Fleet Carriers Update patch 1 - Downtime and patch notes

really!? we just started to enjoy mining and found something less mind numbing than laser strip mining and you NERF our fun!??!

This is ridiculous. what was the point of nerfing it? first core mining voids became a waste of time, now subsurface isn't lucrative either?!

give us something here... like make combat worth more since its higher risk. something
You can still do it, rly do you need 1258129 millions per hour to have fun?
This is so sad :(
No word on fixing LTD galactic average to fleet carriers can be more competitive with stations?

The galactic average dropped 200k for no reason during the previous patch.
Why am I getting an error? Launcher says Server Status is "OK" and the Play button is there.
weird error.jpg
You must be new here.

In Elite Dangerous you can have fun, or you can make a good profit, but never both.
People were enjoying SSDs too much so it gets the nerf bat IMMIDIATELY, but 4 year old bugs and oversights are still present.

Combat pay will NEVER be buffed because that goes against their business model. Its "fun" so that is your payment (according to Fdev). People have been asking them to do that for AGES but the only adjustments have been nerfs to combat pay.
They've nerfed everything we love and enjoy about this game.

As a combat player, I demand pay equity! I mine because I'd go broke playing combat. and powerplay costs more than it pays and so does BGS. I go mining so I can afford to play the game the way I like it. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
I find the glee & congratulations on the nerf coming from those who already made their carrier £$£ from easy 'old' Borann to be somewhat disgusting.

You'd not be so happy if they took YOUR outragous money back .
You guys had more than half year.
With 200m/h mining it give you few minutes daily :)
And they dosent took your money, lol. You still have precious credits on account xD
They've nerfed everything we love and enjoy about this game.

As a combat player, I demand pay equity! I mine because I'd go broke playing combat. and powerplay costs more than it pays and so does BGS. I go mining so I can afford to play the game the way I like it. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
You can easily make 200mill an hour doing other things including combat
Only at "the fringe" of a hotspot? Apparently in the middle of a triple overlap is still dandy according to the notes.
Will have to wait and see..

Ah, if that's how it's going to work, that's fine. I might be in the minority here, but I quite like laser mining for LTD's (yes, and their cash result) and I get a little cheap thrill when I find a high content 'roid with > 20% LTD's on it.

At this moment in time, I can get an FC (torn as to whether I will) but I was hoping for a little bit more cash so I could give it a decent outfitting and LTD laser mining was my vehicle to doing that.

As you say, let's wait and see! (y)
They've nerfed everything we love and enjoy about this game.

As a combat player, I demand pay equity! I mine because I'd go broke playing combat. and powerplay costs more than it pays and so does BGS. I go mining so I can afford to play the game the way I like it. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Combat isn't boring, mining is (according to most players). That's why combat earns less. Supply and demand. To incentivise people to do something else.
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