Community Event / Creation [Fuel Rats Community Goal] The Big Jump.

So when's this supposed to start?
I've been at Jaques for about 6 hours now and nothing on the BB.

Hey Graxxor buddy

It was supposed to have started at the usual, which I think is 16:00 UTC. Without wishing to be condescending at all, I know that his board is normally empty, so it may be worth logging out and back in in case the CG hasn't appeared? I know they were tinkering with it at the FD side and waiting for some things to filter through to the servers so that may be something to do with it.

Cheers, The Hat :)
Ok, I'm currently 6 kly out from Sol.... that's about 6 hours of jonking back. Anyone got an address for a decent high tech world to refit my Python from explorer to cargo?

Otherwise, I might just stop at Diaguandri, sort-of on the way.

Oh, and any indications about the tiers so far? Tier 5 = Beagle Point, Tier 4 = Sgr A* or something like that?

No Distance set per Tier. He'll jump to Beagle once first Tier is reached, but you'll be rewarded handsomely for any supplement of Fuel you'll provide. Make me Proud, reach the Final (Fron)Tier !
Park & Ride to Beagle Point is awesome but raises major concerns.

I was expecting this CG to be about Jaques completely running out of fuel, thereby nicely explaining why he hasn't moved for AGES and also implying a commitment on FD's part to start moving the station on a regular basis again. With the story now being that he needs extra fuel to get to Beagle point this now ruins that nice explanation of his lack of movement and also no longer implies any such commitment to keep him moving. This also then begs a further question ... if we hitch a ride to Beagle point, when will he move again (if ever)? Might we be left stranded on the other side of the galaxy?


Volunteer Moderator
Oh that makes me sad too. I like Alec thought this was an explanation for the shocking lack of Jaques interaction for almost a year. Apparently not. More appropriately is how on Earth he's going to get back and how long is it going to take him? Another year :(
Can someone give a brief synopsis please on what Engineers are? Sorry if it is something I should know, but I had never seen it before this talk about Jaques and so on. Ta :)
Engineers have nothing to do with alcohol, so you probably won't be interested :p
As for any connection between Jaques and any engineers, that's just wild speculation on my part.
Jaques is about to embark on his most ambitious expedition yet – a long-distance jump from Gliese 1269 to Beagle Point.

This does read as one jump of over 50,000 light years from Gliese 1269 to Beagle Point. This doesn't make much sense given the current level of technology in the game. (not to mention a high wake that would change the orbits of planets.)

It would make more sense that this is his final destination and would take several months (or years) to get to. Stopping at many of the more interesting places along the way. I would love to see this station around Sag A for a while, and any of the major nebulas etc... Giving new explorers to the game more reasons to go deeper and deeper out.

Just having one jump and be done I think would be a waste of a really good idea. I would have liked to have seen the Galnet posts of each week where the station has made it to. There could have been many more CG's as his station breaks down or needs resupply as he got further and further away from the bubble.

Devs, can you reconsider your storyline to allow for this kind of thing?

Park & Ride to Beagle Point is awesome but raises major concerns.

I was expecting this CG to be about Jaques completely running out of fuel, thereby nicely explaining why he hasn't moved for AGES and also implying a commitment on FD's part to start moving the station on a regular basis again. With the story now being that he needs extra fuel to get to Beagle point this now ruins that nice explanation of his lack of movement and also no longer implies any such commitment to keep him moving. This also then begs a further question ... if we hitch a ride to Beagle point, when will he move again (if ever)? Might we be left stranded on the other side of the galaxy?

i have seen the cg in the new beta, so...if it were to move near the end of beta, hitch a ride, no risk.
He may be stockpiling Fuel for one jump there and one jump back.
Global reward : Jaques can jump.
Higher Tier : Jaques can come back. :D
i have seen the cg in the new beta, so...if it were to move near the end of beta, hitch a ride, no risk.
Be very funny to have everyone dock the night before release.... load up their new and shiny 2.1 with all the anticipation of being at BP and then find themselves floating out in the middle of empty space about 7 Kly out ...
<Fast Forward to the Future>>>>>>>>>>
In a press release today, the Cyborg known as Jaques said of the large number of Commanders he left stranded, "Bloody Hitchers... I had to get rid of all that dead weight to make the station light enough to get there!"
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Allowing the CMDRs parked at Jaques station a free ride to Beagle Point is a really bad call - and I hope this is not how a successfull community goal would be implemented.

The Distant Worlds Expedition is still on, and we are a group of people in the slow-boat flotilla due for arrival at Beagle Point app. 31st of May. The last thing I would want was to be greated by griefers or reckless pilots when we finally reach our goal after more than 80k LYs of honest travel, effort and commitment. Not only would this impose a security risk for explorers at Beagle Point, it would diminish the accomplishment for everyone who ever travelled that distance and back under their own steam. The 65K LY club would never be the same again.

So dear Fuel Rats - since you have initiated this community goal, please urge the developers to send Jaques Station empty towards Beagle. You can allways have them site the necessity for loosing deadweight in order to be able to make the jump... ;)

No seriously though - this needs to be looked into.
Engineers have nothing to do with alcohol
I just realised just how wrong that statement is[uhh]
Would ya like ta repeat that agairn laddy? :D

Scotty is a legend!

Anyway after my stint in Gliese 1269 today things look to be progressing well the first tier has been reached and when I logged out there had been 517,093 tonnes of fuel delivered. Well done everyone lets keep it up!

As I sat and pondered a while I looked up to see CMDR's coming and going pretty frequently and in such a rush it seems that the the big boys just won't let anyone get there first!

Also my new paint job (or old paint job as it looks!) I think the battered and weathered look is great and is so nearly a fuel rat skin that it will do for now!!



Volunteer Moderator
So with regards to this competition thingy (stop me if I am getting too technical here...) Are contributors supposed to send their screenshot at the start of the CG to show they have registered, or at the end showing their final total?
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Allowing the CMDRs parked at Jaques station a free ride to Beagle Point is a really bad call - and I hope this is not how a successfull community goal would be implemented.

The Distant Worlds Expedition is still on, and we are a group of people in the slow-boat flotilla due for arrival at Beagle Point app. 31st of May. The last thing I would want was to be greated by griefers or reckless pilots when we finally reach our goal after more than 80k LYs of honest travel, effort and commitment. Not only would this impose a security risk for explorers at Beagle Point, it would diminish the accomplishment for everyone who ever travelled that distance and back under their own steam. The 65K LY club would never be the same again.

So dear Fuel Rats - since you have initiated this community goal, please urge the developers to send Jaques Station empty towards Beagle. You can allways have them site the necessity for loosing deadweight in order to be able to make the jump... ;)

No seriously though - this needs to be looked into.

Allowing the CMDRs parked at Jaques station a free ride to Beagle Point is a really bad call - and I hope this is not how a successfull community goal would be implemented.

The Distant Worlds Expedition is still on, and we are a group of people in the slow-boat flotilla due for arrival at Beagle Point app. 31st of May. The last thing I would want was to be greated by griefers or reckless pilots when we finally reach our goal after more than 80k LYs of honest travel, effort and commitment. Not only would this impose a security risk for explorers at Beagle Point, it would diminish the accomplishment for everyone who ever travelled that distance and back under their own steam. The 65K LY club would never be the same again.

So dear Fuel Rats - since you have initiated this community goal, please urge the developers to send Jaques Station empty towards Beagle. You can allways have them site the necessity for loosing deadweight in order to be able to make the jump... ;)

No seriously though - this needs to be looked into.

I generally have to agree.

When Jaques was re-introduced to the Elite universe I envisioned hitching a ride every Friday to a new part of the galaxy. Each week I could explore a new area of space, return to Jaques' on Friday and be off again to a new adventure. Sadly, this never happened. The whole point of Jaques was that explorers could hitch a ride each week to a new location.

If I'm docked at Jaques when he makes his big jump to Beagle Point then, rightly, I should be jumped along with him. They shouldn't just boot me out of the station just because Beagle Point is some sacred pilgrimage site. Here's a long-stretch example of why: Lets say I pull into Jaques bleeding air because my canopy has blown. I dock and exit the game without affecting repairs. When I log in again, if I've been left drifting in space instead of being jumped along with Jaques, then I'm dead. I'll never make it to another station before I lose life support.

All of this makes jumping Jaques to Beagle Point a really, really bad idea. The 65,000Ly club becomes meaningless if so much as one single Commander makes it there by hitching a ride with Jaques. Plus ... if Jaques can make that jump in a single go that is really, really, really bad.

If they do this I hope beyond hope that they'll have Jaques make small, incremental weekly jumps on the way to Beagle Point. No matter how they sell it though: Beagle Point just became a tourist destination.
I generally have to agree.
When Jaques was re-introduced to the Elite universe I envisioned hitching a ride every Friday to a new part of the galaxy. Each week I could explore a new area of space, return to Jaques' on Friday and be off again to a new adventure. Sadly, this never happened. The whole point of Jaques was that explorers could hitch a ride each week to a new location.

Well, a new mission for the anti-griefer and Explorer protection groups like Iridium Wing ;)
Seriously, while on the one hand people would suddenly appear at Beagle Point, well, the real challenge I see there is ... actually getting back to the Bubble. In the little Trading Adder you just docked with at Jacques when it jumped.

I can't imagine teh station will just jump. More like it will warn Commanders that it might jump in X days/weeks, and maybe will close down some days before jump there?

And ... if it suddenly jumps with all docked ships, we FuelRats would have a LOT to do in the following weeks (yay!), so from that perspective ... :D
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