numbers from both spires and downed titans, along with their presence in alert systems)

OT i find it a bit interesting the changes are coming after Hadad, not before. -halfway(4/8) changes makes sense too however.
It might be interesting to see what happens if Haded gets ignored for a couple of days so that the changes come in before it goes pffft.
It might be interesting to see what happens if Haded gets ignored for a couple of days so that the changes come in before it goes pffft.
Very unlikely to happen. It’s already almost down three hearts… and it’s definitely not making Saturday, if it even survives Friday/tomorrow.

And RE Orthrus credit nerf, to put it simply, why should an easily killed, barely evasive and extremely slow transport/recon craft with hardly any defenses worth speaking of(esp now with AGF immunity) pay out the same as a Medusa used to/does again now?

I favor the game aspect over the lore in this one. Because one target is a snail with a caustic trail, the other is one that’s going to very quickly tear your ship’s hull a few new ones if you make too many mistakes.
More access to AX hostile reactivation missions - those are fun, challenging and spooky - currently there have been none near 1/2 the titans - including Hadad
Why nerf Orthrus payouts this late into the war? If they were overtuned, why didn't they get nerfed within the first week or two of spires going live?
Almost certainly to make people try out the other mechanics. People have a tendency to stick with what they have. If spires remain the best way of making money, people will just keep on doing that, even if it's no longer the best way of winning the war.

And honestly, they have been massively overpaying since the beginning.
Almost certainly to make people try out the other mechanics.

Or, people will just take the money they've made and will make, and let other people fight the war, because having a liked activity nerfed isn't fun and isn't a good way to drive player involvement. It's going to be in every discord that this update is nerfing spires, so people are gonna grind hard this weekend, get their carrier, and then take a break from AX since it's getting nerfed.
Or, people will just take the money they've made and will make, and let other people fight the war, because having a liked activity nerfed isn't fun and isn't a good way to drive player involvement. It's going to be in every discord that this update is nerfing spires, so people are gonna grind hard this weekend, get their carrier, and then take a break from AX since it's getting nerfed.
If people really quit because they are only making 800 million an hour rather than 2 billion in an hour, I don't know what to say to them.

To be perfectly frank, credit totals have inflated so massively that they basically have no meaning anymore. Heck, even at the new rates, income rates will still be so insane as to be hardly believed. The fact that people can complain about income rates that are in excess of 100 times what you could have gotten just a few years ago boggles the mind.
2 billion in an hour.
in excess of 100 times what you could have gotten just a few years ago boggles the mind.

Yeah 20M hasn't been the norm since maybe year one of the game's release. Since then, cash has flowed quite well year after year for the better part of the game's existence if you looked for it. The average person wasn't getting 2B/hour at the spires, either. And since you're such a fan of nerfs, feel free to pull double shifts to cover for me, I have other stuff to do now.
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Yeah 20M hasn't been the norm since maybe year one of the game's release. Since then, cash has flowed quite well year after year for the better part of the game's existence if you looked for it. The average person wasn't getting 2B/hour at the spires, either. And since you're such a fan of nerfs, feel free to pull double shifts to cover for me, I have other stuff to do now.

Good luck!

Honestly, if the only thing that brings you joy is 'big number going up', you're gonna need to find something better, because that high only lasts so long.
The only surprising thing is that they waited this long to nerf Orthrus payouts. Spire sites have already minted countless multibillionaires so just about everybody who cared to has all the credits they'll ever need already.

Upon their first introduction Orthrus were worth 50mil and very easy to kill solo. Frontier was quick then to cut the payout in half and beef up their defenses so they'd be harder to farm.

The 40mil payout was a later partial de-nerf to try and get players to hunt them to clear alerts, but somebody over there just really didn't understand their own numbers on war progress and all they managed to do was give birth to the spire money printer.
Very unlikely to happen. It’s already almost down three hearts… and it’s definitely not making Saturday, if it even survives Friday/tomorrow.
I bombed Titan yesterday, mostly for the stickers, but the most important thing is to score Titan before Monday. Update Tuesday and Monday will be the greatest day of cutting Orphos at 40M a piece !

Good Beetle = Dead Beetle ! (Star Troopers)
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With regards to the Titan damage changes, please don't make it impossible to do 2m damage prior to vulnerability. A lot of folk can't play in the short time that the Titan is vulnerable and still alive. This would make the FOMO even worse, effectively cutting the 7 day window we currently have to ~3 days to be able to do enough damage to qualify for the rewards.
Spires no longer lose progress? Okay then… totally screams valuable to the Thargoids to me.
This says Spires are going to have to be carefully managed to me, loose it and they're gone.
Whilst the Orthrus' fans might see them as credit mines, to a saboteur they're more a source of mats.
Admittedly my engineering has progressed so far since I started these it's not quite as strong a push as at the start so I'm essentially topping up the inventory again.
However the possibility that we could run out of spires quickly leaving significant numbers of control systems at a Titan might be something we'd have to plan for...🤔
Ordinary shard cannons with the anti anti Guardian field mod are  the way to quickly pop an Orthrus. You can mount 2 medium & 4 large on your Conda, you'll be doing more damage than you would with the modshards. You just need get closer, so swap some of those heat sinks for caustic sinks. I've personally made billions in a shardvette, it's ridiculous fun. BLAM BLAM BLAM

Well that would have been good information to know, instead of me having to jump the required hoops for 6 modshards that cause my shardconda to instantly overheat with a single pull of the trigger. Oh well, live and learn I guess.
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