In order:
* Question's a bit malformed -- the OP was referring to their opinion regarding design by committee. To be fair, "Sharknado" did the concept no favors. OP never stated they were being disagreed with directly.
* There are a number of negative views (and a few positive ones) that don't appear to be properly informed. Without calling anyone out by name, some examples include forgetting wealth is a relative concept (what is onerous for some is trivial for others; tends to result in a frame of reference that is a bit more myopic than might be useful), misinformation about jump range (fuel tank's 1000 tons but the fuel is a commodity and can be stored as such) and the perceived difficulty in acquiring fuel (focus seems to be solely on mining for some when it will also be sold at stations). It would be a good idea to remember during this (and, frankly, every) discussion to maybe leave emotions out of it. It's just a game after all. We're not buying real fleet carriers, we won't have real maintenance. It's all just digital non-stuff, same as every game!
* Well... I've seen that particular view expressed in a number of ways. Some of those views were concise, fact-based, to-the-point and eschewed unfortunately-common logic errors. Other views were more rooted in emotion, and some of those were... wow. REALLY angry. I mean, to read a few of these, it's like they were written in the middle of an active torture session and the writers' perceived enemies were inflicting genuine pain and suffering on them as they wrote. One of the most important things to remember in a conversation about game mechanics and the like (esp. ones that aren't even released or finalized yet) is to approach the discussion in a fact-based, non-angry manner. Comments that attack other people, in particular, have no place in a rational discussion about a video game. I'm painfully aware it's not like that, but ideally it should be. Makes discussions quite a bit more productive.
As far as UC being omitted at the start of the beta -- I'm not sure why. I won't know until I get into the beta. But I definitely think it's important to try and go into the beta with an open mind and no preconceived notions, positive or negative.