Frontier: give the FSD to ALL players, regardless of whether they took part or not

Good idea, this evil can only be fought by another kind of evil.

Seeing the fuzz here I hope FD reconsiders and removes all double engineered modules and never bothers with them again.
And while doing that, they can burn the legacy modules on the same pyre.

As a protest, I haven't downloaded my free copy of Elite Dangerous from Epic yet. That'll teach em.
i agree

also make all ships and modules free and engineering accessible from any starport only costing few CR. All the time we spend to engineer ships we could be using to have better life quality with our families

Is this post serious? i can't tell.
Poe's Law these days.
Im loving that can I talk to your manager skin is it in the store?
I wondered what all the kerfuffle was at Jameson Memorial and why “the manager” was a bit red faced.

I'm desperately hoping for a Karen skin in Odyssey.
Hassling the shopkeepers and parking my cobraMKIV like a spanner across multiple parent and child bays (without a child present).

biscuit boy and his cbeebies replacements
:D :D
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You have - inadvertently I'm sure - penalised all those players that played by YOUR rules.

Many of them are now effectively worse off. Specifically:

1. Those that didn't bother to enter the CG as they knew they wouldn't have the time to reach the top 25%.
2. Those that entered but quit before 75% for the same reason.

If you are interested in being perceived to be fair (actually, just being fair!), and if you want to retain confidence, you should hand it out to everyone, and give the top 25% a paintjob or something, so at least their effort is rewarded.
You forgot: Those that went to work at 75%, and came home to a completed CG outside of 75%. It ended so fast.

I don't think we should get one for free, but we should be able to get one through engineering. This one is far more potent than the missile rack. It's a pretty huge advantage.
If I observe you booting up a g5 fsd whilst slightly closer to a black hole than you, it'll appear to boot up much faster.
Hassling the shopkeepers and parking my cobraMKIV like a spanner across multiple parent and child bays (without a child present).

^^ Definitely what I was thinking.

I visited a black hole / neutron binary that had been previously discovered by another Cmdr.
Clearly this guy was playing the game before me! AND has discovery on a unique system that I will never have!
And he'd mapped the gas giants <grumble grumble>

Or .. I suggest .. get a Guardian FSD booster and grin when you're winning.
^^ Definitely what I was thinking.

I visited a black hole / neutron binary that had been previously discovered by another Cmdr.
Clearly this guy was playing the game before me! AND has discovery on a unique system that I will never have!
And he'd mapped the gas giants <grumble grumble>

Or .. I suggest .. get a Guardian FSD booster and grin when you're winning.

“First Discovered By: Everyone, because we are all the winners here”
Actually I made the top 25% so have one already.

If you see a flaw in the logic, please spell it out and I'll accept it.

The flaw in your logic is you're too narrow minded to realize that a lot of people busted their asses to get in the Top 25% when they could have literal done less than 1/10 of work to get the same reward. I killed over 25 Thargoids to get in the Top 25%, All I needed was just 1 to make the top 75%. Before this event I only killed one, and that one was hard earned. I haul 16K tons - 2/3 straight from the bubble. One, just one full load trip in my Type 9 would have putme into the top 75% for the trade CG. To drop it down to 75% is a complete slap in my face and cheapens the effort I put into these CGs. What you're suggesting is another slap.
The flaw in your logic is you're too narrow minded to realize that a lot of people busted their asses to get in the Top 25% when they could have literal done less than 1/10 of work to get the same reward. I killed over 25 Thargoids to get in the Top 25%, All I needed was just 1 to make the top 75%. Before this event I only killed one, and that one was hard earned. I haul 16K tons - 2/3 straight from the bubble. One, just one full load trip in my Type 9 would have putme into the top 75% for the trade CG. To drop it down to 75% is a complete slap in my face and cheapens the effort I put into these CGs. What you're suggesting is another slap.
So, you liked the extra credits ? ;)
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