Horizons Give up..

Big ships are just ridiculously easy to get using exploits if you are so inclined.
Because of this people burn through what little content there is in no time and with little challenge.
Then they get bored and as they did not have to put any effort in...and a lack of empathy....blablabla
bigduke i AM doing something about it. i am staying in solo and when the trolls start whining about how groups and solo need to be banned to force people to go be their victims again, i speak up to defend solo.

i would like to add its refreshing to have an actual DISCUSSION like we are here without it deteriorating into crude insults. there is another forum i wont name where they are having the nerf/bah my fave overpowered combo was nerfed roll back the patch' discussion is ongoing, and by coincidence they are bemoaning something being nerfed as now everyone is sniping. (the issue is one hit kill weapons or combos that lead to overuse of it when it wasnt meant to be constant, but a tactical use). that too often deteriorates into insults which makes mods close the thread. i dare say we wont ever fully agree on many things about elite but at least we can respect each others point of view.
The other problem is that when someone gets blown up for no apparent reason, it seems to be against the forum rules for them to name, 'shame' and organise a bounty hunt via the forum. Mods, please comment.
I flew a sidewinder for months but there was a patch several months ago that I found made it feel much weaker. My suggestion would be to go solo, go to a nav beacon and get comfortable fighting and building up a few hundred thousand credits then switch to a Cobra. It's quick, somewhat durable and its speed allows you to escape from most misery.


Lack of consequences in this game is what allows so-called "Oh, but I am a sociopath" behaviour.

There should be penalties in place and they should scale according to crime committed.
Key word: Consequences!

Thing is, that system security is a joke and bounty system is even bigger joke. NPC hunting you down? BOOOORING. You get 10M+ bounty, you can only play in open and anyone with bounty hunter scanner (new item, 50LY range) will get systems marked with online pirates with 10M+ bounty, they don't know name, they dont know who they just know what system and hunt begins.

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The whole "problem" can be easily made to go away if Frontier wanted it to. A simple 3 strikes and you're out system can be implemented:

1. OK you kill a CMDR the first time we'll give you benefit, perhaps it was by accident or misjudgement so you get the penalties as they are now.

2. 2nd CMDR kill within 7 days of the first and you LOOSE 95% of your entire in game credit value. For example let's say you have a 'Conda worth 200 Mil with upgrades and 50mil cash, you loose the ship and end up with 12.5 mil and a Sidey instead of 250 mil.

3. 3rd kill within 28 days of the first and your account is reset to 1000cr and a Sidey at a starting system.

See, problem solved. But because the griefers and murderers will start crying to Frontier and it means possible loss of income , what the vast silent majority want will remain just a wish.

I'm trader/miner and i find this idea stupid, like real dumb idea that is not thouth out and straight dictatorship punishment. No fun elements at all. PVP is part of the game, lack of proper punishment is cause of lot of non consetual pvp.
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As others have stated. Move out of these systems. I'm only 100ly out from the likes of Eravate and I never even see other players.

lol i think that part of that is letting other ships damage a wanted ship and just taking a shot near the end to get the bounty?

wouldnt it be cool if you got nicknames from npcs for some actions. someone who joins a fight only when its won like this, they could when requesting docking get the response (if they do it consistently) oh its commander xyz 'the brave' request granted!
The other problem is that when someone gets blown up for no apparent reason, it seems to be against the forum rules for them to name, 'shame' and organise a bounty hunt via the forum. Mods, please comment.

Since it's not against the rules to blow someone up for no reason, that is where the problem lies.

Frankly, unless FD decide that destruction of a clean player is against the rules, which I do not believe they will, then it can and will continue to happen. Destruction of innocents is part of the game by design, and while the desire to bounty hunt the aggressor is a noble one, and would be fine, since they would be wanted in game (at least in some jurisdictions), it's very easy to evade, and when you add instancing into the mix, would probably end up as fruitless 'gameplay' for the posse.
Since it's not against the rules to blow someone up for no reason, that is where the problem lies.

Frankly, unless FD decide that destruction of a clean player is against the rules, which I do not believe they will, then it can and will continue to happen. Destruction of innocents is part of the game by design, and while the desire to bounty hunt the aggressor is a noble one, and would be fine, since they would be wanted in game (at least in some jurisdictions), it's very easy to evade, and when you add instancing into the mix, would probably end up as fruitless 'gameplay' for the posse.

Earlier in this thread a useful distinction was made between piracy and griefery (is that a word?). FD clearly intended piracy, I don't believe they intended, or like the effect of, grief-ing. In that light, I would recommend a bi-part solution:

1. Take away part of the incentive to grief: If you are blown up "for no reason" then you get moved to your current destination, ship and cargo intact. No insurance fee. Obviously, this will engender a different type of undesirable behaviour, namely blowing up a friend to move them to their target instantaneously. Hence, the second part. The drives and hatch on a ship may be selected as targets for a reason.

2. KOS status for the pirate: If you do no take out someone's hatch by deliberate aimed shot you become KOS to the system authorities AND all of the factions friendly to the pilot of the ship you destroyed. By "KOS" I mean that there are Interdicter posses in all systems that hunt until destroyed or their target system-jumps. (Thus true pirates, the stand and deliver types and those that use the limpets or blow the hatches can continue to ply their "trade.")
Since it's not against the rules to blow someone up for no reason, that is where the problem lies.

Frankly, unless FD decide that destruction of a clean player is against the rules, which I do not believe they will, then it can and will continue to happen. Destruction of innocents is part of the game by design, and while the desire to bounty hunt the aggressor is a noble one, and would be fine, since they would be wanted in game (at least in some jurisdictions), it's very easy to evade, and when you add instancing into the mix, would probably end up as fruitless 'gameplay' for the posse.

Very simple for FD to lock naughty boys and girls into a group where bounty hunters can go and find them. A bit like Mobius, but instead of PvE it's PvScum. You murder, then you are locked into PvS for a month or until death.
Very simple for FD to lock naughty boys and girls into a group where bounty hunters can go and find them. A bit like Mobius, but instead of PvE it's PvScum. You murder, then you are locked into PvS for a month or until death.

Sounds like a terrible idea.

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1. Take away part of the incentive to grief: If you are blown up "for no reason" then you get moved to your current destination, ship and cargo intact. No insurance fee. Obviously, this will engender a different type of undesirable behaviour, namely blowing up a friend to move them to their target instantaneously. Hence, the second part. The drives and hatch on a ship may be selected as targets for a reason.

This completely nullifies the freedom and immersion the game provides, non-contextual Pking should remain, but it should have penalty on the Pker, not perk for the victim.
hi David.
no the reason i'm stuck in a side winder (, cos of persons who play in open as ..eerrrrm"pirates'
which is o.k . if that s how 'they' want to play and i do think it gives the game some spice.
Yet/ But, it's alright for the 'PRO- pirate players to say.."boo hoo, learn to play-fly better'.
when most players,who are in trading /exploring, Generally single fly around the game -open- environment-.
The pirate player, on the other hand, tend to play in groups of Two's and threes. and in the massive big ships.
--On just ONE trip through Everate i was hit 3 times , twice by the same group.....WOW thats some great flying/challenge guys..
3 cobras on a single hauler-- Also been taken out by 2 imperials couriers at the same time.and the sad list continued till I just gave up playing this game.
I find it very 'odd' nay, amusing, that now days on the frontier forums,-and other chat areas-It seems those playing as pirates are now complaining that it's not fair to have groups, and solo play.. because thats where 'most 'players are now heading.
--if you pull all the apples off the tree,and keep doing it.....you soon run out of fruit to pick lol...
As for the 'game' .I think crime V punishment is needing a fix. as there is no punishment.And no difference in any system. no matter if its a high 'civilized' or 'anarchy' system . the police level is the same .. crap...

Having played the 'elite - frontiers game of old, you know your taking a 'risk' travelling through anarchy systems -but the rewards are great.
Try picking a fight in leeesti and police jump from everywhere.. they 'swarm' you. It's Unfortunate this is not the same for EDH.it would give those PVP +pirate players the challenge they so desire.
well ,this turned into a rant about a tired, old subject, that is not going to change .Apologies

Hi, I know, it's a problem many have but it's easy to fix, there are many options, you can play Solo, join the so called Mobius group.
However I recommend just changing system, the galaxy is huge and there are tons of inhabited systems to play in, I can assure you most systems don't have pirate players and many are hardly visited by players.
Doing cargo hauling is not that difficult but it can become really hard if you keep trying doing business in systems where pirates usually hang out, also don't go to top profit systems, that's where pirates are, if you just started, you can still do hauling but stay away from those systems, that's where you need to play in group and have powerful ships or you get killed over and over again, no need to give up, just change your approach to the game and you will start having fun

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Hey people, that seems we are at it again, this is a very old argument "they kill me, FD do something!" LOL, this is not how it works, reading your suggestions that seems you think attacking players equates to griefing. It doesn't at all !!! Killing and being killed is part of the game, it would completely ruin the game if FD started taking actions against pirate players, it would not make sense, if you don't like Open play, play Solo, it's simple.
I think it's pretty obvious how immersion breaking it is.

Not really, not at all. Essentially, you are wanted and no amount of instancing (21st century technical restriction) is going to hide you, so you'll have to run, hide or die fighting. Either way, there are consequences for your actions.
Not really, not at all. Essentially, you are wanted and no amount of instancing (21st century technical restriction) is going to hide you, so you'll have to run, hide or die fighting. Either way, there are consequences for your actions.

That sounds no different than Open mode. Making an exclusive criminal mode would mean that FD does not want psycho Cmdrs in the game in its normal operation, which developers have stated the contrary.
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